Many Sides of a Murder by Ujjwal Kumar - HTML preview

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The Last Hearing


The big day, was here. Finally. Finally now the country can take a sigh of relief. Today will be the verdict. The verdict to the most anticipated, most talked about case of Samar Singhania’s murder.

The one possible culprit is Vivaan. No one is opposite to him whom he could have blamed in all these dates. One who could have been the probable guilty in this case. But not. It’s everyone against him.

And now, Rajveer is also not seen. A person who truly cares for the innocent and doesn’t for the guilty. Such a hard-working, honest man in the police department is nowhere to be seen.

It’s already time for the hearing to begin and there is already a stir in the media after they haven’t seen Rajveer around. Because since he was the main investigating officer, he should have been present here. But no.

“Case number 23798/C77”

Inside the court now.

Albert- Your honor, now there’s nothing much left in this case. I think Mr. A.K. also hasn’t got much to say now.

A.K.- I think that’s on me, your honor.

Sarita Roy- You may proceed, Mr. Sharma.

Sharma- Thank you, your honor. Now I would like to draw everyone’s attention to something else.

Albert d Souza wasn’t expecting such an answer. Such a starting statement. Did he really have something like a real proof?

Sharma- Mr. d Souza here, once talked of Vivaan’s accusation in molesting Kriti. Kriti, come here in the witness box.

Kriti was present there, but not expecting this. She wasn’t prepared by Albert d Souza the last night, though Vivaan was.

She was there, in a few seconds, in the witness box.

“I do solemnly affirm that what I shall state shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”

Sharma- You have said this, so now will you be speaking the whole truth?

Kriti- Yes, sir.

Sharma- Did Vivaan molest you or you were accusing him falsely?

Kriti- Sir he did.

Albert- Of course, he did. There’s no doubt about it. And I guess I proved it also. Don’t you remember Mr. Sharma?

Sarita Roy- Mr. Albert, please don’t speak in between, please. You will be given time to speak. And Mr. Sharma, we have discussed this so please elaborate.

A.K.- Yes your honor. This is my point. This is what I want to show the whole court. It is a CD of a meeting between Rajveer and Kriti Singhania. Here, she is saying something different.

The CD showed the two of them present. Kriti and Rajveer are present. This CD is different from the previous meeting where Manya was also present. Here, only two are present. And Kriti accepts lying in the court.

Sarita Roy- Enough. It’s been enough. Kriti, you are now accused of lying in the court. You don’t have any respect for the jury, for the judge, for anyone present here. This court shall not hear any more statements either for Kriti Singhania or by her. Mr. Sharma, you may proceed.

Kriti was then ordered to come out of the witness box. She was shocked. Disturbed. Affected. And what not.

Albert also was furious. He was scared also. He feared that what happened to Kriti, could happen to any of the witnesses present here.

The look on Arun’s face was also some kind of confident now. Kind of more confident. And he was also about to start with the same speed once again. Had he recorded the whole last night? Whatever happened in Vivaan’s garage? Was he about to show all that to the Court? This could bring Albert d Souza’s career to an end straightaway. This could keep him shattered all his life.

A.K.- Thank you, your honor. Now I want to talk about another previous date. Where Mr. Albert here, talked about some evidences been removed. I would like to call the forensic expert, Mr. Robert in the witness box, please.

This was it. This was the moment Albert had been waiting for all this while. Now he could easily talk anything and change the topic. He was relieved.

Albert- Objection, your honor!

Sarita Roy- Overruled.

Hell. Absolutely hell. How can she? How can she do such a deep wound to Albert?

Sharma- Mr. Robert, tell the court about the ‘wiped’ finger prints.

Robert- No finger prints have been wiped from the crime spot since I have been there on the first night, the night of the murder.

Sharma- Have you tried using them to identify someone, who could be the main culprit?

Robert- Yes, and recently, I found success.

After saying this, he gave a slight wink to A.K. Sharma.

And he winked back. What was that?