Many Sides of a Murder by Ujjwal Kumar - HTML preview

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Investigations and Investigator


Parallel investigations were going on after the acceptance of the case. Rajveer Shikhawat, the main investigating officer in this case is at the Marina Club, doing his job.

“When was the booking made for this place for the 18th of Jan?” he asks.

Rajveer is a man most people of the town recognize. He is not corrupt in any way, he does the investigation with all his blood and sweat and gets the guilty convicted. He is tall and sports a beard.

“The booking was done a month ago, on the 10th of Dec. Vivaan and Adi both had come together to make the booking” said the Bartender.

“Did you see any kind of rifts between them on the night of 18th Jan?”

“No, they seemed like best friends. They had danced together, Adi sir also bought drinks for Vivaan sir” he replied.

The further explanation given by the bartender included previous account of all meetings between the five best friends and also showed the CCTV footages of some of these meetings to Rajveer.

Rajveer comes back to the police station. Forensic expert Dr. Robert is waiting for him. He greets him with a hello and asks, “Found some evidence at the crime scene?”

“No sir, not even a single fingerprint was found on the dead body. But there was a mark of a gunshot on the wall right behind the dead body”

Dr. Robert and Rajveer, friends for many years now don’t have any official informal meetings. They only meet in relations to the cases they are working on it and very professionally talk about the cases only.

Yet they have now become kind of best friends due to this professional talking for years. 

“Oh” exclaims Rajveer.

“But sir, three different finger prints were found at different spots in the room where the body was found”

Rajveer asks him to identify the finger prints and let him know as soon as possible. He then goes to a coffee shop where he had arranged a meeting with the group of friends.

“Vivaan was the most popular face in your school, right?” he asks

“Yes sir, but mostly with the girls only” Adi replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Sir, he was never a part of our group. We always maintained a distance from him because of his involvement in the drug smuggling and other cases. Girls liked him because of the money he could spend on them and he was good-looking at the same time” was the reply.

“So what kind of friendship you guys had with Vivaan?”

“Sir we were not even friends, but just acquaintances.” Jay said.

“What about Samar, Samar Singhania?” Rajveer asked.

“Sir he was a friend” said Hardy.

Rajveer once had a thought that the main culprit has to be one of these four boys. Their answers seemed different and their behavior was different. Before going on to any conclusions, he thought to once meet Vivaan in person. He had later asked the group of friends to give him the account of the night and it was the same as known by most part of the country now.

 Meanwhile, Vivaan had stopped seeing any more dreams and was also not planning anything. He just passed the days waiting for the date of the case and maybe praying as well. His nights were sleepless and so he was taking pills to sleep better.

He entered the coffee shop and Rajveer Shikhawat is already waiting for him.

“What kind of friendship you had with Adi, Jay, Hardy and Shivansh?” the first question.

“We were best friends. Everything we did together. Even on the night of the party we came in together” Vivaan said.

Now the obvious one, “Did you have any personal issues with Samar Singhania?”


“Did Adi, Jay, Hardy or Shivansh have some?”

“No” Vivaan replied.

“Tell me exactly what had happened on that night?”

“We were partying and then Adi gave me two drinks and then took me to the second floor of the club. I asked him why, he said someone is waiting for me. I was drunk to hell and could not make it then. But after I had been in the room on the second floor for a few moments, I had made out that I am with the dead body and everyone is there. All my classmates, some police officers and some news reporters as well. The rest you know, sir.”

Rajveer, now even more confused, thought from both sides of the story. On one side, there is the group of friends who are lying a lot. On other side is Vivaan who has had a bad record in the past but is constantly playing the victim in this case which is very strange and so, he isn’t sure who the real culprit is.

Days had passed and then another date was there already. Already waiting to shock some.