Mother Knows Best - A Novella by Netta Newbound - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


Ruby could have strangled her mother. Her phone buzzed continually the whole journey. Once she got to the pub, she snatched it from her bag and read five new messages.

  • Did you get my last text?
  • Ruby Fitzroy, answer me immediately. I’m worried.
  • Please text Mum – she’s driving me mad – Soz sis x
  • Why are you punishing me like this? If you don’t reply, I’ll call.

Ruby hit reply.

  • Mother please get the hint – Stop nagging! I’m having a great time with Cody. We are in a pub close to the coast. NO MORE MESSAGES.

Letting out an angry sigh, she stuffed the phone back into her bag. He glanced up and noticed an altercation with Cody and a large wall of a guy. Moments later, skirmish avoided, Cody slid in beside her.

This was her first date since David, and although she’d spent the past twelve months waiting for him to call, she accepted he never would and had decided to get on with her life.

There was something about Cody she liked a lot. Not just his looks, although his shaggy blond hair and deep blue eyes were to die for. But when he told her about his poor brother—or indeed, sister situation, her heart missed a beat. Nothing was more appealing to her than a sensitive man.

He even seemed to understand about her mum. It was still early days, but she had a good feeling about him.

“I hope you’re hungry,” Cody said.

A large group of people left and although the place was still noisy, she could now hear Cody’s voice.


“Good, because I ordered us both burger and chips—there wasn’t much of a selection. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. Sounds lovely,” she said, sipping her cider.

The rest of the evening ran smoothly. They devoured their food and drinks. Because of the noise, they huddled together in order to hear each other. But Ruby wasn’t complaining.

Cody poured his heart out about his mother—she had vanished without a trace when Cody was four years old, his brother only two. How, after a massive search the police had found nothing at all. She was declared dead when he was eleven years old. He told her about his obsession with football and how his dream of playing for Swansea ended at the UK trials when he suffered a hamstring injury.

Ruby had never felt such a connection with another person—apart from David of course, but she’d known him all her life. She didn’t want the evening to end and her heart sank when Cody picked his car keys up from the table.

“We’d best get going,” he said.

She sighed, and followed him to the exit.

As they stepped onto the porch, the blond man from earlier appeared—blocking their way.

Ruby squealed and grasped Cody’s upper arm with both hands.

“Well, look who it is,” the larger man said.

“Listen man, I don’t want any trouble—we were just having a quiet drink.”

“Who said I want trouble? I’m after an apology—you threw your drink down my jacket earlier.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Are you calling me a liar?” The man’s voice boomed.

“Of course not, but I didn’t spill my drink.”

“So what do you call this then? Scotch mist?” He pointed to the front of his jacket.

Ruby couldn’t see anything.

“Listen, mate. If I accidentally spilt my drink—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. Now can you let us pass?”

“So, you’re admitting you did it?” The man’s lip curled as he spoke.

Ruby could hear her heartbeat in her ears. She’d never experienced anything like this in her life.

“No—I’m saying if I did, I’m sorry,” Cody said.

“Why apologise then, if you’re innocent?” The man stepped forward, prodding a large sausage-like finger in Cody’s chest.

“What do you want me to say? I didn’t mean to spill my drink down you, but if I did, I’m sorry.” Cody put an arm around Ruby’s shoulders and tried to manoeuvre them both around the huge brute.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going? The man’s arm shot out blocking their way once more.

Before she knew what had happened, Ruby flew backwards hitting the door with a bang. When she managed to right herself, Cody was up against the wall, his nose bleeding and the guy standing over him.

Several men seemed to appear from nowhere and managed to bundle the blond guy away.

Ruby ran to Cody’s side. “Oh my God—are you alright?”

Cody held a hand below his nose catching most of the blood, although several large splashes had made it down the front of his shirt.

“I’m okay,” he said. In fact, the exact sound was I’bokay, but Ruby knew what he meant.

“Let’s get you back inside—clean you up.” She escorted him to the men’s toilet and he went inside alone. He emerged a few minutes later looking more composed.

“You need to get that shirt in to soak—it’ll be ruined if not,” Ruby said.

“Do you mind if we pop in to Dad’s on the way home? He lives close by.”

“Of course not. Are you sure you can drive though? I don’t have a licence.”

“I’ll be fine, come on.”

Back outside, Ruby’s nerves were so tightly wound she almost ran to the car expecting the big man to appear around every parked car they passed. But the parking area was once again deserted.

Safely in the car, Cody turned into the street heading in the opposite direction they came from. He held a large wad of toilet tissue to his face.

“Are you okay?” Ruby asked.


“Do you want me to call your dad? What if he’s not at home?”

“I have a key, but he’ll be home. He never goes out.”

Cody turned the car away from the coast into a winding gravel road. The trees alongside were dense and the huge branches created a leafy arch across the road.

The eeriness gave Ruby the shivers. “Is it much further?” Her voice sounded whiny to her own ears.

“Not far now.”

Her heart raced in her chest and prickles forming at the base of her neck developed into goose bumps which covered her entire body.

Cody must have sensed her unease as he glanced at her. He dropped the tissue into his lap and reached for her hand. “It’s okay, don’t worry.” He smiled.

Ruby pointed at the large drop of blood growing rapidly at the end of his nose.

He grabbed the tissue and caught the blood before it fell.

“We should call the police. That brute needs locking up,” she said.

“There’s no point—the police won’t do anything.”

“He can’t be allowed to go around smashing innocent people’s faces in just for the sake of it.”

“I’ll get him back don’t you worry.”

Ruby wasn’t sure if he was acting all macho in front of her. She had just witnessed him getting his arse kicked after all. But the way he said it, combined with the icy cold glint in his eyes, she wasn’t so sure.

“Where is this place?” The car had slowed as it began climbing the steep hill. “It’s freaky.”

Cody laughed. “It must seem that way, seeing it in the dark for the first time, but it’s not—it’s quite beautiful. All this land used to belong to a mining company. Dad bought it off them before we were born. I’ve lived here all my life.”

“Your dad owns all this?”

“Yup. I only moved into town recently, but I come back here whenever I get the chance.”

As they reached the top of the hill, Cody took a sharp turn to the left and moments later a two-storey stone house came into view.

The house was lit up like a Chinese lantern, every room illuminated from within and the porch light also came on as they approached.

Ruby breathed a sigh of relief. “Your dad’s electricity bill must be shocking.” She laughed.

“I know, it is. I’m always going around after them both turning off the lights.” He shook his head.

“Shall I wait here?”

“No, don’t be daft. Come on in.”

“But it’s late—won’t your dad mind?”

“No. He’s not like that. He’ll be pleased to meet you.”

“Well, if you’re sure.”

“Certain,” he said and walked around to her side to open the car door.

A large grey cat skulked in the shadows, startling Ruby as its eyes flashed.

“Don’t mind Wesley. He’s harmless.” Cody took a step towards the cat, making a hissing sound and the cat vanished into the bushes.

Feeling self-conscious, Ruby followed Cody into the porch.

He unlocked the door. “It’s only me,” he called as he stepped into the spacious hallway.

Considering three men lived there, Ruby was surprised how neat and tidy everywhere was.

A large plastic bin to the side of the front door was filled with boots and shoes. The wall opposite the staircase held a painting of a man’s head and upper body. Although the painting was brightly coloured, the green eyes held a darkness reminding Ruby of Dracula.

“Who’s the artist?” Ruby asked.

“My brother.”

“Wow! He’s very good.”

Cody stared at the painting as though seeing it for the first time. “Yes, I suppose he is.”

Odd, thought Ruby.

The sound of a TV came from a room to the right.

Cody walked straight ahead into a large farmhouse-style kitchen. The thick oak cupboard doors and large square porcelain sink looked like something from a Home and Garden magazine.

Once again, Ruby was surprised by the neatness. She’d expected a house full of men to be in need of a good clean and a woman’s touch—but not this house. In fact, it was tidier than her mum’s house had been when three women lived there.