Mother Knows Best - A Novella by Netta Newbound - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


Cody dropped to his haunches. “Here, doggy-doggy,” he said, holding his gloved fingers out towards the yapping pooch.

Eventually, the stupid dog came to investigate what Cody was offering and Cody punched it in the ribs with all his might. The dog yelped and raced from the room and up the stairs yelping all the way.

Cody chuckled before setting to work. He’d dropped Ruby’s shoes in the hallway when he’d fallen. He now placed them side by side next to the door, as though somebody had just stepped out of them. He tapped the left one and it fell to the side. Cody smiled and nodded.

Taking the phone from his pocket, he brought up every text Ruby had sent and received from her sister, reading every one. Then he composed his own using the same tone and words Ruby would have used.

  • Hey, Scar. Just letting you know I’m home. Had a great night – c u  tomoz, love Rubes xx

Cody had a quick look through the house, messing up the bed and closing the bedroom curtains. He placed Ruby’s phone on the docking station and Amy Winehouse began singing Rehab.

He left the music playing while he made himself a slice of toast and cup of coffee, leaving the dirty cup and plate in the sink. He wanted to make sure it looked as though Ruby had come home alone.

Once satisfied, he placed the keys on the hall table and left via the back door. The typical Yale type lock didn’t need a key to secure the door behind him.

In the small backyard, Cody climbed up onto the rubbish bin and over the top of the gate, which had been bolted at the bottom. Whistling to himself, he strutted off down the back entry, to the end street where he found his car outside the shops. His dad had left his keys in the exhaust pipe as usual—something they always did.

Afterwards, feeling pleased with himself, he went around to Jed’s bar, which, despite the late hour, was just ramping up. Cody had been a regular there since moving to town as it was only a couple of blocks away from his flat.

He made a point of chatting to everyone he knew and after an hour or so, and two JD and cokes, he walked home.

Kenny Mac sat on the doorstep looking decidedly worse for wear.

“Hey, Ken, What’s up?”

“Oh, hey, Codes,” Kenny slurred.

“Had a skinful have ya, mate?” Cody said, laughing.

“I’ve had the odd snifter here and there.” He chuckled.

“Don’t bother coming in if you’re gonna throw up. I don’t intend cleaning up after you again.”

Kenny belched noisily.

“Fuck man, let me get in.” Cody shoved his way into the hallway and ran up the stairs.

Kenny’s girlfriend, Sam, and a girl Cody had never met before were in the kitchen making pizza.

Cody bobbed his head into the lounge. Jez and Syd, Cody’s flatmates, were with two other men. Jez was rolling a spliff.

“Hey, guys,” Cody said, before heading back to the kitchen. He made himself a coffee and listened to the two girls, who were obviously pissed off at Kenny. Sam’s friend, a plain-looking, dark-haired girl, was encouraging Sam to dump his sorry arse.

Cody took his coffee and sat opposite them at the table. “Aren’t you gonna introduce me to your friend, Sam?”

“Yeah, sorry. This is Kath. Kath—Cody.”

“Hi Cody,” Kath said, her voice suddenly taking on a sweet, girly tone.

Cody made a blatant play for her. She wasn’t his cup of tea really, but after spending the evening with Ruby, his cock was straining against the fabric of his jocks. And besides, what better alibi was there than a girl getting rogered in his bed all night.

It didn’t take long before he had her hanging off his every word. When he got up to leave, she looked as though she might burst into tears.

“Oh, well, think I’ll crash. Nice to meet you, Kath. Maybe we could go out for a drink one night?”

“I’d love that,” she panted.

As he reached the door, he nodded his head and indicated with his eyes she should follow him. Within minutes, he had the dirty bitch stripped to her flimsy pink underwear, and sucking his cock as though her life depended on it.