Muko and the Secret (Muko #1) by Greg Materna - HTML preview

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and Muko saw it had what looked like a zero, but with something inside the circle. He didn't know what it was called. He was able to name some of the simpler symbols he could see from where he stood, though. There was the 'plus' sign - a cross; a little number 2 displaced from the centre of the card which he guessed denoted the 'squared' symbol; and a jagged capital letter 'E' which he knew denoted 'summation'. But there were lots of symbols he'd never come across before: there was what looked like a doorway – two sides and a top; there was a square divided into 3 both ways; and there was something that looked like a figure of 8 except that the way the card was placed, it was lying on its side.


One particular symbol caught his eye, maybe because it didn't have the stark simplicity of some of the others but a more 'organic' look. From a distance it looked like two connected black-filled circles, one larger than the other. It intrigued Muko because it was somehow familiar. Where had he encountered it before? He pushed his way to the table where the card was lying and took a closer look. What had appeared from a distance to be similar to a large circle was in fact more like a heart, and both shapes had jagged edges.


A memory rose to the surface of Muko's consciousness.