Muko and the Secret (Muko #1) by Greg Materna - HTML preview

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underneath the covers of his bed, shining a torch onto the pages of the same book he was shown when he was smaller. On its front cover there is the dark heart shape connected to the smaller dark circle, which he now knows is called the Mandelbrot set.


He's a curious little boy so he's holding a magnifying glass over the border of the object. To his amazement and wonder, it grows before his eyes, revealing more and more intricate details. Small Mandelbrot sets appear on the borders of the large one, and on their borders appear further ones, on and on, smaller and smaller, till his magnifying glass and the light of his torch can show him no more. He's mesmerized. He feels like he's being sucked into a world he had no idea existed. It's so beautiful that it makes him gasp and he wonders if he'll ever get to sleep.


Muko was jerked back to reality by his surroundings: he sensed it was imperative to take his place without delay. He knew, without being told, that the Mandelbrot set was his symbol and that therefore he should sit where the card was.


His place was at the table where the girl with the circle- with-something-in-it was sitting. He picked his own card up and sat down quietly. Neither he nor the girl spoke. The girl turned