Muko and the Secret (Muko #1) by Greg Materna - HTML preview

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voicing the thoughts of everyone else. None of them knew why they were there and what it was all about.


Suddenly a bell sounded. Everyone stopped talking and looked in the direction of the sound. It was the mysterious boy, holding his hand bell. He seemed to have come from nowhere. He announced loudly:


“Now that you've all found your places, you may eat

your breakfast.”


The children obeyed, tucking into the toast and scrambled egg which was on their plates.


Paidia was still trying to make conversation. “What do you all think of the breakfast? It ought to be hot, but ...” Her attempt at communication trailed away.


A bit later she tried again. “Why have the four of us sat

down at this table? Why …?”


This time Gelio responded. “It's 'cos we found our symbols. Somebody meant it to be like this. It was pre- pre- pre- sorted,” he finished lamely.


“Pre-ordained,” Amartia corrected automatically, then