Muko and the Secret (Muko #1) by Greg Materna - HTML preview

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as the Queen of Science Academy. I will be your main teacher this year.”


Somewhere in the room one of the children tittered and

called out: “What a ragamuffin!”


Pythagoras banged his stick onto the stone floor so hard that the sound reverberated round the room. “Silence!” he bellowed. There was no quaver in his voice now.


The children instantly became as quiet as mice. You could have heard a pin drop. There wasn't even a movement in the whole classroom. No-one would be making fun of Pythagoras again.


Muko was trying to remember where he'd heard the name Pythagoras before, but he couldn't place it.


Now that he had the full attention of the class, Pythagoras continued to deliver his information.


“You are in a school and there are certain rules in this school. The first and foremost rule is that you all of you, without exception, must study diligently. You are in the class known as 'Naturals'. There are older classes, the oldest one being 'Reals'.”