Muko and the Secret (Muko #1) by Greg Materna - HTML preview

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was that he was holding another man and pushing his head under the water, drowning him. Muko remembered someone saying by way of an explanation: 'Maths is the Queen of Sciences but can lead to madness'.


Muko's interest was piqued, not only by the teacher but also by the school. However meantime they all had to go to class number 10. As they proceeded along the corridor, they crossed paths with some other pupils, likewise on their way to lessons. This other class, which was slightly older, stopped to look at Muko's class. Some of them pointed and said:


“That's the new class of Naturals.”


So that's what we are, thought Muko.


“We're Integers,” explained one girl in the other class.


It immediately struck Muko that just like he and his fellow classmates were wearing green shirts and shorts, the other class wore the same garb but in blue. The Integers seemed a friendly lot, smiling and waving their hands, but the two classes soon passed each other without any further interaction, each heading to their respective destination.