Murder Most Stupid by David Brooklyn - HTML preview

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Chapter Sixty-Five

Lying post-coitally on the bed, entwined with the naked limbs of her lovers, Enid savoured the sensation as the scum of pointlessness, which had accreted over the course of her life, fizzled out to reveal a still pond of peacefulness beneath. Her feeling was shared by Rosella and Genevra, both of whom, to their shock, found themselves in love with her. It was yet another transgression in their well-notched histories of transgressions, but it was profound enough to render the other ones insignificant. The rivers of their individual pasts had dried up, but it did not matter, and did not bear thinking about, for they floated serenely in the basin into which those three rivers had led them. Since the close of their lovemaking, their flesh had reconstituted into three discrete bodies, but their hearts remained fused. There was nothing more to contemplate, and, in fact, their thoughts sputtered to a stop; they simply existed for one another, and nothing more.