Murder Most Stupid by David Brooklyn - HTML preview

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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three

But Herr Voot’s penis had not been cut off; nor, for that matter, had Sniggly’s. On the contrary, both their penises were emphatically attached to their respective pelvises, and as such, they were being used, right at that moment, to simultaneously satisfy the duchess, who had contrived this new, exponentially satisfying configuration. Reader, trust me that the details are not important and could never be, in any event, as titillating as your salacious imaginations could render them. At the close of the evening, Voot was offered, and accepted, a promotion to tour manager and co-star of the forthcoming Bavarian Duchess Live, Nude, on Stage, Scandalously Fornicating with Her Harem, plus Beasts from Undiscovered Lands and Juggler show, to be assumed just as soon as that detested snow would finally decide to stop falling and let the real world resume its course around the sun.