Murder Outside Haneyville by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Tuesday morning had arrived, and the sun had yet to start peeking above the horizon of the Atlantic Ocean.

Donovan woke up earlier than what he typically does when it is time for work. He looked excited while he shaved, brushed his teeth, and then took a shower.

After he ate a quick breakfast of Frosted Mini-Wheats and four cups of coffee, Donovan rushed back into his bedroom.

Thirty minutes had passed, and Donovan rushed into his garage. He had his computer bag strapped over his shoulder and his suitcase in his other hand.

He placed his suitcase into the trunk of his car.

He placed his computer bag on the passenger side of the front seat.

He opened up the garage door, started up his car then backed out of the garage.

After he closed the garage door, he backed down the driveway and out onto the street. 

He drove off down his street with a huge smile and looked excited ongoing on this mission.

A little while later and Donovan drove his Buick north on U.S. 1 and headed toward the Florida Today newspaper office.

When he got closer to his office, he dialed Hank’s work number from his iPhone.

“Jasmer,” Hank answered the call.

“It’s me, Donovan,” he said into his iPhone.

“Where did you go yesterday? I never got that article,” Hank said in a raised voice from the iPhone.


“I want that article the second you arrive at your cubicle.”

Donovan hesitated for a few seconds. Then he got a grin and was going to love where this was going to head. “That’s not going to happen.”

There were a few seconds of silence from the iPhone while Hank’s blood started to boil. “What the hell does that mean?”

“I quit,” replied Donovan and saying that felt good. Really good!

There was some more silence from Donovan’s iPhone. “You what?”

“I quit. I’m sick and tired of you always caving into Diane.”

“Get your ass in here right now!” Hank yelled from the iPhone.

“No. I quit, and I better get all my vacation hours, or I just might have to call your wife and tell her that I suspect you’re fucking Diane.”

There were a few more seconds of silence from his iPhone. “Okay. You’ll get your vacation hours,” Hank replied and sounded defeated while he disconnected his end of the call.

Donovan disconnected his end of the call then placed his iPhone on the seat. “I hope I know what I’m doing,” he said and started to wonder if he made a huge mistake. But it was too late, so he continued his drive north on U.S. 1.

Up in Lexington, Jodi decided to sleep in a little late for the first day of her vacation. She figured the drive down to Haneyville would only take a couple of hours. So she would enjoy the extra hours of sleep.

Three hours had passed, and Donovan drove his Buick north on Interstate 75. He was amazed by how well the old car handled driving down the highway at seventy miles per hour. He kept the radio off since it was an AM station and figured he would not be able to find any classic radio stations. Once he got back to Florida, he planned on getting a nice AM/FM radio installed in the car.

Up in Lake Haney, Rock and Wallace Mayer sat in Wallace’s seventeen-foot Tracker fishing boat fishing.

“I can’t believe that with all these years of fishing, we never saw that car at the bottom of the lake,” said Wallace while he stared at the lake.

“I know,” said Rock and hoped Wallace would change the subject.

“If we didn’t have this drought, it might not have been discovered for years to come.”

“I know,” added Rock and he looked a little mad that the water level of the lake had dropped so drastically.

“And you always wanted to avoid that spot for some strange reason,” said Wallace then he reached into the cooler and removed a can of Budweiser.

“Ah, the fish aren’t biting today,” lets head back to shore,” said Rock while Wallace opened up his can of Bud.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Wallace said then he and Rock reeled in his lines.

“I remember that night back in seventy when Howie and Tiffany’s parents came into the station to file those missing person’s reports. Do you think they’re up in Canada?” asked Wallace while he reeled in his line.

“Yep,” replied Rock while he stowed his fishing pole and could not wait to get back to shore and stop talking about that car and those two teens.

Up in Lexington, Jodi finally woke up and hopped in the shower.

Some hours had passed, and Donovan drove his Buick north on Interstate 75 and was in the middle of Georgia.

Up in Lexington, Jodi sat down for a relaxing breakfast with a cup of coffee. Usually, she’s rushing breakfast to get out the door to head off to the office. 

Donovan drove his Buick around the hectic Interstate 285 by-pass around Atlanta. He was so nervous some inconsiderate driver would scrap his car since their destination was more critical than Donovan’s. 

A little while later and Donovan survived the race on Interstate 285 by-pass and was now heading north on Interstate 75. He headed toward Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Up in Lexington, Jodi was in her bedroom packing her suitcase for the trip down to Haneyville.

Donovan drove north on Interstate 75 with Chattanooga behind in his rearview mirror.

In Lexington, Jodi just loaded her suitcase into her Honda FIT.

She drove out of the apartment building complex parking lot and headed off down the street.

Donovan continued his drive north in his Buick on Interstate 75 north and headed toward Knoxville.

Jodi drove south on Interstate 75 in her Honda leaving Lexington behind her.

After Donovan was north on Interstate 75 above Knoxville, he pulled off an exit for Stinson Road.

He headed north on that two-lane country road with his Navigon GPS turned on with the town of Haneyville plugged in for his destination.

Jodi drove her Honda thirty-five miles into Tennessee south on Interstate 75. 

She pulled off an exit for Stinson Road.

She drove her Honda south on Stinson Road.

Donovan slowed down and followed the Navigon’s directions and turned right onto Haneyville Road.

He headed east down Haneyville Road that would lead him straight into the town of Haneyville.

Then he drove past the “Welcome to Haneyville, Established 1892, Population 5,715” wooden sign located just at the western edge of the city limits.

Jodi continued her drive her Honda south on Stinson Road. 

Then she passed by that dirt road that leads to the clearing by Lake Haney. The sight of that dirt road gave her a strange déjà vu feeling.

She continued her drive a little farther south then turned left onto Haneyville Road.

She headed east on Haneyville Road toward Haneyville.

Just past the “Welcome to Haneyville ” sign, Donovan spotted a Motel 6 off to the left.

This motel was built in 1982 and still remains the only motel for the town. 

Just to the east of the Motel 6 was a Perkins restaurant. 

To the west of the Motel 6 was a 7-11 store with gas pumps.

Donovan turned his Buick left into the parking lot of the Motel 6. 

He found a parking spot near the front entrance of the hotel. He parked, got out, and headed inside to see the desk clerk.

While Donovan was inside the Holiday Inn at the front desk, Jodi pulled her Honda into the parking lot.

She soon found a parking spot.

Jodi got out of her car and walked toward the front entrance. Then something caught her eye. She looked to her left and saw Donovan’s blue Buick Special parked near the front door.

She could not resist his car, so she walked over to the Buick. 

Jodi started walking around and admired the antique car. There was something about that car that made her feel good, then she suddenly felt sad. 

She walked around to the driver’s door and peeked inside.  She checked out the front bench seat that suddenly felt so familiar.

“Hello, can I help you?” Donovan’s voice came out from behind her.

“Ah,” Jodi cried out, being startled by the sound of Donovan’s voice.

Jodi turned around and saw Donovan standing at the rear of his Buick.

“I’m sorry if I startled you,” said Donovan.

Jodi and Donovan just stared at each other for a few seconds. They both had this strange feeling they meet each other before but could not remember where or when.

“Ah, I was just checking out your car,” she said while she walked over to the rear of the Buick.

“Do you like old Buick’s or cars?”

Jodi glanced at the Buick. “I never gave them much thought until now. I saw your car, and for some strange reason, I became intrigued by it,” she said.

Donovan glanced at his car. “I know what you mean, I saw her at the Buick dealership near my house. I suddenly had the strong urge to buy her,” he said then looked back at Jodi. He extended out his hand. “I’m Donovan Kirby,” he said.

“Jodi Lauder,” she said while she shook his hand.

After their hands separated, they looked into each other’s eyes.

“Have we met before?” asked Donovan.

Jodi looked at Donovan’s eyes. “Not that I can recall, but you do look familiar,” she said.

Donovan and Jodi stood there looking at each other, wondering why the other person felt so familiar. 

“I better see if I can get a room,” Jodi said then walked away.

Donovan unlocked his trunk then glanced back at Jodi while she walked away. He pondered for a few seconds and hesitated on the question he wanted to ask her. “I hope to see you again,” he called out when he got brave.

Jodi turned around and looked at Donovan. “I hope we do meet again,” she said then gave him a warm smile.

Donovan watched while Jodi walked to the front entrance and he suddenly had a strong urge to make it a mission to see her again.

He opened his trunk, reached inside, and removed his suitcase. He closed his trunk.

Donovan walked away with his suitcase and headed off to his room.

Jodi went inside the front lobby and headed to the front desk to get a room.

While she stopped at the front desk, she glanced back at the entrance doors and thought about that intriguing man she just met outside. She smiled.

“May I help you?” asked the desk clerk interrupting Jodi’s thoughts about Donovan.

“Yes, I would like a room,” she replied but could not get her thoughts off of Donovan.