Murder Outside Haneyville by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


The sun started to sink below the horizon for the end of another day.

Donovan and Jodi had a wonderful dinner and drinks at the Lake View Restaurant. 

They spent the time talking about their lives. They really connected and not a word was mentioned about their relationships back at their homes.

After dinner, Donovan and Jodi left the restaurant and decided to walk down the lighted brick pathway. This pathway went along the shore of the lake and provided access to other shops. Numerous other folks of Haneyville walked down the path and enjoyed the full moon that was already visible in the sky.

“It’s beautiful out here in the evening,” said Donovan while they walked down the brick pathway.

“It sure is. I could get used to spending summer nights out here,” Jodi replied.

They walked fifteen feet down the pathway then stopped.

They looked at the lake then the full moon so bright in the sky. They looked back at each other. They did not think and leaned toward each other, and their lips touched. The kissed felt to the right and as if their lips had touched in the past.

Donovan’s iPhone rang from his pants front pocket. He continued to kiss Jodi. His iPhone continued to ring from his pants.

Jodi pulled her lips away from Donovan’s. “You better answer that,” she said.

Donovan was bothered that someone interrupted his kissing while he reached inside his pants and removed his ringing iPhone. He saw that Lindsey was calling. He turned off his iPhone and shoved it back in his pants pocket. “Just an irritating telemarketer,” he said just wanting to get his lips back on Jodi’s lips.

They went back to kissing.

“Is that your wife or are you hitting on the Haneyville women?” Rock said while he walked up behind Donovan and Jodi.

Donovan rolled his eyes and hated being bugged for the second time. He turned around and saw Rock standing behind him with his wife Melinda who was around the same age as Rock. She was a chubby woman with white styled hair and brown eyes that his behind a pair of glasses.

“Hello Sheriff Riley,” said Donovan and started to feel uneasy with Rock standing by him.

Rock looked at Jodi. “Are you the misses? Because you don’t look like one of the women of Haneyville.”

“No, I’m Jodi Lauder from Lexington,” she replied.

“Lexington, what brings you down to Haneyville?” Rock said then he hesitated while his memory started to kick in his head.  “Oh, yeah, my deputy told me about you. You’re a reporter? Right? Doing a story on those two kids that ran away in nineteen seventy,” he asked and gave her a serious look.

“Yes, I am,” Jodi replied.

Then Rock looked at Jodi, and his eyes widened a little. “Do I know you? I got this feeling that we’ve met before,” he said and suddenly started to feel that Jodi was extraordinarily sexy and started to feel horny.

“No, sir. This is my first time down here in Haneyville,” Jodi replied. Then she spotted that his pinky finger on his right hand was chopped off at the knuckle. She started to feel uneasy with the presence of Rock.

Rock looked at Donovan. “I guess you’re staying here in Haneyville a little while longer?”

“Yes, sir,” replied Donovan.

“I see. Well, I’ll do my best to protect you. I don’t want to see you attacked again,” said Rock with a smirk.

Melinda looked surprised overhearing that from Rock. “Someone attacked him?” she asked Rock.

“Yeah, the other night down by the clearing at the lake where the kids like to park at night,” replied Rock while he looked at Donovan.

“Oh my, we typically don’t have our folks attacking visitors,” said Melinda and felt sorry for Donovan.

“Well, enjoy your stay here in Haneyville, and like I said before, those two kids ran off to Canada,” said Rock.

Melinda looked at Rock. “Are you talking about Tiffany Carlson and Howie Anderson?”


Melinda looked at Donovan and Jodi. “My husband and the sheriff back then did their best to locate those two kids. They could not find any evidence of foul play. We all believe they ran off to Canada so Howie wouldn’t have to join the Army and go to Vietnam,” she said and looked sincere with her belief.

Rock glared at Donovan making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

“Ah, we have to be heading on out,” Donovan said.

“Yeah,” Jodi added and wanted to get away from Rock.

“Be careful,” Rock said then turned around and walked away with his wife.

Donovan and Jodi walked away down the pathway in the opposite direction.

“That guy gave me the creeps,” said Jodi.

“I know. There’s something about him, I distrust,” replied Donovan.

It was quiet while they walked away from the pathway and headed to the parking lot.

When Donovan and Jodi got to his Buick, he opened up the passenger door.

She smiled and again loved it when he acted like a gentleman.

Donovan got in the car, started it up and drove out of the parking lot.

While he drove back to the Motel 6, Donovan and Jodi held hands. He started to feel guilty since he was engaged, but there was something with Jodi that he never felt with Lindsey. He began to wonder if he should keep Lindsey or pursue Jodi while he drove down Haneyville Road.

Donovan parked his Buick in front of his Motel 6 room. He and Jodi got out of his car.

They looked at each other remembering that kiss they had a little while ago. There was silence between them while they each wondered who would say the next word.

“You’re welcome to come to my room for a little while,” Jodi finally said, breaking the ice.

Donovan looked at Jodi’s eyes and could tell she wanted to get a little more romantically involved tonight. But then he felt his iPhone in his pocket and remembered Lindsey. “I would love to, but I’m a little tired. Maybe another night?” he said then wondered if he blew it.

Jodi looked disappointed but started to realize that maybe she moved just a little too fast. “Okay,” she said, then looked at Donovan, who looked back at her. 

“Can we meet tomorrow morning for breakfast?” asked Donovan.

“I would love that. How about eight?”

“Eight sounds good,” he said then smiled then walked around his car and up to Jodi. He gave her a little goodnight kiss on her lips.

She smiled, then headed off to her room.

Donovan headed off to his room and wondered if he would have another opportunity to spend the night with Jodi.

Hours had passed, and Donovan and Jodi were sound asleep in their motel beds.

Donovan started to dream.

In Donovan’s dream, he was with that brunette girl in the backseat of a Buick Special. His hands were up, her tee-shirt fondling her nipples.

“Are you sure?” he asked the girl.

“I’m sure it’s okay,” the brunette girl replied but looked worried about something.

Donovan removed his tee-shirt.

The brunette girl removed her tee-shirt.

Donovan removed his Levi bell-bottom blue jeans, and he was now butt naked.

The brunette removed her Levi hip hugger bell-bottom blue jeans.

Donovan stared at the brunette while she removed her panties. She was now butt naked.

The brunette straddled Donovan in the backseat. Then he felt himself slide inside her.

Back to reality, Donovan woke up from his dream. He looked dazed while he looked around his dark motel room. It took him a few seconds to realize he had a dream. But he had an erection. He was disappointed that he woke up the second he started to have sex with his dream girl. He closed his eyes and hoped that his dream would return. 

Over in Jodi’s room, she also started to have a dream.

In her dream, Jodi sat in the backseat of a car. Her hands were handcuffed behind her back. She felt scared while she looked out of the window and saw a parking lot and a factory.

Then some strange man rushed into the car and pushed Jodi on her back on the seat.

“No!” Jodi cried out while the man unzipped her bell-bottom blue jeans.

She tried to fight off the man while he started to lower her blue jeans. The man smacked her hard across her face. She was scared to death and froze with fear.

The man lowered her panties, then removed them.

Jodi felt sick when the man climbed on her butt naked. She cried out the second the man penetrated her.

Back to reality, Jodi tossed and turned in her bed.

“No!” she screamed out and shot up from her bed. She looked scared to death, and for some strange reason, she held onto her stomach. It took a few seconds for her to realize that she had a bad dream. She was somewhat relieved, but something about that dream bugged her.

She lay back down and stared at the ceiling, thinking about that horrible dream.

Over at Rock’s home, he sat in his den in his lazy boy chair. He had a glass of whiskey and water in his hand. He took a drink while he stared at the blank TV across the room.

Melinda entered the den wearing her white nightgown. She walked over to Rock’s lazy boy chair. “It’s getting late, when are you coming to bed?”

“In a while,” he said then took another drink.

Melinda could sense something was bothering Rock. “What’s the matter, dear?”

“Oh, nothing. I guess finding that car in the lake has been on my mind recently,” he said then took another drink.

Melinda sat down on the arm of the lazy boy chair. She ran her hand through his hair. “Why don’t you use the Internet to try and locate Tiffany and Howie up in Canada?”

Rock looked up at Melinda while he took another drink. “I don’t think that will work.”

“Of course it would. There are all kinds of social media for getting the word out that you’re looking for their whereabouts. You could use,” she said then paused while she tried to remember the names of the popular social media sites.  Her eyes widened when she remembered. “Facebook, or Twitter. That’s the popular ones. I bet that might turn something up,” she said and felt confident that would work.

“I’ll think about it,” he said, then took another drink.

Melinda looked at Rock waiting for him to get up off the chair to go to bed. But after a few seconds of waiting, she realized he wanted to sit and drink in his chair. “I’m going to bed,” she said then kissed him on his forehead.

Rock just stared at his blank TV while he pondered the situation with Tiffany’s car and Donovan and Jodi showing up in his town.

Rock spent the next hour in deep thought drinking more whiskey and water. He swayed while he got up and staggered out of his den.

He staggered down the hallway, almost falling on his butt while he headed to his bedroom.