Murder Outside Haneyville by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


Twenty minutes had passed.

Rock entered the police station where Kent and Andrew worked behind their desks. Or at least they pretended to work the second Rock entered the building.

“Anything going on?” said Rock while he walked past Kent and Andrew’s desks.

“The only one who came in was some guy named Charlie Abbott.  He said he once lived here and wanted to see Tiffany Carlson’s car. I told him that it was down in a salvage yard in Knoxville,” said Andrew.

Rock just arrived at the doorway of his office when that name sounded familiar. “Did you say, Charlie Abbott?”

“Yes, sir,” replied Andrew.

Rock looked concerned. “Thanks for the information,” he said, then turned around. “I’ll be back,” he said, then headed to the front doors.

Kent and Andrew thought nothing of this and was actually glad he was leaving the station. That way they can return to surfing on the Internet for crime stories across the nation.

Ten minutes had passed, and Rock sat in his Impala and staked out the Motel 6 motel from the parking lot of the Perkins restaurant.

He perked up the second he saw Charlie walked out of the Motel 6 office.

 Over at the Motel 6, Donovan and Jodi cuddled on her room bed.

Donovan looked over at Jodi and could not resist. He kissed her. Then their kissing turned passionate.

Donovan started to remove Jodi’s blouse.

Jodi started to remove Donovan’s shirt.

Then there was a knock on her room door, and that stopped their removal of items of clothing.

“Rats,” said Donovan while he got a little pissed that someone interrupted their potential sexual encounter.

He got off the bed, put his shirt back on. Jodi put her shirt back on while Donovan headed to the door.

He opened the door and outside stood Charlie Abbott. “Yes?”

“I’m Charlie Abbott. I heard from the Andersons that you were asking about me,” he said.

Donovan looked at Charlie in disbelief. Then he looked back at Jodi who walked to the door in disbelief.

“Please come inside,” said Jodi.

Out in the Perkins restaurant, Rock watched from his car while Charlie stepped inside Jodi’s motel room.

He got out of his car and rushed over to the trunk. He opened the trunk, reached inside, and grabbed a device.

Rock rushed over to the office of the Motel 6.

Back inside Jodi’s Motel 6 room, Donovan just closed the door after Charlie stepped inside.

“So, tell me why you have such an interest in me,” Charlie said after Donovan closed the door.

“I’m a reporter from Melbourne, Florida and she’s a reporter from Lexington, Kentucky. We’re up here doing a story on Howie and Tiffany being missing,” said Donovan while he and Jodi walked over then sat down on the bed.

“I thought they ran off to Canada. How’s that a story?” said Charlie while he walked over and sat down in the chair by the small desk.

“That’s what everybody thinks, but we uncovered something that states they were planning on leaving the next morning at eight. And I don’t think it was Canada,” said Donovan.

“How did you find that out?” asked Charlie.

Jodi looked at Donovan. “We never reveal our sources,” she said and sounded sincere.

Donovan nodded in agreement with Jodi.

“Well, if you must know, I was leaving that next morning to head to Knoxville. I was leaving for the Navy. Howie was going to come along so he could enlist in the Navy,” said Charlie and looked sincere.

“Enlist in the Navy?” said Donovan and he looked surprised.  “But everybody thought he was running off to Canada to avoid the draft,” added Donovan but then for some reason, hearing that gave him another strange déjà vu feeling.

“He was at first but changed his mind.”

“Why did he change his mind on not running to Canada in the first place?” asked Jodi.

“He didn’t want to disappoint his dad by running away. After all, Mister Anderson served in the Navy during the Second World War.  So he decided that the Navy would be the best branch to enlist. He didn’t want the Army or Marines and be stuck in some jungle in Nam,” said Charlie.

“But did he join the Navy?” asked Donovan.

“No, he didn’t show up that morning, so I drove down to Knoxville alone and went off to boot camp. Later I learned of the rumors that Charlie and Tiffany ran off to Canada in a letter from my grandmother. So I figured he must have chickened out and changed his mind again.”

“Did you try to contact Howie?” asked Jodi.

“Nobody knew how to get a hold of Howie. I figured he and Tiffany wanted a new life up in Canada. So I concentrated on my thirty-year career in the Navy. I now live in San Diego with my wife. I haven’t been back to Haneyville since I attended my grandmother’s funeral after I got out of boot camp,” said Charlie then he looked at Donovan and Jodi and had this hunch something was going on. “This isn’t about Howie and Tiffany running away up to Canada? Is it?” he added.

“No, we think something happened to them that night,” said Jodi.


“That’s what we’re trying to determine, but our suspicions are they were killed,” said Donovan.


“Yes, but we don’t have a clue who could have done it,” added Jodi.

Charlie looked at Donovan and Jodi while he tried to digest their theory. “Well, the last time I saw Howie was that evening.  We sat along the bank of Lake Haney smoking a joint. We talked about leaving at eight the next morning. Then he left so he could spend time with Tiffany that night and I went home,” he said and looked sincere. 

Donovan and Jodi looked at each other after hearing that from Charlie. They both knew that their dreams last night were a reflection of what happened that day the two disappeared.

“I hope you don’t think I had to do anything with the disappearance of Howie and Tiffany. There were my friends, and I wouldn’t harm them in any way,” Charlie said and looked sincere.

Donovan and Jodi both looked at each other, and their gut feelings told them that Charlie was telling the truth.

“Oh, no. We don’t suspect you at all,” said Jodi.

“You gave us some important information. We just have to figure out what happened and by who,” said Donovan.

“Do you know of anybody that might have hated Howie or Tiffany?” asked Jodi.

Charlie thought for a few seconds while he pondered her question. Then he looked at Donovan and Jodi, and there was something he wanted to tell them but was not sure he should.

Donovan and Jodi sensed Charlie had something to tell but was leery.

“It’s okay, we never reveal our sources,” said Jodi and hoped that would loosen Charlie’s lips.

“But the Anderson’s know you were asking about me,” said Charlie.

“But they told you about us, and now you’re here talking with us in our motel room,” said Donovan.

“That’s true,” said Charlie while he hesitated. “Well, only Tiffany, Howie, and I knew this secret. Howie told me it that evening while we smoked a joint down at the clearing at Lake Haney,” he said.

Donovan’s eyes widened, and he looked at Jodi. They both wondered if this was that secret Donovan started to mention in his dream last night. They looked back at Charlie in anticipation on hearing about it.

“Well, I guess it’s okay to tell someone this, but Howie told me that Tiffany was pregnant,” he said.

“Pregnant?” asked Donovan while he glanced over at Jodi.


“By who? Howie?” asked Donovan while he still glanced over at Jodi. Then he realized Howie did not get Tiffany pregnant.

Jodi looked at Donovan and was clueless.

“By one of the deputies at that time. Deputy Riley. He raped her in the back of his patrol car,” said Charlie.

“You mean Sheriff Rock Riley?” asked Jodi.

“Are you sure Howie wasn’t making that up?” asked Donovan.

“I’m sure. After Howie told me, Tiffany told me and then her eyes started to tear up. She never lied to me as long as I knew her,” said Charlie.

“Sheriff Riley got Tiffany pregnant,” said Donovan and the more he thought about it, the more he knew in his gut that that was the truth

“Yes, him,” said Charlie, then he paused for a few seconds. “Howie planned to marry Tiffany. He didn’t care if the baby was Rock’s. He just loved Tiffany so much and figured if he joined the Navy, they could get married and move away from Haneyville and get away from Rock.” 

“So Sheriff Riley got Tiffany pregnant,” said Donovan and then he got another strange déjà vu feeling.

“Tiffany didn’t have a choice. Sheriff Riley, who was a deputy back then forced himself on her,” said Charlie.

It took a few seconds for it to dawn on Donovan. “Rape.”

“Yeah, Deputy Riley raped Tiffany around early June of nineteen seventy,” said Charlie.

Jodi got another strange déjà vu feeling and recalled her dream of a guy forcing himself on her. 

Donovan, Jodi, and Charlie were clueless that in the empty room next to Jodi’s motel room it was occupied by Rock. 

He got permission from the Motel 6 manager to use this room after Rock told him he was doing surveillance on two potential criminals. The manager never questioned Rock since they were fishing buddies. In fact, the manager often would let Rock use a room for his infidelities.

While he was in that empty room, he used a listening device on the wall and heard their entire conservation. And he was pissed with the information Charlie told these two reporters. So he pondered how he could handle this potentially dangerous situation.

“So Sheriff Riley raped Tiffany,” said Donovan but figured Rock did those things back then.

“Deputy Riley at that time was known to fool around with all the young high school girls around Haneyville. Some of them willingly and some of them he made them after he caught them with weed. Tiffany was always fearful of Deputy Riley. He was always trying to get into her pants,” said Charlie.

Jodi had another déjà vu feeling after hearing that from Charlie. But this déjà vu feeling gave her the creeps.

“Well, I don’t know if there’s anything I can tell you,” said Charlie.

Donovan’s eyes widened when he remembered something. “I’m a little curious as to why you’re back here in town,” he asked Charlie.

“I saw the story about Tiffany’s car being found in Lake Haney on the Internet. Since I was headed to Norfolk, Virginia, for some business, I decided to swing over this way and see if I could see the car. I work for a contractor doing some training for the Navy,” said Charlie then he paused. “I stopped at the Anderson’s house to hopefully learn the whereabouts of Howe,” said Charlie.

“They don’t know,” said Donovan.

“So, I guess I’ll head out to that clearing tonight where they found Tiffany’s car. I figured I’d make a toast to my dear friends. Then I’ll leave for Norfolk in the morning after I see some other old friends,” said Charlie then he paused for a few seconds. “So, you can call me if there’s any other information you think I can provide. And I wish you would call me if you find out what really happened to Howie and Tiffany. I’ll pray their safe and sound up in Canada,” said Charlie then he removed his wallet, opened it, and removed a business card. “Here’s my cell phone to call me,” he said while he got up off the chair and headed over to Donovan and Jodi.

Donovan took Charlie’s business card while he and Jodi stood up off the bed. 

“We’ll definitely call when we find something out,” said Donovan then he shoved Charlie’s business card in his pants pocket. Then he reached around and removed his wallet. He opened it and removed his business card. “Here’s my card. Call my cell if you think of anything that might be important,” he said then handed Charlie his card.

“I will,” said Charlie then he shoved the card in his shirt pocket then he headed off to the door.

Donovan and Jodi headed off to the door after Charlie. Jodi opened up the door.

Charlie looked at them after a strange déjà vu feeling hit him. “Have we met before? You two look familiar for some reason,” he said.

Donovan and Jodi glanced at each other for a few seconds.

“No, I don’t recall meeting you in the past,” said Donovan.

“Me neither,” said Jodi.

“Oh well,” said Charlie then he stepped outside.

Jodi closed her room door.

“That was an interesting meeting,” Jodi said while they walked back to the bed.

“It was,” said Donovan while they sat down.

“Strange how he talked about that last day he saw Howie. Sounded exactly like your dream with Charlie.”

“I know, Jodi. I had that strange déjà vu feeling again when he talked about the dream.”

“Do you think the Sheriff here was involved with the disappearance of Tiffany and Howie?” she asked.

Donovan thought about her question for a few seconds. “I’m getting this feeling he just might be.”

“Me too,” she added.

“Now we’ll have to figure out if he really killed them.”

“And if he did, get some evidence to send his ass to jail,” said Jodi.

“That’s going to be the hard part since forty years had elapsed,” added Donovan.

“Let’s drive around town for a while and see if something comes up or looks suspicious.”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Donovan then he escorted Jodi to the door.

Donovan opened the door for Jodi, and they stepped outside her room.

Jodi’s eyes widened with a great idea. “I was thinking, why don’t you check out of your room and stay in my room. No sense of wasting money on two rooms,” she offered.

Donovan smiled at that idea. “That sounds great. We’ll split the cost from now on,” she said while he opened up his passenger door for her.

After Jodi got inside, he closed the door then walked over to the driver’s side with a spring in his step. He loved the idea of shacking up with Jodi for a few days.

He got in his car, started it up, and backed out of his parking spot.

While Donovan drove his car to Haneyville Road, Rock was back in the empty room and watched from the window. 

After Donovan pulled his car on Haneyville Road, Rock left the room and headed to his car. He was pissed and schemed on what he can do to save his hide. Then his eyes lit up with an idea.

He rushed back to his car.

He got behind the wheel and kept an eye on the Motel 6. He concentrated on Charlie’s room that was four rooms down from Jodi’s.

He started up his Impala and backed out of his parking spot. He drove off to Haneyville Road.

A little while later, Donovan drove his Buick down Haneyville Road and headed back into town.

A little while later, Donovan drove down Stone Hedge Avenue.

He pulled his Buck into the parking lot of the Haneyville High School and parked.

They both got déjà vu feeling while they stared at the front entrance of the school building. The remained quiet while they enjoyed their déjà vu feelings.

Donovan drove out of the parking lot and drove off down Stone Hedge Avenue.

Donovan drove down the street then turned right on Thorndale Avenue.

They both had more déjà vu feelings while they drove down this street.

Then he turned right on Haneyville Road and headed east. Donovan and Jodi both got strong déjà vu feelings when he drove down the road and went past more sights of Haneyville.

Donovan then turned left onto Addison Avenue and headed north into the residential neighborhood. This street made a loop all the way around the block.

Again, more strong déjà vu feelings hit both Donovan and Jodi while she drove down the street. 

Donovan turned left and headed west down Elm Avenue.

He stopped his Buick halfway down the street. 

He looked at the house to his left and had another déjà vu feeling. “That’s Charlie Abbott’s old house,” he said.

Jodi looked to her left at the house. “You’re right.”

They looked at the house for a few seconds then he drove off down the street.

Donovan made a right turn onto Forge Valley Road and headed north.

They both looked at George and Betsy’s house while Donovan drove past it.

The sight of that house again gave Donovan a slight homesick feeling.

Donovan made a left turn back onto Addison Avenue.

Then while they drove down that street, Jodi got an eerie chill down her spine when they drove past a house to the left. It was Rock’s house where his Impala and Melinda’s Malibu was parked in the driveway.

“What’s wrong?” Donovan asked Jodi.

“That house back there gave me a bad feeling,” she said.

Donovan thought nothing of it while they continued their drive down the street.

After Donovan’s Buick got farther down Addison Avenue, Rock walked out of his front door. He headed to his Impala and looked like he was on a mission.

Donovan’s Buick turned left back onto Haneyville Road and headed east.

Rock drove his Impala down Addison Avenue.

A little while later, Donovan’s Buick turned left and headed down Marshallton Avenue.

While Donovan’s car headed down Marshallton Avenue, Rock drove his Impala down Haneyville Road and headed west.

Donovan turned left into a large parking lot for the Haneyville Transmissions Plant.  This plant initially opened in 1946 and started assembling automotive transmissions. The plant was still going strong and was always the livelihood of Haneyville.

While Donovan parked his Buick in the plant parking lot, Rock had his Impala parked back in the parking lot of the Perkins restaurant. 

Rock positioned his car, so he could keep a watchful eye on the Motel 6.

Back at the Haneyville Plant, Jodi started to get a lousy déjà vu feeling while they sat in the parking lot. 

“What’s wrong?” Donovan asked when he noticed she had this disgusted look on her face. 

“This parking lot is from my dream,” she said and looked upset.

“What dream?”

“I had it the other night where I dreamt I was handcuffed and some guy forced rapped me in the backseat of a car,” she said and looked away at the plant.

“Maybe it was Rock raping you and getting you pregnant,” said Donovan.

Jodi looked at him and nodded in agreement that that was what her dream told her.

“Let’s drive around the other areas of Haneyville. Then we’ll head to the Lake View Restaurant and have a nice dinner then take a walk along the walkway,” said Donovan drove away and headed down the street.

“That sounds better than being here,” said Jodi and felt better while he drove out of the parking lot.

Donovan drove down Marshallton Avenue and turned left on Haneyville Road.

He drove east down Haneyville.

Back at the Perkins restaurant, Rock still had his stakeout of the Motel 6 motel. Rock sipped on his silver flask filled with Jack Daniels whiskey.

The sun started to settle below the horizon in the west.