Murder Outside Haneyville by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 20


It was 8:45 that night.

Irving Spence had finished changing his flat tire on his car and was on his way down Haneyville Road heading east toward town.

Back in Rock's car, he was too busy playing around with Charlie's iPhone to notice the lights of Irving's car heading south on Stinson Road. Donovan's business card lay on the front seat next to him.

Back along Lake Haney, Donovan and Jodi finished having a few drinks at The Watering Hole. They decided to take a walk down the walkway and enjoy the full moon and walk off the booze. After all, they did not want Rock to arrest Donovan for drinking and driving.

They stopped at a railing along the walkway and gazed at the lake that had reflections of the full moon.

"It's so peaceful here at night. This place is nothing like Melbourne," said Donovan.

"I know. Lexington is also becoming too big for me," said Jodi.

Donovan placed his arm around Jodi while they leaned against the railing and watched the lake with wavy moonlight reflections off the water.

Donovan and Jodi started kissing.

"Well, looks like two strangers met and Haneyville's atmosphere turned them into lovers," said Kent when he walked upon them.

Donovan and Jodi stopped kissing then saw Kent standing near them.

"Hello, Deputy Riley," said Donovan.

Jodi just gave him a little "hello" smile.

"I see you two are still in town," said Kent.

"Yeah," replied Donovan.

"Are you still working on your story?"

"Yeah," replied Donovan and silently prayed that Kent would go on his way.

"I can't imagine that you've found much. People around here still believe those two ran off to Canada," said Kent.

"We talked to a Charlie Abbott who once lived here. He stated that Howie planned on joining the Navy," said Donovan then suddenly wondered if he should have kept his mouth shut.

"I don't know a Charlie Abbott," said Kent.

"He was Howie's childhood friend and spent thirty years in the Navy," said Donovan.

Kent thought about Donovan's comment for a few seconds. "Well, if Howie did, you would think he would have come home on leave numerous times," he said, not believing Donovan.

Donovan's iPhone rang in his pants pocket.  He reached inside his pocket and removed his iPhone. 

"Come to clearing immediately. Found something important about Howie and Tiffany," said the text message from Charlie's cell phone. He showed his iPhone to Jodi.

"If you'll excuse us, deputy, Charlie Abbott wants to see us," said Donovan.

Kent nodded then looked at his watch and noticed it was 8:50 p.m. 

He turned around and walked away down the walkway. 

Donovan and Jodi walked away down the walkway in the opposite direction.

While Donovan and Jodi headed to his Buick in the parking lot, Ernie pulled into the driveway of George and Betsy's home.

George walked up to the front door and knocked.

The door opened, and Betsy appeared. "Ernie. What brings you here so late?"

"I just had dinner with those two reporters who are up here about Tiffany's car. They said something you should hear," he said.

"Please come inside," said Betsy and looked curious.

Ernie stepped inside their home, and this was the first time he had been in there for almost forty years. Since Tiffany and Howie went missing, Ernie did not see much of George and Betsy.

"George, Ernie Carlson's here," she called out.

George walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in hand. "Hey Ernie, want a cup, we just made a fresh pot," he said while he held up his coffee cup.

"Sure, I would love a cup."

Betsy walked Ernie into their kitchen, where George started pouring three cups of coffee.

"There's something familiar about those two reporters," said Betsy while she walked Ernie over to their kitchen table.

"I have this strange feeling I've met them before," added George while he walked over with three cups of coffee in hand.

"I know, but they feel somewhat like family to me," said Ernie while George placed a cup of coffee in front of him and Betsy.

"Yep," said George while he sat down.

It was quiet while they all took a drink of coffee.

It was 9:00 p.m., back at the brick walkway by Lake Haney, Kent continued his patrol for the night. He yawned, as things were their usual quiet atmosphere without any signs of crime. Then his cell phone rang. He removed it off his belt.

"Deputy Riley," he answered the call.

"It's me," Rock said from Kent's cell phone.

"It's been quiet around town," Kent replied, thinking his dad was checking up on tonight's shift.

"That's good, but the reason I'm calling is that I had someone call that they heard a gunshot out at the clearing by the lake where the kids neck off Stinson Road," said Rock.

"Gunfire, who called?" Kent and looked concerned.

"It was an anonymous caller."

"Okay, I'll head out to the clearing and check it out," Kent replied and looked forward to a little action in the crime department tonight.

"Naw, you keep on patrolling around town. I'll head out to the clearing."

"I don't mind going out there."

"No. I'll go," Rock replied, and Kent knew from Rock's tone that he better not head out there.

"Okay, fill me in on the details in the morning," said Kent then looked disappointed while he disconnected his end of the call. He continued his walk down the walkway.

Over on Stinson Road, Donovan turned his Buick to the right and headed down the dirt road to the clearing.

Way south on Stinson Road off on the shoulder of the south lane, Rock still had his Impala parked off on the shoulder. He sat in the car with its headlights off. He waited and continued to sip on his flask of whiskey.

Back at George and Betsy's home, they sat at the kitchen table with Ernie drinking coffee.

"Charlie Abbott stopped off here earlier this afternoon," said George.

"I can't believe it's been about forty-three years since we last have seen him," said Betsy.

"How did he look?" asked Ernie.

"Older, balder, fatter," said George.

"Just like us," Ernie said jokingly.

George and Betsy chuckled.

Then Ernie looked serious. "I heard some strange news from those two reporters. They said they got this information from Charlie," said Ernie then he took a drink of coffee.

"What news?" asked George, and he looked curious.

"Well, according to those reporters, Charlie told them that Howie planned on going with him to enlist in the Navy. They were supposed to leave the morning after the night they disappeared."

"We heard," said George.

"You did?"

"Charlie Abbott stopped off her earlier today and told us," added Betsy.

"I would have loved for him to join the Navy," said George.

Betsy had other thoughts about her son joining the military during the Vietnam War.

Ernie, George, and Betsy drank their coffee.

"There's something else," said Ernie.

"What?" asked George then he placed his coffee cup down on the table.

Ernie hesitated for a few seconds but now knew he had to tell them since he planted the seed of interest. "Charlie told these reporters that Tiffany was pregnant when she went missing."

George and Betsy looked a little shocked overhearing that piece of news. 

"Pregnant?" said Betsy.

"By Howie?" said George as he knew those two kids had sex before since he heard them in Howie's room one afternoon.

"No, by someone else," said Ernie.

"Who?" asked Betsy.

"Well, according to Charlie, Rock Riley got Tiffany pregnant."

George and Betsy looked at each other in disbelief.

"Rock Riley? Tiffany never dated Rock Riley," said George.

"No, they never dated," added Betsy.

"Then if they never dated, how did he get her pregnant," asked Betsy being clueless.

George thought about her question while Ernie remained quiet. Then he remembered all those nasty rumors about Rock when he was a deputy. "He raped her, didn't he?"

Ernie nodded in agreement and was glad George figured it out so he would not have to tell them.

It took a few seconds for it to dawn on Betsy. "Oh my, I heard stories, but never wanted to believe them," she said.

Ernie's teeth started to clinch again while he thought about his daughter being raped by a law enforcement officer.

George and Betsy drank their coffee in disbelief with the news they just heard.

Back at the clearing, Donovan parked his Buick behind Charlie's SUV.

"Where's Charlie?" asked Jodi, while all they saw was his rental car.

"Maybe he's nearby," said Donovan while he shut off his car engine.

While Donovan and Jodi got out of the Buick, Rock slowly drove his Impala down the dirt road with its headlights off. He stopped when he got close to the clearing but far away to hide his car out of view.

"Charlie," Donovan called out while he walked over to the SUV to make sure Charlie was not sitting inside the car.

All they heard was the sounds of critters in the woods.

Donovan's iPhone buzzed in his pants pocket. He reached inside it and removed his iPhone. 

"I'm over here in the woods to your left," was a text message from Charlie's on Donovan's cell phone.

"He's over there," Donovan told Jodi while he pointed to his left.

Donovan and Jodi walked away from Charlie's SUV and headed into the woods.

While they walked into the woods, Rock drove his Impala to the clearing then shut off the engine. He quietly opened the door and then quietly closed it with a soft click.

He walked away with a flashlight in his right hand.

He walked over to Donovan's Buick and opened up the driver's door. He reached inside his pants pocket and removed a pistol. 

He wiped the pistol clean of prints with his shirt. 

He leaned down and tucked it under the front seat of Donovan's car. He quietly closed the driver's door.

He walked back over to his car, reached inside the front and removed a flashlight off the front seat.

Rock walked away from Donovan's car and headed in the direction Donovan and Jodi walked.

Donovan and Jodi walked in the woods.

"Charlie, where are you?" called out Donovan while they carefully walked through the woods.

Noting but the noises of the critters in night replied to Donovan's call.

Donovan and Jodi cautiously walked through the woods and did not have a clue that they were being stalked by Rock.

Jodi tripped over something and fell face-first into the dirt.

 Donovan helped her up to her feet.

"I should have used this when we first arrived here," he said then turned on the flashlight application.

He illuminated the area where Jodi tripped and saw a pant leg connected to a shoe. He knew this was not good then ran the light all up a body. His mouth dropped open in shock. "It's Charlie Abbott," he said.


Donovan knelt down and felt for a pulse in Charlie's neck. "He's dead."

Jodi wanted to scream, but nothing would come out of her mouth.

Donovan got really curious and scanned the area over with his flashlight.

The flashlight illuminated on the shovel.

The flashlight then illuminated on the grave of Howie.

Jodi covered her mouth in shock when she saw a half of Howie's skeleton visible in that hole. "Is there another one?"

Donovan's flashlight illuminated on Tiffany's grave where half of her skeleton was visible in the hole. She saw the hole in Tiffany's skull. Then the back of Jodi's head started hurting. She cringed in pain.

"You okay?" he said when he noticed she cringed in pain.

"Pain suddenly shot through the back of my head," she said then she cringed again. "Now pain suddenly shot through my forehead," she added.

Donovan looked down at Tiffany's skeleton and saw the bullet hole in the middle of the skull's forehead. He knew why she had these sudden pains.

"The pain went away," said Jodi and felt one hundred percent better. She knew why she had those pains while she looked at Tiffany's skeleton.

"I wonder how Charlie knew about these graves?"

"I don't know, but he somehow found out," said Donovan.

"Do you think he killed them?" asked Jodi, but after she said that, her gut instinct told her someone else killed them.

"No, he sent me a text message on his find. How he knew about these graves we'll never know," said Donovan.

"I wonder who was buried there?" Jodi said then she instinctually knew it was Tiffany.

Donovan also instinctually knew the other one was Howie.

"Carefully put your hands up in the air," Rock said while his flashlight illuminated Donovan and Jodi's face.

Donovan and Jodi turned around and only saw the flashlight that started to blind them.

"Who are you?" Jodi said while the flashlight started to blind her and Donovan.

"Sheriff Riley," he said while he inched closer to Donovan and Jodi.

"We found him like this, Sheriff," said Donovan.

"After you killed him," Rock said while he inched closer to Donovan and Jodi.

"We didn't kill him," cried out Donovan while he started to get nervous.

"We found him in the dirt. I swear," cried out, Jodi.

"Put your hands behind your heads," Rock told Donovan while he inched closer to him.

Donovan obeyed and placed his hands behind his head.

Jodi obeyed and placed her hands behind her head.

"Move an inch, and I'll put a bullet in your backs," Rock said while he moved behind Donovan.

Donovan remained perfectly still while Rock handcuffed his arms behind his back.

"You're next young lady," Rock said while he walked toward her.

Jodi shook and almost peed her pants while she placed her hands behind her back.

She remained perfectly still while Rock handcuffed her arms behind her back.

"Like I said before, don't move an inch. If you do, I'll place a bullet in your backs," threatened Rock.

Donovan and Jodi remained perfectly still while Rock scanned the area over with his flashlight.

"Look what we have here. Two unmarked graves that it appears either this dead guy or you were digging up," said Rock while his flashlight illuminated Tiffany's skeleton.

He aimed his flashlight into Donovan and Jodi's eyes. "You're under arrest for the murder of this unknown individual. Therefore, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you both understand these rights?" said Rock.

"Yes," said Rock.

"Yes," said Jodi.

Rock shoved his flashlight into his rear pocket. He walked over and grabbed Donovan's right arm then Jodi's left arm.

He used the moonlight and escorted the scared to death Donovan and Jodi through the woods. He headed to the clearing and his car.

After Rock had Donovan and Jodi secured in the backseat of his car, he made a call on his cell phone.

Back in Haneyville, Kent made a drive through the residential area of town.

While he drove past George and Betsy's home, he saw Ernie get into his car in George's driveway. He thought nothing of it while he drove down the street.

His cell phone rang. "Deputy Riley," he answered the call.

"It's me, I made two arrests down at the clearing. Get her right away. I have a murder scene to secure," Rock said from the cell phone.

"Yes, sir," replied Kent, and he had a huge grin on his face. He turned on the lights of his patrol car. 

He raced his car down the street with its red and blue lights flashing. This was something he never had the chance to perform, and he loved letting the town folk know he was on a critical mission.

Ten minutes had passed, and Kent raced his Chevrolet Impala patrol car down the dirt road with his red and blue lights flashing. He traveled a little to fast and almost sent the alignment out of whack, hitting every single hole in the dirt.

He drove into the clearing. He stopped his car behind Rock's Impala and saw Rock standing by the car with two people sitting in the backseat.

Kent got out of his car and rushed over to Rock. He immediately noticed the cut across his right face cheek. "What happened to your face?"

Rock touched the cut across his cheek. "That guy I arrested swung at me with a shovel," he said.

Kent looked in the backseat of Rock's Impala and saw Donovan and Jodi sitting scared. 

Donovan looked up at Kent. "I never touched the sheriff. I swear," he said and looked sincere.

"He's telling the truth deputy. He never hit the sheriff," said Jodi, and she looked sincere.

"Do we know who was killed?" asked Kent while he ignored Donovan and Jodi.

"Yeah, some guy named Charlie Abbott," said Rock.

"Take the suspects and book them for first-degree murder. I'll keep this area secure from rubberneckers. Then after you get them booked, call the hospital and have them come out and pick up the body and have someone ready to come out and dig up those skeletons. Also, have Andrew come out here with the camera," said Rock.

"Okay," said Kent then he looked at Donovan and Jodi sitting in the backseat of Rock's Impala. "I can't believe these two reporters killed that guy."

"Murderers are so unpredictable," said Rock.

"I guess," said Kent while he opened the rear passenger door of Rock's Impala. "Get out," he ordered Donovan and Jodi.

Donovan and Jodi got out of the backseat of Rock's Impala.

Kent escorted them over to his patrol car and placed them in that rear seat.

"Oh, the pistol they used to kill that guy is under the front seat of that Buick. I didn't touch it. So carefully remove it and process it as evidence," Rock called out.

Kent rushed over to Donovan's Buick.

He opened the front door and dropped to his knees. He looked under the front seat and carefully removed the pistol.

Rock watched with a slight smirk while Kent carefully placed the pistol in the front seat of his patrol car.

Kent got inside his car, started up the engine then turned around and drove off down the dirt road.

After Kent's patrol car was out of sight down the dirt road, Rock rushed through the clearing and headed to the woods. He had something important to do before Andrew arrived.