Murder Outside Haneyville by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 30

Saturday morning arrived across Haneyville, and the town was buzzing with the news of last night’s car chase with Sheriff Riley.

Some of the residents were in shock that Sheriff Riley was arrested for murdering three people. Some of the other residents were not that surprised as they had a gut feeling there was something crooked with the old sheriff. Especially the women that Rock forced them to have sex in place of being arrested.

Then other good news arrived when some light rain showers appeared over Haneyville to provide some relief for the summer drought.

Rock lay in a Haneyville Hospital room bed treated for his injuries from the accident and being shot in his right shoulder. He looked depressed while his right hand was handcuffed to the side rail of the bed.

He still could not believe that his own son shot then arrested him. The boy Rock never played ball with or took fishing but often whipped him with a belt. 

Outside Rock’s hospital room, a State Trooper sat in a chair in the hallway. His job was primarily to make sure Rock did not try to escape.

Donovan lay in a hospital bed with a goose egg on his forehead and a broken right forearm. 

Jodi lay in another hospital bed with a cut across her forehead.

Andrew lay in another hospital bed with a bullet wound in his left thigh. Sandy also sat in his room, and her eyes were red from crying most of the morning.

Back at the Haneyville Police Station, Kent worked with Detective Morris and processed the evidence found in the wooden chest. The evidence included a pair of Levi hip hugger bell-bottom blue jeans, a pair of Levi bell-bottom blue jeans, a busy floral print blouse, a black tee-shirt, pair of brown chunky heel sandals, black pair of Converse sneakers with pair of white socks, a wallet with Howie’s driver’s license and a five-dollar bill, Haneyville High School identification card, Tiffany’s driver’s license, a gold chain with gold heart with “Howie” engraved on the back and a small silver key, a Colt 45 with three bullets in the magazine clip, a black wool ski mask with a few strands of black hair, another black ski mask and the coveralls.

Kent also found Donovan and Jodi’s cell phones in Rock’s pants pocket after he was admitted in the hospital.

After they processed the evidence, Kent called George, Betsy, and Ernie to come down to the station to identify the items.

Thirty minutes had passed, and George, Betsy, and Ernie arrived at the police station.

Kent and Detective Morris took the four over to a desk to look at the items.

Ernie had Tiffany’s diary Jodi found in his hand while he looked at the items in plastic bags. “That’s Tiffany’s gold chain with heart. Howie gave that to her,” he said.

George and Betsy looked at the bag with her gold chain and gold heart. 

“I remembered when he bought that down in Knoxville,” said Betsy then her eyes started to well up.

Ernie set the diary on the top of the desk. “Deputy, we found Tiffany’s old diary, but it’s locked. Can we see if that key on her chain will unlock it?”

“Sure. I’m curious what she wrote down back then,” replied Kent. Then he opened up one of his desk drawers and removed some latex gloves. He put on the gloves then removed the chain with a gold heart and small key. Kent took that key and used it to unlock Tiffany’s diary. 

“We should keep that diary as evidence if it contains any information concerning this case,” said Detective Morris.

Kent nodded in agreement while he opened up the diary. He flipped through the pages and got to the summer months of 1970. 

He found an entry for June 6, 1970, Saturday and started to read where Tiffany wrote how Deputy Rock Riley raped her on that day. He closed the diary and started to get sick over the thought that his daddy raped a girl. “We’ll keep this as evidence,” he told Ernie.

George, Betsy, and Ernie had a hunch that that page Kent read was probably Tiffany’s account of being raped by Rock.

“If it helps your case, then keep it,” said Ernie.

“Thanks. I’ll make sure you get it back after this is all over with,” said Kent.

Ernie nodded that he understood then he looked at George and Betsy. He motioned that it was time to leave. They nodded in agreement, and they left the station.

Two hours had passed, and George and Betsy picked up Donovan from the hospital while Ernie picked up Jodi. They all headed back to their homes.

They all met at George’s house for a late lunch.

Bernie showed up with a huge smile on his face.

“I have some good news. The charges are dropped against you two,” Bernie said while they all sat down at the dining room table.

Donovan and Jodi hugged each other in relief, knowing they would not be spending their entire life in prison.

George, Betsy, and Ernie looked a little sad while they all started eating the ham and cheese sandwiches.

“It looks like the state is going to dig into Sheriff Riley’s recent activities ever since they found Tiffany’s car in Lake Haney,” said Bernie then he took a bite of his sandwich. “Deputy Riley stated you can pick up your cars and stuff at the police station. You’re free to leave town whenever you want,” he added after he swallowed.

George, Betsy, and Ernie continued to look sad while everybody ate lunch. They wished Howie and Tiffany were still alive.

Donovan and Jodi looked at each other, and they were happy, but something else was on their minds.

“You know, you two don’t have to rush off right away,” said Betsy with hopeful eyes.

“That’s right, you’re more than welcomed to hang around town a little while longer,” added George with hopeful eyes.

“I agree,” said Ernie with hopeful eyes.

Over at the lake walkway, Kent and Detective Morris just left the Lake View Restaurant. They decided to have lunch before she drove down to Knoxville with the evidence.

They walked back to Kent’s patrol car, and both were going to miss each other’s company.

Kent and Detective Morris chatted some more about their lives while he drove to her Charger back to the police station.

She parked by her car, and they got out.

“Well, Detective Morris, it sure was enjoyable meeting you,” said Kent.

“Please call me Jan from now on,” she said while they got to her driver’s side of the car.

“Okay, only if you call me Kent.”

“I will.”

They shook hands then she opened up her driver’s door. “I’ll be in touch later,” she said then got inside her Charger.

“Looking forward to it,” said Kent.

Kent watched while she started up her Charger then drove out of the parking lot.

Kent went inside the police station already missing Jan, and he could not wait until she called in the future.

The second after Kent stepped inside the police station George drove up in his Buick with Donovan and Jodi inside.

George parked his Buick, and the three went inside the station.

Kent just sat down at his desk with thoughts about Jan when he saw George, Donovan, and Jodi standing at the counter.

“Are you here for your stuff?” asked Kent while he got up from his desk and headed to the counter.

“Yes,” said Donovan.

“Listen,” said Kent while he walked up to the counter, then paused. “I’m so sorry for what my daddy did to the both of you. So sorry. His actions by no means reflect the people of our town,” he told Donovan and Jodi and sounded sincere.

“Thank you, deputy,” said Jodie. She actually felt sorry for Kent knowing that his daddy is a murderer.

“If it wasn’t for you, we might be spending the rest of our lives in prison. Thank you,” added Donovan and he also felt sorry for Kent.

“Well, let’s go get your cars and stuff,” said Kent.

A little while later, Donovan and Jodi drove their vehicles back to George’s house.

After Donovan parked his Buick by the street, Ernie came out of George’s house and admired Donovan’s car. 

“Just like Tiffany’s car,” he said while he walked around it.

After Ernie was done admiring Donovan’s Buick, they went inside George’s home.

“You’re more than welcomed to stay the weekend,” Betsy offered to Donovan and Jodi.

Donovan and Jodi looked at each other.

“Ah, I’ll stay the weekend if Jodi would like to stay,” said Donovan while he looked at Jodi.

“I would love to stay, I’ll just have to call my boss and let him know I might be a tad late getting back to the office on Monday,” she said.

George, Betsy, and Ernie looked happy their guests would be staying a little longer.

Bernie stepped inside the living room from being outside, taking a call on his cell phone.

“I’m heading back down to Knoxville to my office. I’ll be in touch after I get the paperwork for your charges being dropped,” he said then he shook hands with Donovan and Jodi.

“Thank you for your assistance, Bernie,” said Donovan.

“Yes, thank you. I couldn’t bear the thought of sitting in prison for the rest of my life,” said Jodi, then she gave Bernie a hug.

Bernie kissed Betsy on her cheek then shook hands with George and Ernie.

They all watched while Bernie left through the front door.

After Bernie left, George, Betsy, Donovan, Ernie, and Jodi all went out for dinner at the Lake View Restaurant. They had to celebrate that the murder charges have been dropped.

After a nice dinner at the Lake View Restaurant, Donovan and Jodi took their usual stroll down the sidewalk at 7:30 p.m.  But tonight they did not have to fear being kidnapped by Sheriff Rock Riley. 

“You know something?”


“This town is starting to grow on me, and now that Sheriff Riley is no longer a threat, I think this place would be a nice place to raise a family,” said Donovan.

Jodi smiled while she thought about Donovan’s comment about Haneyville. “I agree.”

Donovan and Jodi held hands while they continued their walk down the sidewalk through the neighborhood.

Sunday morning arrived in Haneyville.

Melinda rushed home when she heard the news on the TV last night from her sister’s house.

Kent comforted Melinda in her living room. She was having a hard time believing that her husband killed three people. But on the other hand, she was often at the other end of his anger.

Back at George’s home, he and Donovan decided to go fishing for the afternoon.

George had a red 1965 Chevy C-10 pickup truck in his garage. It was in excellent shape, as he restored right after he retired from the plant.

George and Donovan grabbed two fishing poles, tackle box and a six-pack of Budweiser. Then they placed the rowboat in the bed of the pickup.

George drove off with Donovan, and they headed out to Meyers Lake located ten miles northwest of Haneyville.

A little while later, George and Donovan sat in the rowboat Lake Meyers with their fishing lines in the water.

“Howie and I would fish out here when he was a kid. Then when he turned into a teenager and started to take a liking to Tiffany, he lost interest,” said George.

Donovan looked at George and at the lake. He got another déjà vu feeling, and it was a beautiful, loving feeling. 

“Did your daddy take you fishing?”

“No, he was to busy working,” said Donovan.

“Too bad, nothing like a father and son going fishing,” said George then he realized he caught a fish. He reeled it in, and it was a good size trout.

They continued to fish for the rest of the afternoon.

While Donovan was fishing with George, Jodi took Betsy at the mall for some clothes shopping.

After they came back from the mall, Jodi called her boss and told him about what happened during the past week. Her boss stated he read about it on the Internet.  She said to him that she’d be in at the office late Monday afternoon.

After eating a fish dinner from George and Donovan’s catch from Lake Meyers, Donovan slipped out for a quick trip to the mall. He told George of his plan, and George decided to go with him. They told Betsy, Ernie, and Jodi that they were going to Sears to look at some fishing supplies.

Monday morning arrived in Haneyville.

Andrew was released from the hospital and picked up by his wife, Sandy.

After they arrived back in their apartment, they had a long heart to heart talk about their future.

While Andrew and Sandy had their heart to heart talk, Donovan and Jodi attended church with George, Betsy, and Ernie.

After lunch at Ernie’s home, Donovan and Jodi drove off to the clearing. He told her that that should go there for closure with all that happened. But he really had something else on his mind.

Donovan got nervous while he drove his Buick Special down the dirt road to the clearing.

After he parked in the clearing, he and Jodi got out of his car.

Donovan’s legs shook while he and Jodi walked over to the front of his car.

Donovan looked at Jodi, and his legs shook some more. 

“What?” asked Jodi when Donovan just stared at her.

Donovan dropped to his left knee.

It took a few seconds for it to dawn on her what he was doing. 

Donovan reached in his left pants pocket and removed a small ring box. He opened up the box. “Jodi Lauder, will you marry me?” he asked while he showed her the beautiful sparkly diamond ring.

“Yes,” she said while her eyes welled up.

Donovan got up, removed the diamond ring, and placed it on her left-hand ring finger.

Then Jodi’s eyes widened when she had a déjà vu feeling. “Howie proposed to Tiffany just like this,” she said.

“I know.”

They hugged then kissed passionately.

Later that evening, Donovan and Jodi ate dinner with Ernie at George and Betsy’s home. They celebrated Donovan and Jodi’s engagement. But Betsy started to get sad thinking that she would not be able to attend the wedding since Donovan and Jodi will be leaving Haneyville tomorrow.

After dinner, Donovan and Jodi went on another stroll hand in hand down the sidewalk of the neighborhood.

“You know something, despite what happened, I kinda like Haneyville. Sheriff Riley was the only bad apple,” said Donovan.

“I know what you mean. His son Kent appears to be down to earth. I mean, he shot his father knowing he committed those murders and didn’t try to cover it up,” added Jodi.

Donovan pondered what happened with his life during the past couple of weeks. He looked at Jodi. “You know, I wouldn’t mind, ah, staying here for good,” he said.

Jodi thought about his comment for a few seconds. “You know, this place has actually grown on me. So I could also live here.”

“I would rather raise a family here than in Melbourne.”

Jodi thought about his comment for a few seconds. “Me too.”

“So, I guess we’re going to stay for good”

“Yes. Haneyville will be our new home.”

“You mean our home again,” said Donovan to remind her that they believed they were Howie and Tiffany reincarnated.

Jodi smiled. “Yeah, our home again.”

The sidewalk curved.

“But what can we do a living?” asked Jodi.

It did not take Donovan long to think about a solution, as he had this on his mind during the past couple of days. “Why don’t we buy the Haneyville Tribune?”

It did not take Jodi long to smile with his answer, as she also thought about that idea the second Grant mentioned he was selling. “Let’s.”

Jodi and Donovan walked hand in hand down the sidewalk and looked forward to again calling Haneyville home.

A week had passed in Haneyville.

 Jodi and Donovan attend the burial services for Howie and Tiffany with most of the townfolk. This was odd for Donovan and Jodi as it was like they attended their own funerals.

George, Betsy, and Ernie finally had closure after forty-three years of wondering what happened to their children.

But something happened in three weeks later that helped George, Betsy, and Ernie move on with their lives. Donovan and Jodi got married in Haneyville.

Since Jodi’s parents were no longer alive, she asked Ernie to walk her down the aisle.

Betsy cried as if it was her son getting married. If she only knew what Donovan and Jodi had figured out.

Donovan and Jodi went on a cruise to Hawaii, as that was a dream honeymoon Jodi wanted as a teen.

Other romances started. Kent and Jan began to dating, and it looked serious.