Needless Suicide by Gautham Srinivasan - HTML preview

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I had divided my execution part of the plan into three different parts. Firstly, I have to hypnotize him. I knew it was easier said than done. Using the original eye fixation method was the best option I had given these circumstances. I requested Karthik to look into my eyes, although I was wary he might just ask for the reason. I prayed in my mind that such a situation does not arise. Should I tell him, I am going to hypnotize you to murder you?

Fortunately, he did not question me. Instead I felt he was ready to get hypnotized! He looked more interested in my eyes, the reddish hue of my cornea capturing his attention. He looked and looked at me, mumbling in his half asleep state why my eyes were red. Slowly but surely it happened. He got convinced to focus on my eyes, he was losing his senses, he knew. But my eyes were far too much hypnotic for him.

Secondly, I have to verify thoroughly that he was indeed hypnotized. This was tricky, but this was the best plan I could think of: Once certain he was under my mind control, I asked him to perform some simple, harmless tasks, like exercising, sitting, standing, jumping back and forth and walking backwards. If one sees the task I gave him to perform were increasingly difficult and at least at one point of time, he would have refused to do them, if he were in his own control. To again recheck my conviction that he was indeed in his hypnotic sleep, I asked him to keep his eyes open for full ninety seconds. Under normal circumstances when he was feeling extremely sleepy, he would have certainly refused but now, he had complied with my instructions.

The third part of the plan was the trickiest of them all. I have to instruct him to kill himself, without me touching him for no reason whatsoever. A rope for hanging washed clothes was tied in the balcony. Being a star hotel, I knew this provision would be there and I had physically verified the room with Karthik while booking it. He thought the reason for spending the night in this room was that since both of us had never been to a star hotel, we wanted to get a feel of it, being in a star hotel. But I had other ideas.

I, with a shaky voice, requested my subject to get the rope after untying it from the balcony. Then, with a heavy heart and turning my back to him, I asked him to do it — to tie the rope around his neck. I would not have been surprised to receive a backlash anytime but he was truly in a deep hypnotic sleep. As I instructed him to tie the rope around his neck harder and with full strength, I felt a sensation like never before.

Then he slumped and fell on the bed on his back. Game over.

He had strangled himself, right here on the second floor of the Savera hotel.


Inspector Dubey, wide eyed, instantly sputtered out, “How in the world is that possible?”