Needless Suicide by Gautham Srinivasan - HTML preview

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“No!!!” a female voice was heard in the video. The camera shook violently and in a glimpse Inspector Dubey caught sight of the woman. The video was again paused.

“So it was her to whom he was narrating his story, at least we could see her face now!” Dubey commented.

“But sir, do you know who she is?” Ravi asked.

“No. Not at all. But now we have another person whom we can approach to check the authenticity of the video.” Dubey said. “It is not only the two men who are sitting in custody. Anyways, play the rest of the video, Ravi.”

I fear not, sir, for you are mistaken. Ravi thought as he clicked the video to resume the recording.


Kaushik got up and went out of frame. Then she came well into the frame. Her eyes were filled with terror. She was pleading to him, shaking her head. Tears rolled from her eyes.

You look beautiful even when you cry, Nisha. Now, Kaushik’s back was visible. He rubbed his palms and repeated , “You have signed your death warrants.” She quickly through a flower vase from near the table at him and picked up her mobile phone. The vase hit Kaushik and he stumbled backwards, momentarily losing his balance. In the meantime, Nisha was doing something in her mobile phone desperately, as one could hear the keypad tones.

Kaushik lunged forward and pulled the mobile out of her hand. He bellowed, “You sent a blank message to an unknown number?” She prayed. He knew he was in trouble. It was to be done quick and efficiently. There was a job in his hands. He could not let her escape. He had confessed to her about being a murderer and she had to die, for secrecy is maintained between two persons, only when one is dead.

Then it happened.

He clutched her throat and banged her head against the wall. She struggled under his grip. Her hands tried to release his clutch but he was too powerful for her. Slowly her hands gave up. She had given up. For one full minute, he had held her throat tightly. At the end of it, there was no struggle, no movement.

The video went blank as something fell on the floor.

Footsteps were heard fading away.

“What happened?” Dubey asked. The video is being played sir. Everything seems so still. They waited in shock and horror for the video to end. “It ends in just over five minutes from now.” Ravi explained.

Five full minutes later, somebody picked up something. The face was visible for a moment. It was immediately recognized by Ravi Rathore.

“What!” He gasped.

“Believe it or not sir, I have seen this man.” He told Dubey.

No wonder, Ravi Ratnam had recognized K2.