No Room for the Innocent by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Thurstan was too busy to do much more than shake Chuck’s hand then pass him over to Degsy to give him the walkabout tour.

“Hi, I’m Brian but most people call me ‘Chuck’. You’ll be Degsy?” he said with a firm handshake.

Derek smiled back at him. “Yep, that’s right. I’ll quickly show you around then do you fancy a cuppa and a chat?” A nod and they walked and talked

Ensconced in his office, tea and biscuits on the table, Degsy opened with: “So, I understand you were down here as a DS?”

Chuck dunked a biscuit and chewed rapidly. “Mmmm. Did a couple of years on the squad, got promoted, went to SB. Spent three years there then got offered a secondment to London.”

“What did you do down there? Interesting?”

“Not really. I worked for a Home Office statistical analysis unit. Basically, number crunching, but it came with a nice apartment on the Isle of Dogs with a concierge, secure parking, swimming pool and gym so I can’t complain.”

“What made you come back? Time up?”

“Sort of and I fancied a change anyway. I wanted to get back into the thick of it.”

There was a knock at the door and Mike Patterson came in. After the introductions, Chuck took his tea and followed him to meet their team.  Degsy munched another biscuit and began tapping away on the computer.