No Room for the Innocent by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Chapter 25


They sat at the far end of the cafe bar, in the corner, entrance in view. Next to the fire exit, they had a way out if needed. He told her everything.

Her expression didn’t falter. “I never wanted to know, Nicks, but now I do, it changes nothing for me. I’m not a total innocent or a fool. I just preferred to ignore it. I love you. It’s as simple as that. You’re my life.” She hesitated and sighed. “Just make this go away, please.”

Simon strolled over cup in hand and sat down.

Introductions done, they talked it out then Si said, “I think it’s best if you two stay at my new place. Nicks has been there, it’s nice, in a quiet close, decent neighbours. You can have it to yourselves because I’ve still got the flat in town, so I can kip there. Ok, there’s some people want to rent it but I’ve got a couple of weeks before that. It’s got everything I need. Saves on the expense of the hotels and it’s less traceable.”

He saw the protest in Nick’s eyes. “With your form for the funny registration names it won’t be long before that DCI and his mates catch up with you. They’ve had a lot of practice so I’m pretty sure they’ve got the hang of it by now.” Nicks surrendered.

They chatted for a bit longer then Anca rose and said, “I’m just nipping to the loo.” As she walked off with her handbag their heads followed her.

“Blimey, she’s lovely. Why can’t I find someone like that?” Simon shook his head.

Nicks glanced back at her and smiled. “You will.”

He took a deep breath.  “Look, I have to meet Phil, so I’m trusting her to your care. Go back to yours and let her settle in. Don’t leave her for any reason. She’s a bit nervous at the moment. She doesn’t show it but I can tell. Her English is perfect, so you don’t need to do that voice you do when giving foreign tourists directions. Oh, and if you like the idea of having testicles, try not to annoy her.”

That last part particularly took Si’s interest. “How do I manage that then?”

Nicks grinned back at him. “You’ll pick it up.”