Norfolk Noir by B.S. Tivadar - HTML preview

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'The result is that Morski and Pidrik can be prosecuted for abduction, unlawful imprisonment and accessory to murder regarding Gruberova. Ms Saddiqe will also be prosecuted for the same crimes with respect to Gruberova' Leibnitz concluded her description of the day she and Blunt had spent together.

The others sat stunned for a few moments.

'What about the Patels?' Ahmed broke the silence looking from Blunt to Leibnitz and back to Blunt.

'I have my suspicions as to who is responsible.' Blunt curled his right hand into a fist, raised it to his face and put his thumb under his chin and covered his lips with the forefinger, and looked around the room.

'Yes but who killed them?' Ahmed again, 'That will determine whether your suspicions are well founded or not.'

'Are we missing something here John?' this time from Flint.

Blunt took his time before deigning to answer, 'Who had the most to gain from the Patels' deaths? Melanie you put up on the chart each of the people or groups of people that we have in mind. On one side put gain and on the other put lose. Let's start with the Bondarevski group. What did they have to gain?'

'It would send a message to anyone that tried to cross them.' volunteered Cushion.

'True. But we never released any details of the source of our information.' countered Blunt, 'So, if they did do it, then who provided them with the information?'

'Someone, who wanted the Patels out of the way.' from Flint.

'True but then why leave bits and pieces all over the place that can be easily identified as Russian?'

'Because it will let everyone know that they have killed someone who shopped them' again from Cushion.

'I don't buy into it' retorted Saeed, 'If we have strong suspicions that it is them then we come down on them like a ton of bricks. We kick the stones over so that the spotlight shines on their filthy enterprises. That's one hell of a big risk for them. Their money making activities will be seriously curtailed whilst we dig around.' He paused, looked around and continued, 'They had too much to lose!'

No-one disagreed.

'Ok, what about Morski and Pidrik?

'They certainly had a good deal to gain. Mrs Patel had seen them talk with Sheikh and Saddiqe. But they were in custody!' Ahmed skewered the suggestion.

'True BUT did they have any accomplices?' countered Blunt

'What about Medvedskaya? Could she have been in on their scam?' suggested Leibnitz, 'She couldn't have failed to know that they were up to something, especially with Gruberova'

'Good point. Underscore Medvedskaya.' Blunt instructed.

'Surely, she cannot have tied the family up alone and done all the rest alone?' interjected Flint.

'Good point. But if she is tied up with Morski and Pidrik may she not have carried out the killing with Saddiqe and Sheikh?'' questioned Blunt.

'Saddiqe and Sheikh had something to gain from the Patels' deaths.' contributed Saeed, 'Bondarevski is the type who would want to know how the Patels pinpointed the brothel as being Russian. That could lead to Saddiqe and Sheikh and from there to whoever is behind them.'

'There is another reason that is related to that one' commented a thoughtful Blunt who paused before continuing, 'They knew the game was up when Ahmed and I returned to the Patel's. Whomsoever, is behind Sheikh and Saddiqe knew that we were onto the pair of them. The Patels were the weak link and disposable. They had to be killed. That left Sheikh and Saddiqe as the weak links. Whomsoever is behind this feared that there is a possibility, however slight, that investigation of the pair could lead back to them'

'The two of them are tied up with Islamists who are prepared to go to any lengths to achieve their aims of Muslim domination' interjected Saeed.

'Yes, I agree' his boss responded, 'Who would know that the brothel is owned and operated by the Russians?.....Someone trying to muscle in on the operation...Who?...Muslim fundamentalists....How did they get to know? The security services probably knew from what Beaumont told you' Blunt turned towards Flint ,'Now, who is connected to the security services? Who would be party to some of their information?.....Khan!'

'Why Norwich John? Why did they choose Norwich? Why Khan?' questioned Flint.

Her boss didn't answer for a moment.

'Because we are seen as a team of losers in the last chance saloon, if we have not already passed through it. Whosoever is behind this took the risk that we would fuck up. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us, they were too sure of themselves and made mistakes. As for Khan I know why'

'Why?' asked Saeed

'It does not matter at the moment. We still have a loose link: if it is still about. That may lead us back.....'

'The prat in the taxi office' piped up Leibnitz.

'Correct Melanie' a grateful acknowledgement from Blunt. She had diverted attention away from Khan....for the moment.

He knew why Norwich. It had everything to do with him and Khan and..... Anjii. Khan knew about the letter. Why did it concern him so?

He collected his thoughts, 'First thing tomorrow Melanie and Saeed get round to the taxi office. Get your man in. Get him in front of an id parade for Saddiqe to look at. Get a search warrant for his home address. See if he had a motorbike.' He turned to Flint and Cushion, 'Get a search warrant for Ransome's house and get there first thing in the morning. Get a search warrant for Shinton's hostel and go there after you have arrested the pair of them'

'Why don't we go there now?' a surprising intervention from Cushion.

Blunt's eyebrows raised in surprise. This from the man who seemed more interested in overtime than catching criminals.

'Without a warrant?' questioned Blunt.

'We don't need one we have enough evidence from The Attic to arrest them' argued Cushion.

'I hope you the pair of you are not getting personal' cautioned Blunt.