O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Nancy kissed her sister on the cheek as she was heading over to Millersburg to spend the night with a sick friend. Stella walked her to the front door and grabbed her in a big bear hug. Then softly kissed her on the forehead.

“What’s this all about?” Nancy asked, for Stella usually didn’t show this level of affection toward her.

“I want you to know how much I truly adored having you as my sister in this lifetime.” Stella smiled.

“Uh, okay. I love you too Sis. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” She wasn’t sure what brought that little episode on, but it made her feel good inside to know how Stella truly felt about her.

“Tomorrow and forever more.”

Nancy went to her automobile and just as she was about to get in, she blew a little kiss to her sister, who was watching her from the doorway. Pretending to catch her love kiss, she placed it over her heart as she waved goodbye. This gesture made Nancy’s eyes tear up as she drove slowly away.

Miss Stella now went into her private side room to meditate. She was preparing herself for a late visitor who would be there in an hour or so, just after sundown. They were destined to meet on this very night, it had been prearranged before they entered this physical world.

The sunset was most awe-inspiring on this fated evening, as her unannounced visitor tiptoed through her house, after entering an open rear bedroom window. Slowly searching for her in the darkness, he now saw the light emanating from the room where she gave her private readings. Nary was a sound made by the ominous intruder, for he had shed his shoes in order to surprise his envisioned victim, and was wearing gloves to hide his true identity from the prying eyes of law enforcement.

Miss Stella was sitting in one of two chairs, with her back toward the open door. She was meditating, or as her trespasser saw it; napping as an older person was prone to do. Slowly, very slowly he moved within two feet of her. The claw-hammer in his right hand calculatingly ascended high overhead as he positioned himself to make the first strike, the crucial blow as he saw it, was indeed the one that would render her dead.

She spoke just as the hammer was about to descend, “Dick Fairchild, I’ve been waiting for you.”

Fairchild froze, stunned to hear her speak his name. She stood and turned to face him as he now lowered the hammer to his side as he quickly snapped out of his stupor.

“Tell me Stella, how did you know it was me?” He sheepishly grinned.

“My guide, Dr. Rice told me over a month ago this was my chosen way of departing this life. So, you are no surprise to me, it is simply time for me to return to the Unseen World and resume my life there.”

Fairchild studied her for a moment, not sure what she was babbling about, but he came to deal with a problem, and deal with it he would, “Well, let me not keep you then from your holy appointment,” he said once more raising the hammer high above his head.

“Let me help you Dick,” she said. Lowering herself to a kneeling position, with her back to him, she brought her hands together for praying, “Our father, who art in heaven…” she began reciting the lord’s prayer. As she came to the part, “as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no…”

Before she said the word ‘evil,’ the claw-hammer found its mark. The first strike hit with such force, the hammer penetrated through her hair, skin and skull-plate. Her body was slammed to the floor, with the hammer buried several inches into the back of her cranium. Dick had to pin her head down with his left foot in order to wrench the hammer free from her skull. Wasting no time, he then applied the other twenty-nine blows so as to mirror the Martha Camp murder; thus drawing away any suspicions from himself.

With the deed done, he put on his shoes and slipped out the rear door into the peaceful night. Unafraid as he walked through the darkness, for he was the personification of pure evil that lurks within the dark shadows; and behold, for no one crossing his path, churchgoer or sinner, would be safe from his lethal madness.




So-called local psychic never saw it coming! Miss O’Rourke was found murdered in the same manner as Martha Camp. Coroner Troy Van Horn told this reporter she received over thirty hammer blows to the head and neck areas. Saint Cloud P.D. and the State Crime Bureau are investigating, or so they claim.

Nancy Miller, the bereaved sister, and soon-to-be ex-wife of Chief Miller, had to be sedated and transported to the hospital over in Millersburg per Doc Pearlman. She suffered a complete mental breakdown after returning home and finding her sister murdered in such a horrific manner.

Story by: Jonah McGregor Death count now 10.
