O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Greetings and pleasantries were exchanged as Beatrice entered through Dexter’s front door. She was a few minutes early, for the reading she had scheduled last week, with him and his guide, Alalya. She felt so physically and emotionally drained of late; with Alan’s death, and then the murder of Miss Stella. It was all just so overwhelming to her to say the very least.

Dexter led her into a private room, offering her a seat where he conducted his readings. Its furnishings were simple fare; three straight-backed wooden chairs forming a triangle in the center of a twelve by fourteen-foot carpeted room. There was no window present, it had been paneled over. There were two lamps sitting on a round-topped table in the corner. One with a regular white-bulb, the other with a red-bulb. Also, on the table sat a magnetic tape recorder for those who wanted to make sure they didn’t forget anything that was said.

He told her she owed no money for the reading, but she insisted and handed him a ten-dollar bill. Dexter thanked her and then he prepared himself for the arrival of Alalya, by turning off the white-bulb lamp and turning on the red-bulb lamp. Closing his eyes, he relaxed and started breathing slowly. Deeper and deeper he went into a trance state.

“I am Alalya, and I shall be communicating tonight. You may ask your questions when you feel comfortable doing so.”

“I’m Beatrice Reid, and I would like to ask about my fiancé who died awhile back.”

“Yes, I have looked into your life, and the lives of those who are, and have been, associated with you. What do you wish to ask at this time?”

“Alan came to me and said he didn’t commit suicide, but that he was murdered. Can you please tell me who killed him?”

“Because of events that are now playing out, that were planned long before certain energy beings were born into this world, it will not be possible to reveal who returned your loved one back to the Unseen World. Just know, that in a short time, all will be revealed to your satisfaction.” Alalya relayed the information with no emotion attached to her words.

“Oh, alright then…can you tell me if there was another woman in his life?” Beatrice asked timidly, not sure she could handle the truth.

“No, there was no other woman.” Alalya answered the question as it was put forth, and did not feel the need to elaborate further, unless asked to do so.

“Oh thank heavens, and that means he didn’t father a child out of wedlock?”

“This I can say; the suicide note found by the authorities was false. It did not come from the hand of the one you knew as Alan Wallace.”

“So the stuff about a prostitute, a child out of wedlock… it was all a lie?”

“Yes, a complete fabrication.”

“Will Alan come to see me again?”

“As the events play out, and final closure comes to pass, Alan Wallace will return to his true home that of the Unseen World, which all will one day return as well. But to answer your question as it was asked, no, he will not appear before you again in this lifetime.”

Beatrice now felt very tired, the sorrow weighed heavy on her soul; that she would not look upon his face just once more was too much to bare. “Thank you,” Was all she could put forth for now, as she felt she needed to go home and lay down. She was unaware that she was falling into a deep depression over the grief she felt over Alan’s death.

Dexter, now fully aware once again, saw the look on her face and decided not to ask how it went. “Would you like to stay and rest here? I have a spare bedroom you can…”

“No, I just need to go home. Thank you so much,” she stood and made her way to her automobile and departed.

Dexter mentally asked his guide, Alalya, to infuse her with energy and see her home safely.