O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Dexter had met Ronny on two earlier occasions, when he was in Saint Cloud visiting Stella within the last year, or thereabouts. Ronny had secretly gone to Miss Stella for readings, but never told his father, because he said she was no more than a con artist, who took advantage of weak minded people.

As Dexter prepared himself, Ronny waited patiently for his guide Alalya to come through. As he fell into a deep trance, Ronny noticed his breathing became slow, almost labored at times.

“Greetings, I am called Alalya, I will be speaking this evening. Proceed when you are ready.”

“I’m Ronny Fairchild,” he was nervous and at first, sounded childish in his weak, trembling voice.

“Yes, I have your life plan before me. Be not afraid, and ask that which lays so heavy upon your mind, for you are entitled to have all your questions answered to the fullest degree.” Her reassuring pleasant voice made him feel safe and loved on some higher level.

Summoning up the courage, “Why did my friend and lover, Alan Wallace take his own life?”

“Because you are of a higher order of Energy Being’s, this knowledge can be given to you. The one known to you as Alan Wallace did not commit suicide, he was murdered in accordance with his full and complete permission, as given before his arrival into this physical world. The ruse of self-inflicted death, was simply to cover up the true nature of his demise by the actual perpetrator.”

Ronny didn’t understand everything she said, “He was murdered?”


“Who killed him?” he asked now with a strong and firm voice.

“As it was predetermined, he was slain by that individual who gave you physical life.”

A stunned look appeared on his boyish face, “My father? Why?”

“As it was written upon the stars, they were to meet, as two actors upon a stage, playing out their parts in the human drama called life. Each experiencing now, what the other had already experienced in a previous lifetime together.” Alalya lovingly expressed.

Ronny bolted from the darkened room as anger now overtook the young, impetuous lad. Racing toward his home city, he played out in his mind, over and over, scenarios of how he would confront his murderous patriarch.

Dexter’s guide gave this information, knowing it would set into motion the experience, that was pre-programmed by the one known as Dick Fairchild, prior to entering into this lifetime.

As Alalya withdrew from her position of over-shadowing Dexter, he now found himself sitting alone. Not sure what happened, he turned on the white-light lamp and went in search of Ronny. He found his front door standing wide open and noticed his vehicle was gone.

Closing the door, he wondered what Alalya had said that sent him off in such hast. He hoped it wasn’t anything too serious, but after all, it was his life and he could live it however he wished.

So, as the time was nearing nine o’clock, he readied himself for bed, for he had another reading scheduled for tomorrow evening with Chief Miller. He told him it concerned official police business, so he was kinda excited, and hoped he would be able to sleep.