O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Entering through the unlocked front door, Chief Miller advanced to the bedroom where Ruth’s body was lying face down on the floor. He now had his confirmation. Miller called Buddy to alert him to his so-called discovery.

As before, black-and-whites rolled with sirens blaring; which set the town once again into a fear engulf panic, as they wondered who had been murdered this time. Many could no longer stand the stress and were packing up to move, or had already left their homes. Fear now ruled this sleepy little community.

Doc would pronounce her officially dead, then head for his favorite watering hole to drown his ever increasing sorrow. Troy would declare she was murdered with a claw-hammer, found next to the body, just like the Martha Camp and Stella O’Rourke murders.

Miller had decided not to tell anyone he had been to Dexter Alexander’s for a reading. He didn’t want his reputation tarnished by admitting to something that clearly wasn’t a proven science, nor to be teased about spooks and boogeymen for his remaining years.

As far as Troy knew, Stella O’Rourke was killed by the same perpetrator as the other two, and Miller was okay with that. Still, he had a madman out there running loose, and would do everything humanly possible to bring him to justice.




Chief-of-Police, Thomas Miller, reported the bloodied body of Ruth Anderson, which was found in her bedroom. The coroner confirmed the murder weapon was a claw-hammer, just like the ones used on Martha Camp and Stella O’Rourke. No knew leads have been found, as the police stumble over each other looking for clues. This reporter must say, the level of incompetence at the Saint Cloud P.D. is staggering.

Will you be next?

Story by: Jonah McGregor Death count moves to 13.
