O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Mary had convinced herself something bad was going to happen, and she needed to discuss it with her best friend. Dialing, she waited patiently for Ruth to answer.


“It’s me, have you got a few minutes to talk?”

“Why, yes dear, I’ve nothing special planned for today, what’s on your mind sweetie?”

Mary wasn’t sure how to say it, so she just jumped right in, “Do you recall last Monday night what SAZARRA told you about your lifetime in Japan?”

“Well, certainly I do, well…at least most of it, why?” Ruth was a bit perplexed.

“So you remember when SAZARRA talked about the flip-side of the coin thing?”

“Yes, I do…why?”

“If you killed those women in that lifetime to experience what it feels like to be a murderer, does that mean you are now, in this lifetime going to experience the other side of the coin?” Mary asked.

“Oh dear, I never thought of that. You think I’ll be a victim this time around? Is that what you’re getting at?” Ruth’s mind was now racing, as it connected the dots.

“I don’t know, is it possible SAZARRA was giving you a warning?” Mary questioned, since she hadn’t truly understood all that SAZARRA spoke about that night, but didn’t want to appear foolish in front of the other Monday Night Mystics.

“I don’t know, maybe, maybe not, who knows.” Ruth said not sure of anything now.

“Maybe we should call Miss Stella and book a reading. She might be able to give us a clearer understanding of what he said.” Mary proposed.

“Ah, yes, that’s a good idea, and I was going to call you later, but since you’re on the line now, there was something I wanted to tell you about dear.”

“What is it?” Mary asked as her curiosity now presented itself.

“For the last two nights,” Ruth began, “I have had the same dream about you. I wasn’t sure if I should say anything or not, but now I feel you should know. I see you walking down a quiet road which has a field of wheat on one side, and on the other side there is a dark forest. As you are walking along, a Demon possessed man run’s out of the forest and attack’s you; but as this happens the clouds above you part, and I see an Angel come down from heaven who battles the Demon. The Angel wins and the defeated Demon runs back to the shadows of the dark woods. Both nights, I awoke crying and trembling. I’m not sure why I’m dreaming this. It scares me a little I must admit.”

“Oh my gosh, I don’t know what to say. I think we both need a reading from Miss Stella to sort all this out.”

“You’re so right dear. You want me to call her?” Ruth asks.

“If you wish, just let me know when and I’ll come over and we’ll ride together, is that okay?”

“Oh, I’d like that. No sense us girls taking any chances, not with this supernatural business hanging over our heads. I’ll call now and ring you right back, bye.” Ruth hung up.

Miss Stella told Ruth she’d be glad to read for them, but she was just going to spend the week over in Millersburg with a sick friend. But just as soon as she got back, she’d be delighted to meet up with them. Said she’d call when she got back to arrange a time suitable to all concerned.

Ruth relayed the message to Mary, both felt a little better, but decided to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Better safe than sorry as the saying goes.