O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Strolling hand-in-hand through the North Side Park; Beatrice and Alan were sharing a quiet moment. Alan was reflecting on the last few days’ events at the library and Beatrice was smiling as she fanaticized about weddings and such things. Settling on a small bench, they kissed and cuddled as seemingly lovers do.

Over by a small pond, Ronny Fairchild and Bobby Taylor were having a go at each other; yet it was more of a wrestling match than fisticuffs. Beatrice saw it first and pointed, as Alan yelled for the two lads to cease and desist before one or both suffered serious injury.

As the encounter still continued, Alan charged toward the two teens with Beatrice bouncing up behind him. Forcing his way between the two, Alan separated them and turning toward Bobby, he let go with a straight-right cross that struck Bobby with such force, it spun him half-way around as it propelled him to the ground. Alan than turned to Ronny and asked if he was okay.

Bobby regained his bearing as he stood; yet turned and fled the park as Alan wheeled around and drew back ready to deliver another blow. Beatrice stopped his assault as she shouted his name in disbelief and horror; for she had never seen this dark side of the man she knew to be kind and gentle.

Alan turned, not to Beatrice, but to Ronny, “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

Ronny looked at Beatrice, then turned to Alan, “Sure, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” He said brushing the dust and dirt from his shirt and jeans.

“So why did that Taylor boy attack you?” Alan inquired as Beatrice now placed her hand back in his.

“He didn’t attack me, I jumped him. He owes me some money and I was tired of him making excuses about not paying me back. No big deal.”

“Well then, he deserves what he got.” Alan said nodding his head.

“I need to go before my dad gets home.” Ronny turned and took off running, yet looked back for a moment at the couple and shook his head.

Beatrice was now half facing Alan, “What was that all about?”

“What?” Alan said now puzzled by her odd stare.

“You hit that poor Taylor boy. You could have really hurt him. You were going to hit him again if I hadn’t yelled. Why were you so concerned about Ronny?”

“Now stop it. You’re being silly. Let’s go, it’s getting late.” Alan started off and Beatrice held on to his hand as they left the park. This was the first time she felt uneasy with his strange behavior toward Ronny.