O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Miller leaned forward as his chair squeaked again, still red faced, he stared straight at Sherry, “Well, I’m waiting Officer Hendrix,” he used her official title due to the seriousness of her offense, as he seen it to be.

“Sir, I truly don’t know what came over me.” She stood at attention in front of his desk.

“Officer Hendrix, you mean to stand there, and tell your Superior Officer that you damn near beat a suspect to death, and you have no idea why?! What kind of bullshit are you trying to peddle here?!” Miller was beside himself with anger.

“I’m sorry sir,” was all she could muster in a low voice.

“Well then, here’s what I have to say, you are suspended for two days without pay. During those two days, I want you to think hard about what you did. You embarrassed the department, you embarrassed yourself, and most of all you embarrassed me!” he howled.

For a moment, Sherry started to tear-up, but quickly regained her bearing, “As I said, I’m sorry for my misconduct. May I be excused sir?”

“Yes, get out…before I…just, get outta my sight.” Miller said pointing at the door; Sherry turned and strutted out of the office.

Miller, now resting his face in his hands, felt remorse at what he just did, yet hoped in the long run, it would make her a better officer; one he could ultimately be proud of. Later, he would make his way to the Chief’s office, and apprise him of what had occurred between Bobby Taylor and Officer Hendrix; and the punishment he had invoked. Miller knew the Chief would back him up on his decision of a two-day suspension without pay.




Police arrested Bobby Taylor for assaulting Mary Achtenberg as she tried to enter her home last Tuesday afternoon. Taylor was caught a few days later hiding out at the old abandoned Nelson farm, thanks to the diligent tipoff by Mable Zeeks. Detective Thomas Miller and Officer Sherry Hendrix made the collar.

Police are not saying what the suspects’ motive was in assaulting his victim; more likely, the police don’t have a clue as to what actually occurred, would be this reporters’ presumption. More will be revealed as the facts of the case come to light.

 Story by: Jonah McGregor


 Chief Hudson storms into Det. Miller’s office waving the Saint Cloud Gazette wildly in the air, “Have you seen this?! Clueless! Clueless! What is that little brat’s problem?! Who the hell does he think he is, Chet Huntley?! Why the nerve of that goofy little moron; saying we don’t have a clue as to what’s going on!”

“Now Frances, don’t have a cow, just remember, freedom of the press you know.” Miller chuckled.

“Why, people who read this malarkey are going to think we’re a bunch of knuckleheads!” he barked as he threw the Gazette into Miller’s wastepaper basket.

“Well, I don’t know what to tell you, and as a matter of fact, I’m just getting ready to go interrogate Bobby Taylor in just a few minutes.”

Calming down a bit, Chief Hudson wiped his brow with his white handkerchief, “Oh…I know you’re doing your best. It just burns my butt that Jonah keeps reporting such horse-hockey. I didn’t mean to come in here yelling like some wild Indian. Please forgive me Thomas.”

“Say no more, I totally understand where you’re comin’ from. He gets me riled up a might at times.”

The two men smiled at each other as only old friends could.