O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Alan had been patiently awaiting his turn, and now that he had been asked by Miss Stella, he was ready with his question, “Well, since we keep talking about Souls, can I get a definition of what a Soul is from your guide?”

“Very well then,” she said taking in a deep breath and slowly releasing it, “He says Souls, for our understanding, are basic energy creations, as God, the ‘Source of all Life,’ is infinite energy. This energy is simply that part of God that connects all living things to each other, and therefore to God. God created energy beings, or Souls as we call them, in order to experience that which he created on an emotional level. As Souls, we grow and experience the knowledge of god, who then in turn experiences through us, his creations. God gave his soul creations the limited ability to create and the free will to lead ourselves into the experience of the negative and positive aspects that exist in physical life. He says, Souls can experience the negative side of life, whereas God cannot. So God experiences the negative, as we term it, through his creations. Therefore, as Souls, we grow and experience God through many lifetimes, not only for God, but for our own individual advancement. Whether you are in the human form, or back in the Unseen World, you are seeking to grow more God-like in your own right. He wants us to remember, your true form is pure energy, all things are energy, you will always maintain your individuality as long as you so desire; yet, you are part of a larger grouping of energy beings. This connection we all have to God. As you combine your energy to this larger energy group, Gods energy expands and continues to grow.”

“Ah, thank you for that definition. May I ask a more personal question?”

Miss Stella softly responds, “Yes Alan, you may.”

“Where I work, there have been budget problems and so several people were let go to ease the library’s money concerns. As a result of that, my boss has been putting more and more pressure on me to do the work of three people. The stress of that has been causing me to have problems sleeping, stomachaches and migraine headaches. I would be very open and grateful for any guidance you could offer at this time.”

As Miss Stella closed her eyes, Dr. Rice was already sending her his message for Alan. “My guide says there are other jobs that aren’t so mentally, emotionally and physically taxing that you could seek out. You have education and skills that others do not. You will go where your mind goes. See the position you truly want; there is a more fulfilling opportunity if you break from your old routine. Go before yourself and ask what do you, wish to do, see it being done. Do not wait for the universe to create it; create it for yourself. Create with your mind what you wish to manifest. This method is for all things, not only for your job, but also your health. Heal yourself with your mind. You have the ability within yourself to place your hands on your body and direct energy with your mind. This is not simply your own energy recycling; this is universal energy, that which exists all around you. Your body will use it, your body will convert it from a neutral energy into that which will be used for your benefit, for your highest good. You can take an active role in your healing; instead of hoping for some outside remedy or pill that will only temporarily mask the symptoms of your health concerns. Your mind can produce the true lasting results you seek in bringing about true healing. Dr. Rice says this applies to everyone on this plane of existence, all have this ability. For now, Alan, he says rest, be comfortable in your own skin.”

“Thank you.” Alan said as his mind was whirling with the information he had been given. It had been month’s sense he felt hopeful that he could escape the dark hole he felt he was trapped within.

Beatrice had sat quietly as she listened intently to Alan, as he opened up with what was going on in his work life. She couldn’t understand why he hadn’t confided to her about his job stress and his health concerns; since, after all, she was his fiancé. Surely he could have confided his fears to her since they both work at the library she thought. She too had the same fears and had told him about it; yet he told her not to worry, and reassured her things were getting better. Now she felt he had lied to her; but why she thought. Was he trying to protect her in some fashion, or did he just not care enough about her and her love for him. Did he truly love her she now wondered?

“Beatrice, would you like to ask a question,” Miss Stella asked as she still sat with her eyes closed.

After a few moments of silence Beatrice responded, “No. No question tonight.” Came her cold reply.

Miss Stella opened her eyes and peered through the dim red-lit room toward Beatrice. “Are you sure dear?”

“I have nothing to ask.” Beatrice was short and to the point. Her mood had gone from fun-loving too gloomy, and Miss Stella picked up on her inner confusion and the anger that was growing within her.

“Very well then, Ruth, do you have a question?” Miss Stella inquired.

“My daughter over in Millersburg, her name is Julie, has a little ten-year-old named Samantha, my granddaughter. We just call her Sammy for short. Sammy has been having night-terrors after going to bed and Julie wanted me to ask about their cause and how to stop them.” Ruth specified rather forthrightly.

Miss Stella sat speechless for almost three full minutes, which to the silent group seemed much longer. Just as Alan was about to ask if all was okay, Miss Stella spoke. She had lost her connection to her guide, Dr. Rice, because she was picking up on Beatrice’s erratic vibration; but she put it out of her mind and the connection was then re-established. “Now then Ruth, my guide is saying that little Samantha experiences what he is calling night-tremors, not night-terrors, in her sleep because of concern over her family. There is much worry and grieving by her over the actions within the family, and the energy experienced therein. Much should be done to create a more harmonious, peaceful and loving environment. He is speaking of the parents there. They are fussing and arguing over bills and other such things. Though they may not feel she is fully capable of understanding the complex intricacies of the world around her; there is indeed much taking place that she sees and is aware of, even subconsciously. Samantha experiences these things because she is living in it with the rest of her family. There is no other outlet for this conflict she observes and experiences. There are no outside forces at work here; that cannot be stopped by reasoning within the family to create peace and a balanced environment. Elimination of certain aspects that are not part of anyone’s highest good should be acted upon. The parents must work in harmony to solve their overall life problems. Not only for the child’s sake, but for their wellbeing also. Know what is important. Share time and love with Samantha directly. No passive enjoyment from her; assist her and guide her now. Do not worry or point fingers that they have been neglectful in any way up to this point. This is merely a byproduct of learning that much has taken place for their development in the future. Samantha will continue to experience these night-tremors until the energy in the family is calmed, centered and focused. If the family does not make these improvements, there will be a wearing down of her mind, and therefore having it become accustomed to this negative energy which can have dire consequences on her later life. Constant conflict can spoil the energy field of a person and have harmful effects on future relationships and interactions with others. Do you understand Ruth?”

“Yes, I do. I’ll let my daughter know what needs to be done. Thank you so very much. Ah, since Beatrice didn’t want to ask her question, might I ask one more? That’s if it’s alright with your guide and all?” Ruth turns to Beatrice, “You don’t mind, do you Beatrice?”

Beatrice responded simply, “No, go ahead.”

Miss Stella took in a deep breath and as usual let it out slowly. “My guide said it would be alright for you to ask another question Ruth.”

“My daughter Julie said she went to her doctor two weeks ago and told him how she was mentally and physically tired and run down. He examined her and said she was suffering from stress and depression. She said he gave her some pills that are supposed to take care of her depression; but she said the pills make her thoughts muddled and she can’t seem to focus on important things anymore. Is all the problems with her husband and fighting over not having enough money causing her stress and depression?”

“My guide says depression, like stress, is an action of the physical mind, which is attempting to rid itself of actions or a set of feelings that do not agree with the true inner spirit of that individual. Depression or anxiety are some of the ways in which the physical body tries to cope with those negative actions or thoughts the mind is repeatedly engaging in. These are caused by negative actions that are against the individuals’ true and higher self. Change must be made in order for her depression to move away, for her to move out of it. There is no pill that will bring on this change; there must be physical, mental, and emotional change by her. There must be changes to her beliefs and views that she holds of herself. There is no reason for her to feel less welcome with others, or to herself because she feels depressed. If she is depressed by her past or current actions, this is a time to learn from those actions. If she is unable to cope with those actions, then it is time for her to move beyond them and make changes too undue those negative actions from ever taking place again in her future. Do you follow what my guide is saying so far Ruth?”

“I think so” She understood most but not all.

Miss Stella continued as Dr. Rice sent more information to her, “Depression, he says, should be seen as another motivation for change, but many people are comfortable to sit in it because society has the mentality that a pill will fix their life; though their mind and body cannot be fixed or healed by a pill, they simply need true change from within to find their true path once again. There is no reason to be concerned of not measuring up to others expectations; not your family, nor your friends. Whatever your chosen lessons may be for this lifetime, your experiencing a depression at any time can be due to the result that you are not coping with something that is outwardly inappropriate for you, and you do nothing, repeatedly, to bring a positive change to the situation. My guide says change, change, change from within is what is needed. Not by your doctor, not by a therapist, not by your friends or family, not by wishing for a better job, not by wishing your wife or husband would show you love and affection, not by wishing for the moon and stars. Change must be made from within, it must be a change for your higher self and worthy of your time. Accomplish something in your life that is in line with your true beliefs; something that helps you as an individual to grow spiritually, and helps make the world a better place for all. My guide says to think on what has been given. It is now time to close.”

“Thank you, I will give this some serious thought and then tell my daughter about this message.” Ruth acknowledged.

The small gathering now bowed their heads as Miss Stella closed with her usual invocation.

“Dear Supreme Creator, the source of all life, open our eyes that we may see. Open our ears that we may hear. Open our hearts that we may feel your unconditional love. Let us be a channel of your divine truth and infinite wisdom for those who seek spiritual guidance in their lives. Let your desire manifest through us in helping those who seek inner peace and comfort. So be it.”

They now turned on the lights and made their way upstairs to the kitchen for coffee and small talk. Miss Stella had prepared and baked a cherry pie from scratch, which the group would indeed enjoy; all except Beatrice who excused herself and left early. Alan for the first time took notice that something wasn’t quite right about how Beatrice was acting, but he didn’t want to pursue it, for fear it would put him in an awkward situation concerning his sexuality and his deception of love for Beatrice.