O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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An hour had passed; Buddy knocked as he entered the Chief's office, "Beau Camp just phoned and said he found some evidence on his kitchen table when he arrived home."

“What evidence?”

“Wouldn’t say.”

"Have an officer run over there and pick it up, whatever it is," the Chief said.

Officer Hendrix stopped the cruiser in front of Beau’s home. She started up the walkway and stopped, she heard the hissing sound, she swung around, and eyed the back tire of the cruiser. It was half flat. It must be a nail she thought, and strutted on to the front door.

Beau jerked the door open just as she was about to knock. He held his finger to his lips and shushed her to be silent. "It's in the kitchen, two of them. Get your gun ready. I'm scared to death," he whispered.

She drew her revolver and motioned him to back out of the way, and in a crouched position, she eased her way through the living room to the kitchen. She stopped outside the door, listened, then swiftly stepped into the room with her gun pointed and aimed in front of her. To her surprise the kitchen was empty, except for two purses that sat on the kitchen table.

Beau rushed in behind her yelling, "Shoot! Shoot! Kill them both! They’re evil!"

Officer Hendrix quickly aimed her gun at Beau and ordered him into a corner of the kitchen. He stood in the corner facing her and slid down the wall into a squatting position. She examined the purses and discovered that one belonged to Beau’s wife. The other had identification in it proving that it was Terri Helm's purse.

"How did these purses get here?" She demanded.

“I don’t know, they weren’t here when you and Miller chased me down to the police station; but they were here when I came back from the station.” Beau said in a flustered voice.

"I'll take these to headquarters and give them to Det. Fairchild. He'll know what to do with them," Officer Hendrix said, “you can get up now.”

As she departed she thought, he’s nuttier than a Christmas fruit-cake.