O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Ruth and Mary stopped to pick up Ellen on their way to Miss Stella’s home. The Monday Night Mystics were in for a treat as Miss Stella’s cousin, Dexter Alexander, was driving over from Millersburg to channel his guide Constantine.

Dexter was a small, sinewy, pale skinned individual with blondish short hair and one green eye and one blue eye, which no one seemed to know how that happened, including Dexter. Just barely twenty-five, yet he had professed to be psychic from an early age.

At only seven he could see aura’s around people, and knew whether they were healthy or unhealthy by the colors emanating from them. He saw the souls of the so-called dead who wandered the earth from the age of eleven. At seventeen he fell into a trance state and started channeling Constantine, who told him he was, one of two guides, who have come to work with him in this lifetime. Constantine proclaimed he came from another dimension and has never been in the human form. Alalya, Dexter’s other guide, comes to him as a long golden haired woman whose last lifetime on earth was in Atlantis, or so she lays claim.

As the ladies arrived, Miss Stella greeted them at the door, and told them Beatrice and Alan had already arrived, and were in the basement with Dexter. She ushered them downstairs so they could get things rolling. Greetings and pleasantries were exchanged, and then Miss Stella explained how Dexter and his guide worked.

“Now than, I want to explain, Dexter’s guide Constantine, who will be coming through tonight, does not do questions. He brings forth a topic that he feels is needed for those in the bodily form. It will seem as though his message will be like that of a professor giving a lecture. He simply gives the information and then he departs. Then, as Dexter says, it’s up to you to do whatever you wish with the information Constantine provides. Everyone understand? Do not ask, for he will not answer, okay?”

The small group all acknowledge with ‘yes’ all around; even if some didn’t truly like the ‘no questions asked’ policy of Constantine.

Miss Stella opened with the Lord’s Prayer and then continued, “Very well then, I’ll turn this evening over to Dexter. Are you ready dear?” She asked as she turned off the last lamp emanating white light. It took only seconds for their eyes to adjust to the glow of the red-bulb, which hardly cast a shadow upon the walls.

Dexter was a very shy person, and that’s why he liked the fact that he would simply allow Constantine to place him in a deep level of trance, and then use his body, mainly his vocal cords, to speak to those present. He once noted, concerning being in a trace state, that it was like simply taking a nap; when he awoke, Constantine had finished his discourse on whatever he chose to talk about and he had no knowledge of what came out of his mouth.

“Yes, I’m ready to begin.” With those words uttered, Dexter’s head tilted slowly down as his chin came to rest upon his chest. A full minute went by as the group waited patiently for their guest speaker to come forth.

“I am Constantine, and I will speak this night on the subject of Easter’s true meaning. The one known to you as Jesus, that Energy Being that lived the life of Jesus, cannot be contacted. This information comes from the true account of Jesus regarding the nature of Easter. Easter is a time of reflection. The time of rebirth. There were many holidays that before this day, events leading up to it were shared by millions. It is a time of rebirth, a time of changing, a time for celebrating the spring as nature comes into active being, freeing itself from its apparent dormant state. The time for Jesus was not that of rising from the dead, there are many accounts of this. He was not dead. There were illnesses of the time, he was not susceptible to many of these, but would infrequently succumb to one. Easter is rebirth. This should be shared with you and others as though it was the New Year. Many seek out the New Year as their purpose for starting fresh and beginning anew, Easter, and the energy associated with it through various religious holidays is more powerful for new beginnings than any other day. It is shared with many and shared on many dates. Typically, May 1st, and the week leading up to it; the energy is the strongest. This is energy associated with past acts and intentions of those who focus on this time. Even in the modern Easter there are many representations of various religious traditions. It is not a time to segregate. Start new and fresh. The savior Jesus was not an immortal man; he was a mortal man who was sent to deliver messages, and show diverse populations the message of peace and love, and that, all that we seek externally is available internally. Energy beings, in the human form, are very literally, a representation of the universe. They can create, they literally impact the universe and are creators of the world; the actions, and the physical and non-physical that takes place within it. Jesus was not in a mysterious tomb only to be risen from the dead. He was to be moved to another location for medical treatment. It is important to know that recordings in the bible, those that have not been altered; many are physical and accurate depictions of that which occurred; but there is much that has been destroyed and abolished for the sake of control. There was much added to include hate and segregation. This was not in the true spirit of Jesus. This was not in a unifying and loving tone. These are not the messages that he would have wanted shared. It was his world to spread unity through honesty and caring between people no matter their station in life, no matter their money or position or education or sickness or health. Those who attempted to show their importance through only money, and their greed; these are not true things, these are not necessary things. These are not the willing gifts of the righteous who pursue their highest works. This coming Easter it is time to move beyond what is shared in a biblical text and honor the true feelings in your heart. Start yourself as a blank slate as you awaken, allow all that is near you to enter your mind and consider it a beneficial possibility before all else. Consider it carefully. Before passing judgment, determine how this idea, situation, determine how it directly impacts your life and your heart and your mission. There is much judgment on topics that do not impact but a few beings on your plane, yet many will use this as a weapon for disaster among people. Include in your thinking one opposing thought per day. Examine this opposing thought to your thinking. If you consider it to be valid at present, determine what bearing it has on your true being. Determine what must be done so that it cannot impact you. Determine why it does. If it does not alter your true path, release it from your being. It is not for you to pass judgment, nor carry judgment in your heart that is unnecessary. This is carrying unnecessary hatred. Honor those ideas and beliefs which are truly yours, which you feel truly impact your life, that which can change it positively. Share them, live fully in them; but be forever open to change. If you change nothing, consider yourself open to change. Open to the new, you are not a book, you are an open journal that is open and willing to receive information on your blank pages. After reflection, if the page does not speak to you, tear out this page. If the page is for you, keep it with you, turn the page and experience more. At no time is it impossible to remove or add information. You are an open and growing being. You are living through various points, periods, and timeframes of education throughout life. Do not maintain rigid thinking that you may have acquired at a younger age; open yourself to the vast possibilities. The reasons for many of these to manifest later in life is that you are typically less frightful, less worried, and have less concern for the status quo; often these may be through a series of events which have torn down the walls of what you know, and it now makes the being more accepting of new ideas. This does not mean you shall willingly take on ideas and impressions of anyone you are with, as if you are a puppet to be controlled. You are merely experiencing new possibilities that were before closed. No judgment in your heart. See beings and the world as an opportunity for learning. Learn their perspective. Learn their purpose. Learn and be open. Be inquisitive. The more you are open to other beings, the more you will grow within your own being. I am finished with this subject. This is Constantine.”

The group sat in silence, not sure what to think of the information Dexter’s guide just expounded upon concerning Easter. Dexter slowly raised his head up and opened his eyes.

“Ah, you may turn on the lights, he’s done for now.” Dexter’s weak little voice squeaked out.

After turning on only one lamp, so as to give their eyes time to adjust, Miss Stella gave her usual closing prayer before they went upstairs for this week’s treat of carrot cake and coffee. The regulars of the Monday Night Mystics would surely be discussing and debating what Constantine had spoken of this night for weeks to come; as some didn’t completely understand and others didn’t agree with what he had to say about Jesus.