O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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A peculiar pulsation moved ominously through the séance room, where only a single red-bulb brought forth enough light to make out the partakers of such a gathering. An eerie chill embraced the seven members of this special group of seekers, as they scrutinized intently the smoke-like mist that steadily rose up from beneath the floor in the midpoint of the circle they had fashioned.

Straining to see into the darkness, Beauregard Camp, who simply went by Beau, was not focusing on the mist, but was more interested in observing the Medium who was conducting tonight’s séance, Miss Stella O'Rourke. His black pupils were wide as he stared across the circle to where she was sitting. Observing her demeanor, he could tell she was in a profound state of deep trance.

The vapor became more prominent as it started to form into the image of a tall man. It was a solid materialization. The genteel figure taking shape was clad in a soft, full length royal-blue robe, matched by a blue turban containing a single white diamond just above his forehead. A glitter of tiny multi-colored gems entwined designs of brilliant sparkling colors throughout his apparel. Beau’s attention now turned; he sat in stunned silence as the illuminated entity began to speak to the group.

“Peace unto all who are gathered here at present. I come with a message of love, hope and blessings. Prepare yourselves for the greatest fulfillment as you progress through this physical life in which you now dwell; I challenge you to seek a more positive personal identity.”

The majestic voice of this energy being was penetrating and unwavering as it filled the small basement. As Beau listened, his breathing became shallow and he became aware that his hands--which were astride his lap--were growing numb.

“You were born of mankind, an individual, and you shall live your life as an individual, and whether you accept it or not, you shall enter the Unseen World as an individual; required to answer, not to God, but to your true higher self for the individual acts you performed while in the physical body. You, and you alone, are the final judge and jury of the acts you bring forth while expressing your chosen lessons, and of the use of your free-will while incarnate.”

The small group sat mesmerized as the Energy Being continued with its message.

"In the world beyond I am known as 'SAZARRA' and I am the Master Teacher for the one known to you as Miss Stella. It is very rare for one such as I to bring forth the following information; yet I chose to come forth at this time as a special courtesy to Miss Stella. One might call it a reward or prize for her altruistic and benevolent service to mankind, here in this physical world you reside in."

The group was all nodding in the affirmative as they too knew her to be so thoughtful, kind and sharing with what little she had in the material sense.

"For those who may not be aware, as her Master Teacher, it is I, and I alone, who has the final say in the physical life of the one known to you as Miss Stella.”

Fifty-three-year-old Stella O’Rourke was a very outgoing lass of Irish descent, who did everything with a dash of unselfish pure love mixed in. Her now deceased parents were Roman Catholic by birth, but never truly practiced the faith. Once a year to mass was all they felt obliged to forgo. Young Stella knew she was different from most other children at an early age. Seeing and speaking to her departed grandparents seemed all so natural to her, yet Nancy, her younger sister seemed to be the so-called ordinary child. Stella’s parents never paid much notice to her ramblings as they seen them to be; so they never discouraged the young girl when it came to her psychic sensibilities; but they clearly showed more attention to ‘normal’ Nancy.

Stella, this never married, above average gal, showered praise and blessings wherever she ventured and with whomever she encountered. Fiery red shoulder length hair made her emerald green eyes sparkle even at her age. Tall, for a woman standing five feet nine inches, made her seem regal, and she still sported a lean trim figure with a slight paunch; nothing like her sister Nancy; who at five foot, if that, sported brown hair and brown eyes, a pointy nose, and was wide and rounded. Looking at the two sister’s side by side, one would think they were just friends and not related by blood.

Stella loved attending the 4-H Club gatherings and the annual fair. The flowers and animals were her favorite parts; not to mention the adorable people she encountered. She was living life to its fullest, and loved helping all who came to her with their personal problems.

 SAZARRA continued, "The gift I bring to this assemblage here tonight is that of a 'Past or Future' life reading. You will each be given the choice to have a past lifetime, or a future lifetime discussed as you so desire, therefore let us proceed. Who at this time would like to go first?”

Never the shy one, Beatrice Reid shot right in, “Me, me, oh me, please!” She was waving her hand in the air like a little girl in a classroom who needed to go pee-pee. The others sat quietly and let her go first, as Ruth Anderson and Mary Achtenberg both shook their heads in mock disbelief at her childlike antics.

Beatrice just turned thirty-four and had been employed at the Jefferson Davis Memorial Library for the last nine years. She had green eyes splashed with hazel and was short, only a half-inch over five feet, yet weighed just a tad less than two hundred pounds. Dark short-bobbed hair was her trick to appear slenderer, or so she believed; yet she was wrong in her thinking, for many townsfolk gossiped about her short bulky girth and unfashionable hairdo; doing so behind her back of course, to be more Christian-like about it. Dark-pink horned-rimmed thick glasses made her even more homely unfortunately; but she always seemed to have a wonderful disposition about life, as her kindness gushed forth splashing over everyone she encountered; whether they liked it or not. Her job at the library brought her boundless joy for there she found what she thought was her prince charming, Alan Wallace, her boss who she occasionally dated.

“Very good then,” SAZARRA commented, “Which will it be…a past life or a future life yet to be experienced?”

“Oh, a past life please,” Beatrice answered now more reserved in her manner as she saw through the red-light of the room the facial expressions Mary and Ruth were exchanging; which she didn’t appreciate, but was accustom to seeing; yet always pretending not to notice.

“Very well, your last incarnation into this world was in the southern area of what today would be called Manitoba…”

“Isn’t that somewhere in Mexico?” Ruth interrupted.

“No silly, it’s in Italy,” Mary responded self-assuredly; both women always trying to one-up the other.

Alan Wallace chimed in, “Sorry ladies, but it’s in Canada, just north of North Dakota or thereabouts.”

“Show off,” Beatrice said grinning as she loved the fact that he had knocked Ruth and Mary, those two busy-bodies as she saw them, down a peg.

SAZARRA now spoke, “Alright, if we can dispense with the hilarity, I wish to continue.”

The group now sat quietly giving their full attention to the materialized spirit as his quiet admonishment struck home.

“Yes Beatrice, Manitoba is in the region controlled by that nation of today known as Canada, but it wasn’t known by that name during the lifetime you spent there. As this is a past life dates can be given; you were born in the month of December, the 3rd day of that month in the year 1641. You lived to the age of seventy-seven returning to the Unseen World on the 3rd day of December. You can calculate the mathematics to see the year of your death.”

Thinking quickly in her head Beatrice quickly said, “Was it 1720?”

Alan politely corrected her, “More like 1718 dear, and did you notice he said you were born, and died, on the very same month and day?”

“Oh yes, you’re right,” she said, “and no…I didn’t catch at all about my birth and death being the very same. Thank you for your kind observation,” she said winking at him; yet in the dull glow of the red-bulb he missed her wink entirely.

 “Sorry to interrupt, but I’m just a bit curious about the December 3rd birth and death thing. Was it just a rare coincidence, or was there some special meaning attached to it?” Ellen asked.

Ellen Wellington was halfway into her ninetieth year at the time of this gathering; a short feisty woman of modest means who was a retired assistant principle from the Millersburg school system. Moving to Saint Cloud at age sixty-five to live out her remaining years in tranquility; she would not live to see her ninety-first birthday.

“The significance for Beatrice,” SAZARRA began, “was that she chose to arrive and depart this plane of existence on the very same day and month; which had to do with strong astrological influences affecting her mental and emotional vibrations; not only in this lifetime, but in several of her previous ones as well. This is a pattern associated with this particular Energy Being itself; that of experiencing lifetimes with such an influence. Not all Energy Beings seek out, nor require, this type of influence for the lessons and experiences they wish to encounter in this physical realm of existence.”

“When you say ‘Energy Being’ you mean what?” Mary asked a bit confused.

Miss Stella, who was wavering in and out of trance, now spoke, “Dear one, an Energy Being is what we more commonly call here on earth the ‘Soul’ or ‘Spirit’ that resides within our physical body.”

“Oh…okay then…I thought that’s what it was, but I wasn’t absolutely sure. Thank you Miss Stella,” Mary said not really sure what she meant.

SAZARRA resumed, “Now Beatrice, many of your incarnations have been in areas of the earth where the climate is cold. This is why you are always feeling overly warm and seem to perspire easily in this life; you are more in harmony with cooler environments and this is the reason your past physical forms were prone to be on the stocky side.”

“Is that why I’m obese, because of the colder areas I’ve lived in before?” Beatrice inquired.

“That…yes, and there was one other rare lifetime in a desert type climate in which you starved to death; your subconscious mind recalls this and is now overcompensating for fear of starvation again. It is a holdover experience that you need to think deeper about in order to release it mentally and emotionally; so that your subconscious mind can stop influencing the profound affect it has on your current body contour.”

“I see…thank you,” she said.

“Now then, as I was saying, you were what would be called today French Canadian. Your name was Regina Amarillo and you were married to a fur trapper by the name of Jonathon Edwards; he was English. Together you bore five children; one girl and four boys. Only one boy lived to adulthood; the three other boys each died early on from disease, and the baby girl left of its own accord returning to the Unseen World. Your husband was away much of the time trapping beaver, but you were not afraid living in the wilderness. You had a strong connection to nature; a deep understanding of the ebb and flow of the wilds so to speak. You once had an encounter with a Native Indian in which you ended up killing him when he tried to raid your small stable. His intent was to steal your pack mule, but you thought he was there to rape you and kill your only living son; you were a tall and stout woman and you fought with the heart of a lion. This Indian was known to his tribe as a great warrior. After this encounter many in his tribe looked upon you as a respected warrior in your own right; they named you 'She Who Greets with Thunder.' Others were afraid of you and so you and your family were never bothered by these people. You yourself did not trust the Indians and always kept a watchful eye on them, for they were encamped less than a mile from your cabin in the wilderness. Now, do you have a question at this time, if not, I will move on to the next person?"

"No…I'm good, thank you," Beatrice said.

"Ah, if I may…you said 'the baby girl left of its own accord returning to the Unseen World.' What does that mean exactly?" Ellen asked.

There were a few moments of silence before SAZARRA answered, "The new Soul, as you would call it, decided after being born that this lifetime would not be suitable to provide it with the lessons it had chosen to experience; so it simply withdrew itself from the physical body of the infant and returned to the Unseen World. Without an Energy Being, or that which you call the ‘Soul’ providing the necessary life force, the physical body simply stops functioning, or dies as you would term it. Many of your Doctors of today, not being able to find a medical reason for such a death, would simply label it a Crib Death; yet they would not readily understand that the Energy Being can within the first two years of life, simply leave the body for whatever reason it chooses."

"That's very interesting," Ellen responded.

"Now then Beauregard, which do you prefer; past or future?" SAZARRA asked now moving things along.

"I would like to know about my next future existence please."

"When it is a future planned existence, dates may not always be given. This is so no unnecessary worry will be placed into your subconscious mind. I will give this example in order to make this statement clearer; if I were to say you were to be born in 1970 to start a new incarnation; your mind then would realize as the current year now is 1956, that as the year’s advance and 1970 draws nearer, you would need to die in this life in order to be back in the Unseen World in time to be ready for your next life experience. Therefore, dates will not always be given so as not to cause worry or undue stress in your current life. Now just know that because you are being given this information of an upcoming lifetime, while you are in a physical form, you will recall what is told to you tonight during that upcoming lifetime. For example, if I say in your next incarnation that a certain event will take place on a certain day, you will know in advance that it is going to happen; you will be expecting it to happen because you are being made aware of it now, while in the human form."

"I understand," Beau said as several of the group also gave acknowledgments.

"Now then, the future life that is planned comes from what is known in your plane of existence as the Akashic Records. In the Unseen World they are simply known as the 'Higher Hall of Records.' Now the next life that is planned for you will be very far in the future as you now count time. The name of your family will be ‘Namuriel.’ Your first name will be the same as it is now, except it will be spelled backwards; which is the normal way of things during that time and place. So it would be spelled ‘Drageruaeb’ yet still pronounced as ‘Beauregard.’ Your father’s name will be ‘Retlaw’ and your mother’s name will be ‘Ennovy.’ So by reversing the spelling you can see how they are pronounced. Your birth time will be 9:51pm on a Saturday evening and there will be no complications. Both your mother and father are involved in scientific work for a large conglomerate which oversees several planetary environmental systems. You yourself will be raised mainly in a ‘Training Association’ to become part of the scientific community of the time. This type of childhood will be normal for those born of this future world. You will not be born on planet Earth, but another planet that is similar in structure. Those on Earth now would view you as an alien from another world, but in that far off time there will be friendly relations between your worlds. Your Soul would simply inhabit the body of an individual who was born of a race of beings who are not from Earth. These animations have bodies similar to humans, but are adapted for life on a different planetary system. You will not be plagued by animalistic-type emotions such as you have now; yet you will have feelings in order to associate with others of your species. You will be born into a race that is much more technologically and spiritually advanced than those of Earth will be at that distant futuristic time. Most of your short life, will be spent out in space aboard a space vessel designed for interplanetary travel involved in communications; keeping those systems functioning properly. Your death will be instantaneous; that is to say, you will perish quickly and without any pain as your Soul, as you term it, will leave the body several seconds prior to the incident taking place. You will simply return to the Unseen World just as you will return to the Unseen World when your life here on this planet is finished. Do you have any questions?”

“Ah…I'll be an alien from outer space?" Beau asked a bit confused.

"All beings and creatures in this created illusion, or that which you call your Universe--in which your planet Earth resides--have been brought into existence by that which you term to be God. All come from the God Source and all return to the God Source. You are all one in the same; you are ‘God’ and god are ‘You.’ It will mean more to you once you have crossed over to the Unseen World, your true home. Your finite primitive mind has trouble grasping what your Soul already knows to be true. Think deeply about it if you so choose, but don't let it cause you great concern. All will be made clear upon your return home. Now then, anything else?"

“What will cause my death?”

“The small space craft you are piloting with be struck by a small meteor which will cause the craft to implode. This will not be an accident, but a planned event; one that you yourself programed to occur in that incarnation, simply for the experience of that particular type of death and your need for a short life only. Any other questions?”

"No, thank you." Beau responded with much to think about later on.

“Now then Alan, which do you choose, past or future?”

“Future please.” Alan replied softly as he eagerly wondered what he would be doing in his next life.

Alan Wallace, age 37, was one of two supervisors at the library, and had been there for the past eleven years. A very cultured and sophisticated man; tall and slender with short blond hair which played into his wit and charming elegance. Soft blue eyes, partially hidden by his black framed glasses. He always seemed to catch the roving eyes of many a female patron at the library; yet unknown to anyone except to Ronald, the seventeen-year-old only son of Detective Dick Fairchild of the police department, Alan and Ronny, as he preferred to be called, were both homosexual and having a very secretive love affair, even though Alan was twenty years his senior.

They met at the library and became close when Ronny needed Alan to help with an after school project. Ronny sensed a connection between the two, and was the bold one to first confide to Alan of his sexual orientation. As many can bear out, when true feelings arise, one thing always leads to another and thus the two became secret lovers.

In this time and place the only answer to homosexuality was death; so sayeth the Bible, so to hide his true identity, Alan occasionally dated Beatrice Reid to keep anyone from becoming suspicious. It was no easy task keeping Beatrice at bay for she was head-over-heels for Alan; she felt he was her true love immortal. She was very much into cheap romance novels and fantasized daily of their impending life together; she was, to say the least, in for a rude awakening.