O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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The home of the ‘Saint Cloud Gazette’ was nothing more than a small, one story building, which contained only three rooms and a small bathroom. There was the main office, which had a sign on the door ‘News Editor Clark Monroe” and a second office that read, ‘Reporter J. McGregor’ while the third room contained a small, hand cranked printing press and supplies.

Det. Miller opened the front door and stepped into a very short hall, “Hello! Anybody here?!”

Jonah came out of the printing room, “Yes sir, I’m here. What can I do for you?”

“Well son, I’d like to speak to your boss, if I may?”

“I’m sorry sir, Mr. Monroe is in Connecticut at the moment. His mother was taken ill, so he left me in charge until he returns. He figured since nothing ever happens around here, it would be okay.”

 “When do you expect him back?” Miller asked.

“Gosh, I don’t know. Mr. Monroe didn’t say how bad off his mother was, but since he went all that way to be with her, I figured it was pretty serious. Is there something I can help you with sir?” Jonah was wiping black ink from his hands with a small towel.

“Yes, there is. Some of the stuff you’re writing in the Gazette is starting to get some folks riled up.”

“I only report the factual news as it is relayed to me from those I interview sir.”

“No, some don’t see it that way Jonah. They feel you take what they say and then twist it around so you can sell more papers.”

“I cannot be held accountable if those I speak to are trying to hide the truth from the people. I must report the truth, no matter how much they do, or do not know. I have a responsibility to let the citizens know what is really going on behind the scenes.”

“Jonah, I’m not telling you not to print the truth, but are you sure you, of all people, know what the real truth is?”

“No sir, I will not be bullied by you or the Mayor into falsely reporting, all is fine and dandy, when it’s apparently not. No sir. I think it best that you leave now, please.”

Miller was taken aback for a moment at Jonah’s little speech, and maybe he was trying to influence Jonah. He felt a little proud that Jonah would indeed stand up for what he believed was right, no matter the consequences. It reminded him of when he was younger, and didn’t take crap from nobody.

“Alright then,” Miller turned and left without further comment.