O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Police cruisers were buzzing up and down the streets of Saint Cloud. Beau wasn’t sure where to hide out, until Leonard told him to make his way to the old Nelson farm. Beau and his monkey crew used the cover of darkness to conceal their whereabouts, as they proceeded cautiously to their secret destination.

Once Beau arrived, he went into the dark barn as his monkey crew took up look-out positions, so as to alert the Admiral to any police or nosy locals who might come snoopin’ round. Tired from runnin’ all night, Beau fell into a deep sleep which lasted until mid-morning.

“Wake up,” Leonard whispered ever so gently.

His eyes opened immediately, “Are the police here?” Looking in all directions as he stood.

“You’re safe for now Admiral, but I have some rather disturbing news.” Leonard spoke tenderly, as if speaking to a child.

“What is the bad news?”

“It’s just a matter of time before the authorities catch you, and when they do, they are going to put you in the electric chair and fry your brains to a crisp. That’s no way for a man of your stature to die, is it?” Leonard asked.

“No, no it’s not, you’re right.”

“Therefore, I think you should take your own life. That would be the heroic thing to do when faced with such a situation as this. That way you can cross over and be with me, and together we can rule side-by-side.” Leonard’s lie was very convincing to someone like Beau, who was emotionally and mentally muddled.

“How do I…”

“Admiral, my dear friend, climb the ladder to the hayloft above you; there you will find your pathway that will bring you to me.”

Locating the wooden ladder, he ascended to the top. There, before him, stood his monkey crew, all standing at attention. Just beyond them, he spied a hangman’s noose dangling from one of the rafters. Under it was a small round barrel that had been set upright. This was the same noose and barrel old man Nelson used way-back-when to free himself from his miseries.

Standing tall as he walked past his monkey-crew, he stepped up onto the small wooden barrel and grabbed hold of the rope. Placing the noose around his neck, he slowly pulled it tighter.

Beau thought for a moment, he wanted to say something inspirational before stepping off the barrel, yet nothing of great consequence came to him.

“Admiral, we’re all waiting.” Leonard whispered.

Beau finally spoke, “Stella, I love you, you will always be in my heart.” Then stepping forward, he pushed the barrel over. It rolled several feet before stopping. Beau’s neck did not break as he thought it would.

During the fourteen minutes before he succumbed to deaths final embrace; his lungs hungered for oxygen, which forced him to pull and struggle fiercely against the noose. Finally, the kicking and twisting subsided as his spirit departed the lifeless body.




Beau Camp committed suicide at the old abandoned Nelson farm per Saint Cloud P.D. His limp body had been discovered by officers who had been searching for him. Murder has been ruled out per Troy Van Horn, the new town coroner. Police are not commenting on whether Beau Camp was involved with the murders of Earl Schulz or Johnny Hudson. This latest episode brings the death count to 6.

Story by: Jonah McGregor
