October's Shattered Graves by Scott Donnelly - HTML preview

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October 6th – 7:30 AM

Doug laid in his bed with the sheets a wreck, and half on the floor.  His eyes were wide open and he was staring into space, worrying about the possible cancellation of the play.  He’d put so much work into it.  If Mr. Murdock couldn’t come through with the money, the tribute would be dead.

Doug went downstairs and into his kitchen.  A note on the table from his mother told him to enjoy his Saturday and she’d be home late from work.  He pulled his cell phone from the pouch on his hooded sweatshirt and called Kevin.

“Yo, bro.” Kevin answered on the other line.

“Hey, Kev.  Want to meet up for breakfast?”

“Sure man, where?”

“Oregon Trails in 20 minutes.”

“See ya there.”

Doug and Kevin sat in the crowded Oregon Trails Diner with full plates of eggs, bacon and toast in front of them.  Doug chugged his juice and sat the empty glass down on the table.

“The cops questioned me.” He said.

“Huh? For what?” Kevin asked, swallowing what food was in his mouth. 

“I think they think I’m involved with the murders.”

 Kevin froze.  “Like, you committed them?”

“I don’t know.  They were comparing the similarities from the play and the Kelly Rodgers poem, and tried connecting them to Mr. Swan and Samantha’s deaths.”

“They’re crazy.  I mean, you’re crazy too, but I don’t think you’re crazy enough to kill someone.  Are you?”

“Now you’re the crazy one.” Doug joked, slurping down a strip of greasy bacon.  He continued, “Have you heard from Charlotte?”

“Why would I?”

“I don’t know.  I know Samantha was her best friend.  I just hope she’s ok.  I’d like her to still be in the play.” 

 Kevin shook his head.


“Nothing, man,” Kevin said, “It’s just that people are dead, and all you’re worried about is the damn play.  You have to consider the fact that the tribute play may not be appropriate anymore.  Plus, I heard the school pulled the funding for it anyway.”

“Mr. Murdock is working on the money situation.”

“Ha! That guy’s just as obsessed as you are.  Why do you guys want this play to happen so bad, huh?” Kevin’s voice rose.

“Because it’s brilliant.” Doug boldly stated.  Kevin looked back at his friend, hoping he would say something else, but he didn’t.  Doug was dead serious.  The play was everything to him. 

“Are you still working on a sequel?” Kevin asked.

“Yeah.  I have a couple sequels planned actually.”

Kevin sat quiet for the rest of breakfast before they split and went their own ways.


1:00 PM

Amber Gibson sat on the couch in her sweats with a hot chocolate in one hand and the television remote in the other.  The news came on about the murders and she turned the channel. 

Carter strolled into the room buttoning up his beige uniform and straightening the badge on his chest.

“Oh no you don’t.” Amber said standing up and stepping his in his way.

“Amber, don’t do this now.”

“Today is your day off.  You and I – who are getting married soon, may I remind you – have plans to start looking into venues and reception halls,” she said, sipping her drink.

“Yeah, baby, and as much as I’d like to do that,” He started, “There are two dead bodies out there and I would really love to wrap this thing up as soon as possible.”

Amber looked at him with her glistening puppy dog eyes. 

“That’s not going to work, honey.” Carter said.

She made her lips quiver like she was about to cry.  Carter smiled and shook his head.  “Okay, I’m going in just for a couple hours, then I’ll be home.  We’ll go to dinner, and start talking about ventures and stuff.”


“Anything you want, babe.” Carter said, kissing her on the cheek.  “I’ll see you in a couple hours.”

Carter left and Amber sat back down on the couch.

Harper Cole sat at the dispatcher’s desk in the front of the Sheriff’s Department.  She was reading a magazine, and smacking a strawberry scented gum in her mouth.

Deputy Dart walked by and looked at her.  “Bethany would be rolling over in her grave.”


“Bethany Kidd, the sweet old woman who use to sit right where you are.”

“She wouldn’t approve of me working here?  Is that what you’re saying?”

“I’m just saying that Bethany did her job well and everyone loved her.  You on the other hand are sitting there, reading teenager magazines, chewing gum and flirting with all the cops.”

“I’m not flirting with you.”

“Thank God.” Dart said as he turned away, laughing.

Harper took mild offense to it, but knew he was joking.  A young female officer came rushing up behind Dart. 

“Deputy!” She called out.  Dart turned around and grabbed the folder the officer handed him.

“What’s this?” He asked.

“We deciphered the signature at the murders.”

Dart urgently opened the folder and stared at the name on in the inside.

Carter sat at his desk and his Deputy stood before him, reviewing the findings in the manila folder.

“The signature at both crime scenes is Braxton Summers.” Dart said, looking for a reaction on Carter’s face.  The name didn’t ring any bells.

“Do we know who Braxton Summers is?” Carter asked.

“That’s the thing.  We checked the records and there is nobody in Stewart Hollow, or even Oregon, with that name.”

Carter was confused.

“We think it’s a pen name.” Dart said.

“Like an author would use? For what?”

“Here’s the kicker.  Our murderer is also a writer.”

Dart laid a sheet of paper out in front of the Sheriff.  On the paper was book cover.  A bold, black title sat on a dull orange background, and read: ‘Bloody October’.  At the bottom of the book was the author’s name, Braxton Summers.

Dart continued to explain what he knew.  “Bloody October ’is an independently published book on a website called Write It-Sell It.  Anyone can write a book and sell it on the site.  This book has sold over six thousand copies since last December when it was published.”

Carter looked Dart in the eyes, stunned.  Dart continued:

“It’s about the Harvest Slasher.”

“Someone wrote a book about the Harvest Slasher?” Carter said, grabbing the folder from Darts’ hands, and rifling though it.

“I think the writer is here in Stewart Hollow, creating a sequel.”  Dart added.

Carter stood up and put his hand on his chin.  He thought for a moment.  “Find out everything you can about ‘Braxton Summers’, and try to figure out who he is.”

Dart complied.


October 11th

By the middle of the week, Mr. Murdock thought enough time had passed since Samantha’s murder, and held a cast and crew meeting after the school day had ended. 

Mr. Murdock stood in front of his cast, who were all sitting in the front row on the auditorium, as the crew were on stage painting the set pieces.

“Okay, guys, listen up.  I was able to come up with enough money to support the show, so even though the school dropped the funding, we’ll still be able to do it.” Mr. Murdock announced to his cast.

Doug and Kevin sat next to each other, listening to everything their teacher had to say.  Doug sat up straight in his seat, appearing very proper and important.  Jude Coffman sat next to him, and Libby Hatcher was next to Jude, but Doug kept glancing down the row at Charlotte.  She sat at the end, next to Jasper.  She appeared dazed.  Why wouldn’t she be, though?  Her best friend was dead.  Jasper kept patting her on her leg every once in a while, letting her know that he was there for her.  Doug’s eyes shifted to the seat next to Jasper’s, where Levi Cole sat, staring right back at him.  He put two fingers to his eyes, and then pointed them towards Mr. Murdock, telling Doug to pay attention.

Doug faced forward where Mr. Murdock’s speech lasted a few more minutes before his closing comments. 

“So I’m thinking we come back tomorrow after school’s over and have our first rehearsal.  The set pieces should be done by then, and we’ll see where everyone’s at as far as their parts go.  Have a good night guys, and try to take it easy.  I know it’s a rough time for everyone.”

Mr. Murdock gathered his briefcase and split.  The students stood up and started to slowly make their way for the exit.  Jude Coffman, the shy junior, tapped Doug on the shoulder.

“What?” Doug asked.

“I, uh, I don’t think…” Jude stuttered. “I don’t think I want to be in the play anymore.”

“What?” Doug shouted, catching everyone’s attention.

Jude shied away, obviously embarrassed by the sudden attention brought upon him.

“You can’t just quit the play, Jude.  We’re closing in on the performance and there’s no one else who knows your lines.” Doug continued to shout.  “Why don’t you want to be in it?”

 “I, uh,” Jude said, quieting down. “I don’t feel comfortable doing it now.  Because of…you know.”

“Samantha?” Doug asked without any consideration for anyone around him.  “She wasn’t even in the play.”

Charlotte sprinted towards them, furious.  She stood by Jude’s side and faced Doug.  “Doug, if Jude doesn’t want to be in it anymore, he doesn’t have to! This has been very rough week for us, especially for the people who were close to Sam.  I’m actually thinking about dropping out too. The whole thing is starting to seem a little disrespectful anyways.”

Charlotte gripped the strap of her purse on her shoulder and stormed out of the theater.  Doug stood there, angry and embarrassed.  Jude turned and followed Charlotte, hanging his head.

The rest of the students stood around in shock.  Kevin put his hand on his best friends shoulder. 

“It’s alright man.  You have to walk this off. You hungry?” He asked.

Doug peeled Kevin’s hand off his shoulder. “Get the hell away from me, Kevin.”   Doug turned around and left the theater from another door.

Kevin, Jasper, Libby and Levi stood around.  Levi was loving every minute of it.

“He, uh, he’s a little too much into the play. It means a lot to him.” Kevin said, attempting to defend his friend, even though he didn’t know why.

Libby forced a smile.  “Well, I’m still in if you guys are.”

Kevin nodded.  They looked at Jasper.  He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a series of three quick ‘beeps’.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.  The screen said ‘New Text Message From Samantha’.  His eyes opened wide and he read the text:

SAMANTHA: Sorry I didn’t respond the other night. See you soon! ;)