Office of the Dead by Brother Bernard Seif - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


 Chantal was in her little metallic blue Sundance stuck on Route 80. Lots of visitors were in the Poconos to enjoy the fall foliage and glut the roads. She reached over and turned on the radio to distract her from the obsessional thoughts she was having about the two murders, and growing feelings about Dave.

"Yes, go ahead caller; you're on WVPO talk radio."

"I think that the lady you are interviewing is way out of line. She's trying to change everything in the Church. She's talking about the feminine qualities of God, the ordination of women, and married clergy. What next? The Bible says people like her should have a millstone hung around their necks and be drowned."

"Well, that's your opinion, caller. Thank you."

"Do you have any response to that, Professor?"

A woman's voice responded: "I wish the caller well."

 "And that's a perfect way to wrap up for today. You've been listening to an interview with author and theologian, Professor Beth Johnson-Angelo. Until next time, take care."

"Chantal's right hand flew to the radio, shut it off, picked up the phone, dropped it, untangled the cord from the gear shift, picked it up again, and punched in "O" for operator.

"Operator, this is Dr. Chantal Fleur, forensic psychologist consulting with the Police Department. It is imperative that I get in touch with WVPO radio right away. I don't have the number. I'm stuck in my car on Route 80."

"Very well, Doctor, if it is an emergency I'll see if I can get the number. A minute later the operator said: "The number is...." Chantal interrupted her and asked her to dial it for her.

 "As I said, I'm stranded on Route 80 and this is extremely important. It concerns a double murder investigation."

AVery well, Doctor, and thanks for using Commonwealth Telephone, and I hope you catch him."

A young man's voice trying to sound grown up answered "WVPO."

Chantal tried to remain calm and professional as she spoke: "This is Dr. Fleur working for the Police Department. I just heard a caller on your talk radio program and it's crucial that I find out more about him."

"That was a tape from over a month ago, Doctor, and there's nothing we really know about our callers other than what you hear on the air."

"Well we need to get a copy of that tape immediately and have it analyzed."

 "I'm sorry, Doctor, the voice said a little uneasily. I can't do that. I'm an East Stroudsburg University student interning here. I don't know why they give me all this responsibility on a Sunday afternoon."

"Well, I'll be over with a detective before very long and we'll straighten it out and save your hide as well."

"Much appreciated, Doctor. I could have used that many times over the years."

"Police Headquarters," a woman's voice said on the phone.

"This is Doctor Fleur, a consultant for the department."

"Just a moment please." The woman was back on in about a minute and said" "Yes, I have your information right here. How can I help you, Doctor?"

"It's extremely important that I talk with Detective Gold as soon as possible."

"He's in the car right now but I'll see if I can patch you through, Doctor Fleur."

"After a few extraterrestrial noises, the Detective's voice came over the telephone."

"Chantal, what's going on?"

"I think I just heard our murderer call in on a talk show. I called WVPO in Stroudsburg to find out more and they couldn't help me."

"I'm on my way, Chantal, I'll meet you there. I'll do my best Dave; I'm stranded on Route 80 East."

 Chantal crept along in her car about a tenth of a mile frustrated and anxious. About twelve minutes after she made her call a car was driving along the shoulder to the right of traffic with red and blue blinking lights. It stopped next to hers. What now, she thought with a sigh. Chantal looked over and there was Dave waving her into his car. She shut off her car, leaving it unlocked in case someone wanted to move it, and hoped for the best as she got into Dave's car. They continued along the shoulder, off the ramp, and on to the radio station which was less than a mile away. ASo near yet so far,@ she murmured.

The couple went into the WVPO radio station and found no one in sight. They knocked on a few doors and eventually a young man in his early twenties welcomed them into a room filled with tape decks, little colored lights, and CDs.

"Dr. Fleur," he said while extending his hand, "I'm Tom. We spoke on the phone."

"Thank you for your welcome, Tom. This is Detective Gold."

"I called the station owner and he said to give you anything you want so here's a copy of the tape you were looking for. As I said, there's nothing on it but the show that you heard on your car radio and we have no way of knowing who's who when people call in."

"That fine, Tom. You are a life saver."

"Keep up the good work, my boy; you're going to go far," said Gold with a smile as they turned and left the building. In Gold's car they popped the tape into the cassette player and fast-forwarded it through a number of different voices. Chantal reminded him that it came toward the very end of the program. When Gold realized that he had finished the tape he rewound it a bit and heard the announcer asking for the last caller of the day to speak.

"That's it, she said. Gold listened, as did Chantal, and they both felt ice forming up and down their spines.

"Recognize the voice?" Gold asked.

"No, how about you, Dave?"

 "No, but maybe someone else will. You're a good detective, Chantal, not bad at all as a forensic psychologist either."