Public Enemy Hud Hudson by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 28


It was later that Sunday night and Cindy watched All in the Family on the TV in the living room.

Over inside his den, James looked like he was struggling with a bad case of writer's block while he stared at his typewriter.

Then his eyes lit up when he had an idea. He typed "Hudson Hornet! Fingerprints on Hud Hudson's Hornet!" at the top of his page. "That has to be my only hope," he said while he stared at his typed words. James looked determined while he stared at the paper. Then his eyes widened with an idea. He took that page out of the typewriter, crumpled it up and dropped it in the trash can.

He opened his desk drawer, removed a blank piece of paper, and put it in the typewriter. He moved the paper down toward its center. He typed "I Found Hud Hudson and Ester Walker by James Randall" for the title.

He stared at that title for a few seconds. The more he stared at it, the more he loved his idea.

He yawned and stretched but was not ready to go to bed just yet. He still had an urgent task he had to complete.

He got up from his desk.

He headed to the door of his den and left the room.

James walked down the hallway and headed into the kitchen.

He proceeded to make a cup of Folgers Instant coffee to keep him up a little while longer.

Over in Bernard's kitchen, he also drank some coffee so he would stay up later.

He glanced at his watch and looked a little concerned. "What's taking her so long? I could have walked to here from California by now."

He finished his cup of coffee, then walked over to the counter.

He started to make himself another cup of Maxwell House Instant coffee.

Way off on Interstate 64 about one hundred miles from Mt. Vernon, the traffic was at a standstill in the eastbound lanes.

At the front of the standstill were three mangled cars and that accident looked to have some fatalities. The police had not arrived yet as it just occurred fifteen minutes ago.

Stuck in the left lane of the eastbound lanes was the Greyhound bus from St. Louis.

Inside the bus, Wendy and the other travelers looked around curious, as to why they were at a standstill.

"I'm sorry folks, but there appears to be a major accident up ahead. There must he tons of cars ahead of us and nothing is moving. So relax, and we'll get eventually get you to your destinations of Downing, Gibsland and finally Mount Vernon," the bus driver said from the loudspeaker, and he tried to sound calm, but he was frustrated.

Wendy looked antsy while she stared out her window into the darkness. Her butt was starting to get numb from the long miles of sitting across the country.

The rest of the travelers pissed and moaned because they were stuck in traffic, and their arrival to their destinations was delayed.

A little time had passed, and Cindy watched the Dallas TV show.

James entered the living room with his third cup of coffee in hand. He saw Cindy on the couch and really hoped that she was in bed.

He walked over to the couch.

"How many cups of coffee have you had tonight?" she asked when she spotted the cup in his hand.

"This makes my third cup," he replied while he sat down on the couch.

"You'll be up all night, then I'll need a stick of dynamite to wake you up for work in the morning," she said in her normal motherly tone of voice.

"I'll be fine," he replied, then sipped some of his coffee.

"I heard you banging away on your typewriter. Sounds like you're making some progress on your manuscript."

"Yeah, I started getting some new ideas for it."

James sipped his coffee while Cindy watched the rest of the Dallas TV show.

The Dallas TV show was over, and the ending credits were running.

Cindy yawned, got up off the couch and walked over and turned off the TV.

"I'm going to bed," she said when yawned while she walked toward the doorway.

"I'm going to stay up just a tad longer and work on my manuscript. A new idea popped in my head, and I better write it down before I forget it," James said while he stood up from the couch.

"Don't stay up too long," she replied.

"I won't," he said while he walked toward the doorway.

James and Cindy walked down the hallway.

He turned and went inside his den while she headed straight to their bedroom.

Cindy went into their bedroom and got undressed and redressed in her nightgown. She crawled under the covers and grabbed her Beauty novel from the bedside table.

She reached over, flicked on the lamp on the table and started reading her book.

Thirty minutes had passed, and James was still in his den.

He stared at the typed "Chapter 1" on the first page of his new manuscript. He had not typed another word in the past thirty minutes since he had another bad case of writer's block.

He got up from his desk and headed to the door.

He walked out of his den and headed down the hallway toward the bathroom.

While he went into the bathroom, he snuck a peek inside his bedroom. He looked disappointed when he saw Cindy still in bed reading her book under the light from her bedside table lamp. "Go to sleep," he muttered quietly to himself while he closed the bathroom door.

James came out of the bathroom and peeked in his bedroom. He saw that Cindy had her bedside table lamp off and was on her side.

"Yeah," he quietly said to himself while he did a little victory dance down the hallway and into his den.

James danced over to his desk and sat down. He started at the "Chapter 1" paper in his typewriter. Then his eyes lit up when he thought of a good start.

"It all started the day I drove home from work and saw him. His name was Bernard Sanders, and he moved in next door. How was I to know that this old man would change my life forever?" James typed as the first paragraph on his new manuscript.

Then James could not resist the temptation. He got up from his desk and slowly walked out of the den.

He walked down the hallway and headed to his bedroom door. He peeked inside and saw Cindy was sound asleep and snored a little. He knew it was time.

He turned around and rushed down the hallway and headed into the kitchen.

James entered the garage through the kitchen door and flicked on the overhead light.

He rushed over to the workbench and removed the Fingerprinting Kit box from the Steve's Science Shop shopping bag.

He grabbed the box and rushed over to the side door of the garage. He opened the door and stepped outside.

James rushed through his backyard and headed over to Bernard's house.

He rushed past the garage and headed to the bedroom window where he knew Bernard slept.

He cautiously peeked in the window and saw Bernard sleeping on his bed in his clothes. He knew he had the opportunity, so he rushed off to the garage.

He rushed down the side of the garage to the side door.

He removed a credit card from his pocket and shoved it into the door by the lock. He opened up the door and looked proud of himself.

He quietly stepped inside the garage, closing the door behind him.

James flicked on the light to the garage when he entered and saw he was by the front of the Hudson.

James rushed over to the front grille of the car and saw some greasy fingerprints on the hood. He smiled, thinking he struck gold.

He placed the Fingerprinting Kit on the floor and opened it.

He removed the print power jar. He shook it, then lifted the lid. He placed the fingerprint brush inside the lid and collected some of the powder.

He gently spun the brush in his hand and applied light pressure over the greasy print on the hood. A print was visible.

He then applied the lifting tape smoothly and evenly on the print.

He gently pulled the tape off the hood and applied it to the glossy side of the fingerprint-backing card.

James looked at the backing card and dropped the card into the box.

James proceeded to lift three other prints off the hood of the car.

After he was done with the hood, James lifted two prints off the left side passenger door.

He then worked on lifting prints off the trunk of the car.

While James gently applied the lifting tape on a print on the trunk, he heard the phone ring from Bernard's kitchen.

"No!" James muttered to himself while the phone continued to ring.

He gently pulled the tape off the hood while the phone in Bernard's kitchen still rang.

He fumbled with the tape, and it floated down to the concrete. While he looked for the tape, he kicked over the box and knocked out all the contents onto the floor. "Shit!" he quietly said.

"Hello," Bernard said from the kitchen. Then was a pause. "What took you so long?" Bernard added then there was some more pause. "Okay. Hang tight."

James stepped on the tape on the floor while he scooped up all his items back into the box, he heard the kitchen door open up and close.

He froze by the rear of the Hudson.

He heard the garage door open.

He peeked under the Hudson and saw Bernard's dress shoes by the front of the car. He did not realize that Bernard was wiping down the hood to get rid of the greasy prints.

He looked for a place to hide, but the garage was bare except for the shovel that still leaned in the corner on the back wall.

He heard the footsteps coming toward the rear of the car. He panicked and opened up the trunk. He climbed inside with his Fingerprinting Kit box in hand and the lifting tape stuck to the bottom of his shoe. He slowly closed the trunk leaving a small opening for his escape.

Bernard was dressed in his suit and Fedora hat while he walked around to the rear of his car with a rag in hand. While he wiped down the trunk, it closed shut.

Bernard then wiped down the left passenger door and handle.

James started to panic while inside the trunk of the Hudson when he heard the driver's door open and close. Then the engine started, and the taillights came on and provided some light for James inside the trunk. He knew he was in huge trouble when he sensed the Hudson drive out of the garage.

A few seconds later, Bernard drove his car down Montvale Street with James as his unknown hostage.

"Cindy's going to kill me once she finds out where I am," James quietly muttered to himself while he pondered a way out of this sticky dilemma.

While Bernard drove the Hudson down the street, James felt a cloth bag was tucked at the end of the trunk. He did not realize at the moment that this was an old potato sack from the 1930s.

Ten minutes had passed, and Bernard drove his car down Evergreen Avenue with James still in the trunk.

Bernard made a right turn and pulled his Hudson into the parking lot of the Gibsland Bus Station.

He parked in the first available parking spot.

Bernard got out of his car and walked to the entrance of the bus station with a hint of a smile.

James was still locked inside the trunk of the Hudson. Even though it was dark inside it, he removed his penknife from his pocket. He opened it and started using the knife to fiddle with the lock to get it unlocked. He knew it would be a long walk home but did not want to risk Bernard finding him.

Bernard walked inside the bus station and stood by the door. He glanced at all of the travelers walking or sitting around the station.

"Hey darling," Wendy called out from Bernard's right side.

Bernard smiled overhearing that familiar voice and looked to his right and saw Wendy. She stood four feet from his with her suitcase in hand and a loving smile.

Wendy set her suitcase on the floor and rushed over to Bernard. She gave him a hug and kiss on the lips.

"What's it been? Seven to ten years?" Wendy asked him.

"About that," Bernard replied and was happy to see his old friend again.

"It's so good to see you. You're looking great despite things," Wendy added.

Bernard bent down and picked up her suitcase. "Let's get home," he said.

He walked arm in arm with her to the door.

Back inside the trunk of the Hudson, James still fiddled with the lock with his penknife in hopes he could open it.

But then he heard footsteps outside the trunk and stopped.

"The Hudson looks great. Looks exactly like when you purchased her in fifty-three," Wendy said from outside the trunk.

"The only type of car I would consider owning," Bernard said from outside the trunk.

James cringed in fear, believing that he would be caught inside the trunk and then Bernard would shoot him.

Then he got relieved when he heard Bernard and Wendy walk away from the rear of the car.

Outside the Hudson, Bernard opened up the left passenger door and placed Wendy's suitcase on the back seat. He closed the door then opened up the driver's door. Wendy got inside the car, and Bernard was right behind her.

Inside the trunk, James was relieved when he heard them get inside and the car started up. The taillights came back on and provided James some visibility in the trunk.

While Bernard backed his Hudson out of the parking spot, James returned with fiddling with the trunk lock with his penknife.

Then while Bernard made a left turn out of the bus station parking lot, James could hear their entire conservation from inside the trunk.

"So Hud, what's your plans for Gibsland?" Wendy asked.

"Hud! I knew it," James said in a whisper and did a little confined victory dance in the trunk that his theory was right on the money. "Who is that female?" he asked when it dawned on him that someone else was in the car.

"Well Ester, I was thinking of going out in a bit of glory and pulling off one last bank job. "

James' eyes lit up. "Ester Walker is here," he whispered to himself.

"You know something, there are times when I really miss the excitement of the old days," Wendy said.

"Tell me about it. For the past forty-four years, I've been working as a fucking dishwasher, fucking janitor, any fucking job that doesn't require a background check or fingerprints or a brain," he said.

"I've been working for cash as a cleaning lady for arrogant Hollywood stars. You'll be surprised how many will pay you under the table and won't ask any personal questions," said Wendy.

There were a few seconds of silence between Wendy and Bernard.

"I'm just glad my stashes weren't touched after all those years. They really helped me survive," said Bernard.

James could sense the Hudson made a right turn down another street.

"Don't you have one here?"

"Yep, it's the last one."

James continued to fiddle with the lock of the trunk with his penknife. Then he heard the lock unlock and the trunk flew open. He panicked, thinking Bernard would see it from his rearview mirror. James grabbed the trunk and brought it down. He held it in down to where it was just on the verge of locking again.

James could sense the Hudson made a left turn down another street while he held onto the trunk to prevent it from flying open or locking again.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I want you to autograph a book I bought during the trip."

"Why the hell would I autograph a book?"

"Because it's called, "Is Hud Hudson Alive? And it's an excellent read. Those pictures inside brought back some fond memories. Kinda made me homesick for the old days."

"Remember that day in July of thirty-three, when you and the guys went to rob that bank in Daleville, Indiana?" Wendy asked Bernard.

There were a few seconds of silence in the car.

"Oh yeah, only to find out that John Dillinger and his boys beat us to the job," Hud replied.

"That's one for the history books," said Wendy.

There were a few seconds of silence in the car.

"I blew a gasket when I heard what Doctor Harvey said on his death bed. I would have killed him, but he beat me to it by dying," Bernard said and sounded pissed.

"What about his female assistant? I forgot her name," Wendy asked.

There were a few seconds of silence. "I don't have a clue where she vanished. She's probably dead by now," Bernard replied.

"After that doctor died, out came all those conspiracies," Wendy added.

"Yeah, those fucking conspiracy theories assholes. Just like the JFK assassination conspiracies," Bernard replied and sounded a little irritated.

"I know what you mean. You should have seen them camped out by Daley Plaza in Dallas where he was shot. They're selling books and what not. Anything for a buck, I guess," Wendy replied.

"People always try to make a fast buck the easy way," Bernard replied then he chuckled.

Wendy also chucked along with him. "Yep," she said.

James could sense the car backed up. He ever so carefully lifted up the trunk and peeked outside. He saw Bernard's garage door getting closer. He slowly closed the trunk but was careful not to lock it again.

Then the taillights got brighter, and the brakes squealed a little.

James heard the driver's door open.

He heard the garage door being opened.

He heard the driver's door being closed.

The Hudson backed up then the taillights got brighter, and the brakes squealed again. The engine turned off, and the taillights went off. It was pitch dark again inside the trunk.

Then James heard the driver's door open and then listened to the garage door close.

The driver's door closed then the passenger door opened and closed.

"There are times when I really miss Jack, Harold, and Willie," James heard Wendy from the garage.

"I recalled you had some good times with them in bed," James heard Bernard from the garage.

"Hey, a girl had to earn some extra cash back then. I believe your good times in bed were free," James heard her reply followed by her chuckle.

Then James heard the door to the kitchen door being unlocked then open and close.

It was quiet inside the garage.

James slowly opened the trunk and noticed that the garage was dark. He opened the trunk all the way up and quickly got out with his Fingerprinting Kit in hand.

He quietly closed the trunk then rushed off to the side door with his kit in hand.

He quietly opened the side door and stepped outside and quietly closed the door.

James ran from Bernard's garage and headed to his back yard.

He ran to the side of his garage and headed to the side door. He opened the side door and rushed inside his garage.

Inside his garage, he rushed over to the workbench and stashed his Fingerprinting Kit box back in its shopping bag.

He rushed off to the kitchen door with a satisfying grin on his face and a little victory dance.

He went back to his house.

James gingerly entered his bedroom and went over to his bed.

Cindy was still sound asleep while James quietly got undressed down to his tee shirt and boxers.

He quietly and carefully got under the covers. He had a satisfying grin on his face while the back of his head touched the pillow. He closed his eyes and was sound asleep in minutes.

Back over at Bernard's home, he and Wendy walked into his bedroom.

"I have a surprise for you," he said while he walked over to his bed.

Wendy looked a little anxious, as she loved surprises.

Bernard dropped to his knees, reached under the bed, and removed the violin case. He placed the case on the bed.

"Is it what I think it is?" Wendy asked while there were sparkles in her eyes.

Bernard nodded in agreement with a hint of a smile.

Like a kid at Christmas, Wendy opened up the violin case. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the Thompson sub-machine gun inside. "I fucking love it!"

She gave Bernard a kiss on his lips. "I'll have to thank you like I did in the old days."

Bernard looked a little concerned while Wendy reached around her back and unzipped her dress.

Back in James bedroom, he and Cindy were sound asleep.

Back in Bernard's bedroom, he and Wendy lay naked under the covers. Bernard looked angry. Wendy fondled his crotch.

"Don't worry. It happens with men our age. We'll try again later," she said while she got out from under the covers.

Wendy stood naked by his bed, and Bernard looked at the small breasts that were no longer perky and sagged. Then he looked down at her pitch-black pubic hair. He had a quick flashback of those days when she would scream out in ecstasy from his performance. But not tonight as his old age worked against him for satisfying her sexually. He was mad with himself.

Wendy slipped into her nightgown, got back under the covers, and snuggled next to Bernard. They both closed their eyes.