Public Enemy Hud Hudson by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 33


Twenty minutes passed, and Bernard was still in his casual clothes while he snuck through James backyard wearing leather gloves.

He snuck over to the side door to the garage.

He used a credit card, unlocked then opened the door. He stepped inside the garage.

Bernard stepped into James' kitchen from the garage.

He looked around the kitchen then walked off and headed down the hallway.

He stepped into the living room and scanned the area over. There was nothing of interest in this room, so he walked off and headed down the hallway.

He peeked inside the one room that was Cindy's room. There was nothing of interest since it was a sewing machine and a bookcase filled with dolls from around the world.

He headed down to the other bedroom.

He peeked inside that room and saw it was James' den. He got curious when he saw the typewriter and piles of papers on the desk.

He went inside James den and walked over to the desk. He looked at the three typed manuscripts with the "The Gangster Killer," "He Killed at Night," and "Confession" titles.

Then he saw the manuscript title page with "I Found Hud Hudson and Ester Walker by James Randall" typed on it.

"Little turd," he said while he picked up the title page. He crumpled up the page and dropped it into the trash can by the desk.

He picked up Chapter 1 and looked at the page.

"It all started the day I drove home from work and saw him. His name was Bernard Sanders, and he moved in next door. How was I to know that this old man would change my life forever?" Bernard said out loud while he read that page.

He got pissed and crumpled up that page and dropped it into the trash can.

Bernard walked out of the den.

He rushed back into the den and over to the desk like he had a new mission.

He grabbed the "The Gangster Killer" manuscript.

He walked over to the closet and opened up the bi-fold doors. He started to rip up all of the pages of that manuscript and let the pieces rain to the closet floor.

He walked back to the desk and grabbed the "He Killed at Night" manuscript.

He walked over to the closet and tore up that manuscript let the pieces rain to the floor.

He then the same thing to the "Confession" manuscript and let those pieces rain to the closet floor. He closed the closet bi-fold doors.

He walked out of the den and headed back down the hallway.

He looked in the doorway of the master bedroom. He scanned the room over from the door.

He saw two books on the bedside table by James' side of the bed and got curious.

He walked over to the table and saw two books of interest. He saw the "Is Hud Hudson Alive?" By Peter Diesel book. Then he saw "Life and Times of Henry "Hud" Hudson" by Frank Perron.

"That fucker just won't let me be," he said while he picked up the "Life and Times of Henry "Hud" Hudson" book. He lay down on the bed and opened up the book.

He scanned through a few pages. "That's true," he said when he read the bit about his first arrest.

He flipped through some more pages and stopped at the page that showed the mug shots of Hud, Ester, Jack, Willie, and Harold. "I sure miss those guys."

Bernard got another wet cough. Then he blew out a large piece of phlegm. It landed on the edge of the bed over where Cindy typically placed her feet.

While Bernard flipped through some more pages, he yawned, and his eyes started to droop.

Twenty minutes had passed, and Bernard was sound asleep on James and Cindy's bed with that book resting on his chest.

The front door was heard opening and closing from the living room.

Bernard stirred a little.

Then the TV was heard turning on from the living room.

Bernard's eyes open. Out of habit, he reached for his Colt 45 that would have been in his shoulder holster. It was not there. It took a few seconds, but he finally realized he was in James house and someone came home.

He heard footsteps in the kitchen, so he jumped off the bed.

He scanned the room over for a place to hide.

Back in the kitchen, Cindy was in her dental assistant's uniform. She opened up the refrigerator and removed a can of 7 UP.

She opened up the can and took a drink.

She set the can on the counter and headed off down the hallway.

She headed off into her bedroom.

She spotted the covers of the bed that were a little ruffled up with James book on it. "James can be such a slob," she said while she smoothed out the covers. Her hand just missed the wet piece of Bernard's phlegm that was on her side of the bed.

She picked up James' book off the bed and placed it back on the bedside table.

While she walked over to the end of the bed, she did not notice the closet bi-fold door that was cracked open and Bernard's eyes that peered out.

Cindy proceeded to undress out of her uniform then removed her bra and panties.

She turned around bare-ass naked, picked up her clothes on the floor and gave Bernard a perfect view of the crack her ass and her birthmark on the lower part of her right butt cheek.

From inside the closet, Bernard breathed heavy over the sight of Cindy being naked. Bernard hated the fact that his pecker would not rise to these occasions. But it was his own fault for years of drinking, smoking and bad habit. He was lucky he did not die from a heart attack years ago.

So he kept an eye on her naked body while she walked her uniform over to the dirty clothes hamper. This gave Bernard a perfect view of her B-cup tits that were still perky and firm.

Then Bernard watched Cindy's ass while she walked naked into the bathroom.

A few seconds passed, and Bernard heard the shower running from inside the bathroom.

The closet bi-fold doors opened, and Bernard quietly stepped outside. He closed the bi-fold doors then he gingerly walked to the bathroom door.

He stood there and eyes Cindy's naked body through the opaque shower glass door.

He gingerly walked down the hallway.

Cindy walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her naked body.

The sound of wood creaking was heard from the kitchen.

She looked curious, so she walked to the door of the bedroom.

"James, are you home?" she said while she walked down the hallway.

The house was quiet, so she shrugged off that sound she heard.

She turned around and walked back down the hallway and went back inside her bedroom.

Bernard quietly entered James' garage and quietly closed the kitchen door behind him.

He headed off to the side door, but something caught his attention at the bottom of the workbench. He spotted the Fingerprinting Kit box that was half-way out of its shopping bag.

He rushed over to it, reached down and removed the Fingerprinting Kit box. He opened it and saw that some of the contents have been used. He placed the box back in the bag.

Bernard rushed to the garage side door furiously.

Bernard stepped out of James garage.

He quietly closed the door from the garage and made sure it was locked. He rushed off through James' backyard and headed to the rear of his house, still furious.

Over in Bernard's kitchen, Wendy drank a cup of coffee from the table while Bernard entered from the garage.

"What the hell took you so long? I started to get worried," she said.

"I fell asleep in their bed reading that book about me. Then the wife came home."

Bernard walked over and poured a cup of coffee. He took a drink while he walked over to the table.

"Did she see you?"

Bernard sat down at the table. "No, but I saw her undress then head into the shower. Nice tits and ass," he said and had a smile while he remembered the sight of her naked body.

Wendy recalled an old memory for a few seconds. "I was with a woman once, back in fifty-four," Wendy said with a smile then took a drink of her coffee. Then her eyes widened when she remembered something "Oh, the mechanic brought your Hudson back fifteen minutes ago. I paid the bill. It's on me."

Bernard looked pissed. "Thanks, but it's too late for the bank job. We'll have to do it tomorrow evening."

"Is your neighbor a huge threat?"

"I found one of those kits you can buy in his garage. So I know for sure he lifted that print you found in the garage," he said then took another drink of his coffee.

"What should we do?"

Bernard thought for a few seconds. "A change in plans and we'll for sure take Mister Pussy and Misses Sweet Ass with us. I want to make their lives are a living hell in Boone."

Bernard set his coffee cup down on the table. "Let's go and put the first part of this plan in work," he said then stood up.

Wendy set her coffee cup on the table, then stood up.

She followed Bernard out of the kitchen then down the hallway.

Agnes was still sitting in her chair and kept her surveillance on Bernard's home.

She saw Bernard's Hudson with Wendy in the passenger seat drive down his driveway. She was still disappointed that the FBI and police have not come to arrest her neighbors. She thought about calling them again but refrained afraid they might come to arrest her instead.

A little while later back at the Gibsland Mall, James walked out of his usual entrance.

He had a spring in his step and whistled a happy tune while he walked over to his Impala parked off in the middle of the lane.

While he whistled and walked over to his car, he did not hear the footsteps that came up behind him.

James walked over to his Impala.

He opened his driver's door when he heard someone behind him whistling that same happy tune he whistled. He thought that was odd. Then all of a sudden, he felt something poking him in the middle of his back.

"Just stay calm. Don't say a word or make any sudden moves or I'll put a bullet right into your spine," Bernard's threatening voice was heard inches from James' left year. He froze with his right hand still on his car door handle.

"Quietly close your car door," Bernard said in James' left ear.

James looked scared when he recognized that threatening voice in his ear.

"Now, don't make a scene and come along with me," Bernard said and pressed the barrel of his Colt 45 harder into the middle of James' back.

James' hand trembled while he closed his car door.

His legs shook while he walked away with Bernard with behind him.

Nobody was in the parking lot at the time to witness this kidnapping.

Bernard moved over to James left side and placed an arm around him to give the appearance they were buddies. But the relocation of Bernard's Colt 45 now pressed into James' left side was no indication they were best buds.

Bernard escorted James over to the next lane were Wendy waited behind the wheel of the Hudson.

"Please let me go. I promise I won't talk to the police," James pleaded while they walked to the rear of the Hudson.

"That's what some poor soul said to me back in thirty-four. He died a fiery death later. Plus, I found that fucking fingerprint tape on the floor of my garage. It was near the rear of my Hudson," Bernard said while he pressed his Colt 45 harder into James' side.

James cringed and looked white as a ghost with fear while they got to the right passenger door.

"Now be a gentleman and open the door for your elders," he said with a smirk.

James opened the passenger door.

Bernard pushed him inside the Hudson.

Once he got inside the Hudson, James slid over and sat between Wendy and Bernard. He fought from peeing in his pants.

Wendy glanced at James. "Yummy, I have some fresh meat," she said then reached down and started rubbing the inside of James left thigh. She slid her hand the inside of his thigh to his crotch.

James cringed with the feel of her touch.

Wendy sensed he cringed. "Now, now. Don't be afraid of me, my darling. I know how to treat a man right," she said she started to rub her hand all over his crotch.

Bernard Wendy's hand and chuckled. "Ester here was one of the best whores back in Saint Louie," Bernard said.

"That' right, Hud. Maybe we could arrange it so that his wife can watch me perform my magic on her husband?" she said then winked at James then she ran her hand to James' crotch and squeezed it.

James cringed in pain.

Bernard and Ester chuckled.

"Let's get out of here," Bernard said while looked around the area for any signs of the cops. The coast was clear.

Wendy started up the car, backed out of the slot then drove away through the lot.

Wendy turned the Hudson right onto Harrison Avenue then drove off down the street.

"You can let me go. I swear I won't tell anybody. I swear," James pleaded for his life.

Bernard glanced over at James, then smacked his face a couple of times. "Bullshit. You've been snooping around my house ever since I moved in next door," he said then smacked James face again. "Since you've been so fucking interested in me, I'm making you an honorary member of our little gang's reunion. How about that?"

"Like I said, I love fresh meat!" Wendy said with a smile.

"Of course part of your share will go to Ester here for services rendered," Bernard said and grabbed hold of James right knee and squeezed it hard.

James cringed in pain. "Nobody will believe you."

"Of course they will after they find your wife shot to death in North Carolina and your prints all over the gun. They'll think you snapped after becoming so obsessed with me. I saw the books you're reading by your bedside table."

It dawned on James what he meant and then his eyes welled up a bit. Bernard noticed. "Aw, come on now. Public enemies don't cry like sissies. Be a man James," Bernard said, then placed his arm around James' shoulder.

Wendy chuckled while she made a left turn down another street.

A little while later, Wendy drove the Hudson down Montvale Street.

She stopped the Hudson at Bernard's a little past the driveway.

Across the street, Agnes was back at her chair and peeking out her living room curtains.

She watched while Bernard's Hudson backed up the driveway then stopped by the garage door. Agnes saw Ester behind the wheel and James next to her while Bernard got out and opened up the garage door.

Agnes watched while Ester backed the Hudson into the garage. She watched while Bernard closed s the garage door from inside the garage.

Agnes continued to spy out her curtains and looked suspicious with what she just witnessed.