Public Enemy Hud Hudson by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 37


Two weeks had passed since Hud Hudson was finally caught.

James was released the next day from the hospital, and he did not suffer a concussion when he slammed his head against the dashboard.

Way across Illinois, the parking lot of the Illinois State Penitentiary was packed with news vans from all around the country.

There were about twenty reporters that stood with microphones in hand while they provided live coverage in front of their cameras with the prison building in the background.

"We are here at the Illinois State Penitentiary where famed outlaw Hud Hudson is finally behind bars," a reporter from Phoenix said into his microphone while his cameraman worked his camera.

"For forty-four years, Hud Hudson had the public believing that he and Ester Walker actually died in that farmhouse explosion back in thirty-four," a reporter from Philadelphia said into his microphone while his cameraman worked his camera.

"So during the shoot out in Gibsland, Illinois, Ester Walker was fatally shot while attempting to escape in Hud' Hudson's Hudson Hornet," a reporter from Chicago said into her microphone while her cameraman worked his camera.

"As it turns out, a Gibsland Mall security guard was able to lift some prints to verify his hunch that his neighbor was the famous Hud Hudson," a reporter from New York City said into her microphone while her cameraman worked his camera.

"Hud Hudson has refused all requests for interviews from the news media. He stated that only one individual would be allowed the privilege of interviewing him," a reporter from Orlando said into his microphone while his cameraman worked his camera.

Inside one of the visiting rooms of the prison, Hud Hudson sat shackled in prison coveralls in a chair by a table.

Four prison guards kept a watchful eye on Hud for any possible escape attempts.

James sat at the table in a chair across from Hud. He had a pad of paper and pen ready to jot down some valuable information.

"Why are you now willing to provide information about your past?" he asked.

Hud thought about his question for a few seconds. "Why not? I'm not going to be around forever, so this provides some more juicy information for more books. More TV shows and whatnot."

"I can't believe you would only talk to me. I mean, there are hundreds of famous reporters outside dying to have this chance."

Hud just stared at James for a few seconds. "Well, why not. I did shorten your grandfather's life. And besides, the FBI could never find me. It took a shopping mall security guard. So, like I said, why not."

James felt proud of himself for being the one to bring such a famous outlaw to justice. "Yeah, well, let's get started," he said while he jotted down "How He Did It" on his pad of paper. "Let's start off with the biggest and probably the most important question. How did you ever manage to fake the death of you and Ester's? And then elude the police for forty-four years," he asked and had his pen ready.

Hud stared at the table and pondered while he recalls that memory from so long ago.

"It started right after I heard the news that Bonnie and Clyde and then John Dillinger were shot and killed. I figured that my days were numbered and I 'didn't want to have my life cut short or spend the rest of my life in prison. So Ester and I planned on how we could escape this little life we carved out for ourselves," Hud told James then he paused. "So we kept our plan a secret from the other members of The Hudsters. While Jack and Harold were hiding out in an abandoned farmhouse in Winston, Tennessee while Ester and I had a place in Woodland, Arkansas."

Flashback to Friday, September 8, 1934, in Pratt, Oklahoma, where twenty-five-year-old Hud, with his big nose, sat behind the wheel of his 1932 Brougham burgundy Hudson Major 8 four-door sedan with wire-rim wheels. In the passenger seat sat twenty-two-year-old Ester, with her double chin.

They both wore sunglasses and watched all the people walk down the sidewalk of the town.

Then Hud spotted Jason Henson, who was a little older than Hud but also had a big nose. Jason walked out of "'Harry's Hardware Store."

"'He's perfect," Hud said while they eyed Jason and followed him while he got inside his Ford Model T.

Hud and Ester followed 'Jason's Model T through the streets of Pratt until they found out where he lived.

They drove off to headed back out the woods where they made camp on some blankets.

They sat around a small campfire and waited until darkness fell upon the area.

Then in the middle of the night, Hud and Ester drove back into Pratt in his Hudson.

They drove over to the house here Betsy Lawrence lived.

Hud and Ester snuck into 'Betsy's bedroom and kidnapped her.

They had Betsy hogtied and gagged in the back seat of the Hudson.

Then they drove to 'Jason's home and kidnapped him.

Then a little while later, Hud and Ester raced the Hudson out of Pratt and headed toward Arkansas in the darkness of the night that helped them go undetected.

They had Jason and Betsy hogtied and gagged in the rear seat. Ester kept a watchful eye on them with her beloved Thompson sub-machine gun. Both Jason and Betsy were scared to death when they realized that Hud Hudson and Ester Walker kidnapped them.

While they drove down numerous country roads, Hud and Ester drank whiskey out of two glasses.

The sun rose peeked over the horizon when Hud drove his Hudson down the dirt driveway of a secluded farmhouse outside Woodland, Arkansas.

He parked his Hudson in back of the farmhouse a reasonable distance from it.

The farmhouse was six miles outside Woodland and located off the two-lane country road called Route 14. A clump of woods by the road provided privacy for the farmhouse, and that was why Hud picked it. And the fact that it was abandoned by the farmer who left for California was also a plus for Hud.

Hud motioned with his Colt 45 for Jason and Betsy to get out of the back of the Hudson. While the two got out, Ester placed those two glasses they drank whiskey out of in the rear seat of the car.

Hud and Ester escorted Jason and Betsy into the farmhouse and sat them down on the couch in the living room. This room only had a worn-out sofa and chair left behind by the farmers.

Hud went into the kitchen while Ester kept a watchful eye on scared to death Jason and Betsy.

Hud entered the living room with a bottle of whiskey in hand. He took a drink while he eyed Jason and Betsy. Then he looked over at Wendy. "Time for you to go do your part," he said then winked at her.

Wendy got up and handed Bernard the Thompson sub-machine gun then she headed to the front door of the farmhouse.

Ester got inside the Hudson, started it up then drove off through the yard and headed the dirt driveway.

She drove down the dirt driveway and to the road. She made a right turn and drove down Route 14 the road in the direction of Woodland.

Once Ester got into Woodland, she pulled the Ford into 'Barker's Gas Station.

She pulled up to the gas pump, turned off the car then got out.

A dorky young attendant named Bucky stepped out of the station office and was met by Ester.

"Three gallons please," she told Bucky whose eyes lit up at the sight of Ester. "Hey darling, can I use your phone inside?" she said in a sexy tone.

"Sure," Bucky said then walked over and started pumping gas into the Ford.

Ester went into the office and over to the phone on the wall by the desk. She contacted the operator. "Police, please," she told the operator.

"Chief Burns," the Chief of Police Howie Burns answered the call.

Ester hesitated for a second. "I saw criminals Hud Hudson and Ester Walker in town outside the bank a little while ago. I heard they talking from their car. They said they were going to come into town in a couple of days. They plan on killing some cops and you. 'They're doing this because the Bureau of Investigations Special Agents killed one of their gang members. 'They're at a farmhouse out on Route fourteen about six miles from town. 'It's an abandoned house behind a clump of woods. You better bring Special Agent Kelly from the Bureau of Investigation," Ester said into the phone disguising her voice and made it sound higher. She hung up the phone then rushed out of the office.

Ester met Bucky at the gas pump.

"Thirty cents, 'ma'am," he said.

Ester reached in her purse and handed him three dimes.

Bucky drooled at the sight of her shapely legs while she walked back and got inside the Ford.

He continued to watch while she started up the Ford and drove out of the gas station.

Ester drove her Ford back down Route 14 toward the direction of the farmhouse.

A little while later, Ester pulled the Hudson into the dirt driveway of the farmhouse.

She parked the Ford halfway between the woods and the farmhouse.

She got out of the car and rushed to the front door.

In the living room of the farmhouse, Hud sat in the chair with the Thompson machine gun pointed at Jason and Betsy.

"Done baby," Ester said the second she closed the front door behind her.

"Good. Let's get some rest. You can take first watch," he told her.

Ester walked over, and Bernard handed him the Thompson machine gun when he stood up.

She sat down in the chair and pointed the machine gun at Jason and Betsy while Bernard left the room.

Bernard walked into the bedroom where the farmers left behind an old bed.

He lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

Hours had passed, and the sun settled below the horizon, and darkness fell upon the area. It was the start of a clear night with a full Moon. And it was because of this that Hud picked tonight as the night for implementation of their plan.

Ester was in the kitchen, making sandwiches for everybody.

After everybody ate, Jason and Betsy sat on the couch with their mouths gagged. Their hands and ankles were free.

Hud was in the middle of the living room.

Ester was in the doorway of the living room.

Hud started undressing out of his suit and underwear. He stood naked before Jason and Betsy in the living room.

Jason and Betsy looked away at the sight of 'Hud's naked body.

"Get undressed," he ordered Jason.

Jason just sat on the couch.

"Get undressed!" Hud yelled out then fired off a shot from his Colt 45. The bullet hit the wall above 'Jason's head.

Betsy gave out a muffled scream behind her gagged mouth.

Jason stood up and started removing all of his clothes and underwear.

Betsy moved her eyes away from 'Jason's naked body.

"Put on my clothes," Hud ordered Jason.

Afraid of another bullet, Jason started dressing in 'Hud's clothes.

Hud grabbed 'Jason's clothes and started dressing up in them.

Ester walked into the room and over to Betsy. She stared at her for a few seconds.

Betsy knew what would happen next, and her eyes welled up.

"Your turn," Ester said while she started removing her dress.

Betsy reluctantly stood up and started removing her dress.

Jason was a gentleman and looked away.

Hud watched Betsy get undressed with interest and loved the sight of her naked body.

A little while later, after everybody swapped clothes, Hud entered the living room with a newly opened bottle of whiskey.

He walked over and removed the gag out of 'Jason's mouth.

"Please let us go. We 'won't tell the police where you are," Jason pleaded.

Hud laughed. "The police are probably on their way," he said then poured some whiskey down 'Jason's throat.

Jason gagged.

Then Hud removed the gag out of 'Betsy's mouth.

"No!" she pleaded while her eyes welled up.

Hud poured whiskey down her throat.

She gagged.

Hud spent the next few minutes pouring whiskey down the throats of Jason and Betsy.

Then he poured the rest of the whiskey all over the tops of their heads.

Ester finished emptying cans of kerosene all over the living room and kitchen floor.

Then Hud picked up the Thompson machine gun and fired at Jason and Betsy, killing them instantly.

Ester then poured some kerosene all over the heads of Jason and Betsy and down their clothes.

She tossed the can over to the other side of the living room.

Hud rushed out the front door with his Colt 45 in hand.

Once Hud got outside the house, he ran towards the woods by Route 14.

He peeked around a tree and looked down the road in the direction of Woodland. The road was dark and quiet.

After twenty minutes had passed, Hud saw the headlights of three cars that raced in a convoy down the road.

Hud ran through the woods and through the yard.

He ran to the house.

The living room was quiet.

Jason and Betsy sat on the couch in a drunken stupor.

"They're coming," Hud called out the second he rushed through the front door.

Ester rushed in with two kerosene cans in hand.

She placed on can near the right side of the living room window, opened it, and placed it on its side. Kerosene slowly poured out of the can and onto the floor.

She set the other opened kerosene can by the front door on its side by the left side of the window. Kerosene slowly poured out of the can onto the floor.

Hud peeked out the living room window with the Thompson sub-machine gun in hand.

He turned around and headed over to the couch.

He pulled 'Jason's body off the couch and dragged him over to the window. He placed him on his back and made sure the palms of his hands were in the puddle of kerosene on the floor.

He rushed over to the couch and pulled 'Betsy's body off the couch. He placed her on her back and made sure the palms of her hands were in the puddle of kerosene on the floor.

He made sure it looked like Jason and Betsy fell backward from the living room window.

Hud then peeked out the window from the left side near the front door.

With the help of the full Moon, Hud saw the shadowy figures in the woods by the road.

"'They're here, get the kitchen ready," Hud called out.

"Okay," Ester called out from the kitchen.

He smashed the window with the barrel of the machine gun. Hud turned around then fired the Thompson machine gun around the living room.

Then Hud stuck the barrel of the Thompson machine gun out of the smashed window and fired at the woods.

"'You'll never catch me alive Special Agent Kelly. Never!" Hud yelled out the window then fired bullets from his Colt 45 and then fired the Thompson sub-machine gun again.

Hud tossed his Colt 45, and it landed in the puddle of kerosene by 'Jason's right hand.

He then tossed the Thompson machine gun over, and it landed near Betsy.

Hud ran off through the living room and headed to the kitchen.

Ester waited by the rear kitchen door.

Hud smiled when he saw six kerosene lamps in the kitchen without their glass' chimneys.

He saw the oven door opened and heard the hissing sound of propane.

Then they heard the gunfire from the Agent of the Bureau of Investigations and police penetrate the living room.

Ester and Hud dashed out the rear kitchen door.

Out back of the farmhouse, Hud and Ester ran through the small back yard and headed to the woods.

Hud and Ester ran through the Moonlit woods.

They soon heard the explosion of the house blowing up.

They stopped, turned around, and saw the farmhouse engulfed in flames.

They turned around and ran through the woods.

A little while later, Hud and Ester ran to a stolen red 1932 Chevrolet Coupe they previously staged in the woods.

They got inside the car, Hud started it up.

Ester looked down on the floorboard and saw the old potato sack used during all the robberies. "Why are you keeping this?" she asked while she held it up.

"Memories of an adventurous life," Hud replied then he drove off through the Moonlit woods and headed off to another road located a mile away.

The days had passed and January 5, 1935, rolled around.

In the middle of the night, a 1933 Buick Sedan pulled along the street of Doctor Albert' Harvey's house in Pikeville, Indiana.

Hud and Ester got out of the Hudson and rushed to the front door of Dr.' Harvey's house.

Hud lightly knocked on the front door.

The door opened, and Dr. Harvey appeared in his white uniform. He motioned for Hud and Ester to enter. They did.

Thirty minutes had passed, and Dr. Harvey fucked Ester for part of his payment and for keeping his mouth shut.

Then later that night, Hud was passed out on an operating table. Agnes Moore, now a thirty-seven-year-old nurse assisted Dr. Harvey while he started cutting on 'Hud's large nose.

In an adjoining room, Ester lay asleep in a bed with he chin all bandaged up.