Punished By Silence: A Cozy Mini-Mystery by Jwyan C. Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 2



“Captain,” Detective Corey calls inside the precinct. “We got your call. Is this about the Amber Alert we just heard?”

“Yeah,” the Captain replies. “I need you and Dedra on this case. The home residence is 2121 Central Drive.”

“Central Drive?” Dedra confirms “Doesn’t that address support the other precinct’s territory addiction?”

“Believe it or not, they asked for our help. And I was as surprised as you guys. But no one’s surprised at an anonymous request for the Clue Queen here. Besides this missing child is the daughter of one of their cops.”


Dedra takes the file and reads it over.


“In fact,” the Captain adds, “all you cops drop everything! Let’s find this little girl, the daughter of one of our very own. Let’s go!”


As the cops head out, the Captain returns to his office.


“Wasn’t this your old division Dedra?” Corey asks. “Please tell me you know a shortcut.”


Corey glances at Dedra looking even harder at the case file.


“Dedra you okay? Do you know the missing girl?”

“No,” Dedra replies, “I know the parent cop! He’s my former partner. There’s gotta be more to this.”

“Dedra hold up,” Corey says jogging to keep up with her walking pace. “You actually think this case is bigger than a child abduction? Is that even possible?”

“With Wendal, yeah. He’s a crooked cop and a drug dealer, though I could never prove it. Just between us, Wendal is the real reason I left that precinct. Just look at this 911 transcript! The anonymous caller changed their mind in the middle of their first sentence. At first, it sounds like someone calling in a Code Green… like a policeman would do.”


Corey takes the file and reads it over as Dedra continues.


“Even weirder, Wendal doesn’t have any children.”

“He’s your former partner from years ago.”

“Three years ago. But this missing girl is seven years old plus her birthday, which is today.”

“That is odd.”

“Not one call yet from the mother. And these 911 details are next to nothing! This whole report is just a collection of emotionally charged terms, even before the missing child’s name!

“From ‘armed and dangerous’ to ‘proceed with caution.’”

“Someone’s trying to incite excessive force from the police, our police… in our precinct. Corey this could be an organized hit, unknowingly carried out by us, that won’t be his or his precinct’s problem! And maybe the real target is this child’s biological father?”

“It’s possible. Statistically, most kidnappings are by a non-custodial parent. But why would a father take one twin and leave the other?”

“Can you cover for me for a few minutes?” Dedra paces and ponders. “Captain said an anonymous caller asked for me specifically. And I think I know why. Go without me. I’ll borrow a regular police car to blend in.”

“See you there.”