Punished By Silence: A Cozy Mini-Mystery by Jwyan C. Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Wherever You Are


(3 Days Later)


“Welcome back,” a news reporter says from the television screen. “We’re getting more information on the miracle reunion between a framed father and both his twin daughters. They are all confirmed to be safely across the border, beyond our jurisdiction. But the questions still linger around the 8-year-old twin, initially left behind. Exactly wow did little Kayleen outsmart her abusive mother, her drug-dealing stepdad, and every single law official including their clue queen: Detective Dedra Kare? We’re talking with Kayleen’s kindergarten teacher who has an idea on…”


[Knock Knock]


“Doctor Johnson?” Dedra peeks inside a familiar office at the precinct.

“Dedra,” he says turning the television off, “please come in!”

“Thanks,” Dedra says while sitting down.

“And of course,” Dr. Johnson hesitates, “I found out the same way everyone else did. The latest headlines were pretty unfair to you Dedra!”

“Yeah well that’s the media.” Dedra enters. “I’ve seen them all: The Hide-and-Seek Princess beats the Clue Queen; Dedra Has No Comment Because She Can’t Find The Words Either!; even Twitter has a picture of my police badge on top of a babysitter job application, all on the back of a milk carton.”

“Well of course this comes from a collective envy in this town. Dedra you’re the Clue Queen who has solved every puzzle without incident. And even with a stumble in this one, 2 arrests have been made, a crooked cop has been exposed, Mommy Dearest is out the picture, your past with Wendal has been avenged, and a little girl is living the better life she deserves.”

“I appreciate that Doctor.”

“How are you really feeling?”

“Just like I’ve been telling our Captain, my partner Corey, and everybody: I’m a little embarrassed but I’m fine. I’ll be okay. In fact, I’m only here because Captain says I can’t go back to work until I’m evaluated by you.”


Dedra lays sarcastically on couch.


“And you remember that anything you tell me in here stays confidential?”

“Sure. But I don’t know which of my emotions are missing after an 8-year-old tricks me?”

“Dedra,” Dr. Johnson smiles, “I think the real trick to this trick is the idea that YOU were tricked, isn’t it?”


Dedra looks away cautiously as he continues.


“I saw a scared little girl suddenly run to the rhythm of a single telephone ring, demanding to be left alone. She rushed into her room and just disappeared into a trail which led to Wendal’s cocaine collection. But my experience in Child Psychology wonders why an 8 year old would have the reflexes to lock the door and close the window behind her? Generally children that young aren’t that mindful and usually act out their emotions through tantrums and demands for comfort!”

“Really,” Dedra says silently while looking away.

“Dedra do you think an 8 year old knew the coincidence that our warrantless search of that room became legal as soon as she became missing?”

“It’s unlikely,” Dedra replies. “But her stepdad’s is a cop. And hide-and-seek was her diversion tactic just to eat! When you piece the possibilities together, Kayleen is obviously a genius.”

“No… I’m thinking maybe YOU are!”


Dedra pauses nervously and punished by silence as the doctor ponders further.

“I noticed a loss of reflex with that secret phone call. Dedra you never ordered a trace on it! Certainly it’s predictable that Michael called. But could you afford to be wrong? Was there a secret need to protect that presumption? Was there…anyone who knew for sure the caller was not Michael?”


Dedra remains silent with sporadic eye movement.


“Maybe that caller was the same caller who, just seconds before, incepted and canceled the Amber Alert?


Dr. Johnson observes a still silent Dedra as he continues.


“And when you returned with your announcement of a witness, your body language spoke louder. You behaved like a clock, focused on timing. Coincidentally, it was perfect timing for Kayleen.”

Still punished by silence, Dedra takes a deep breath.


“And two days later, there’s a discovery across the border: a stolen police car…. but with no forced entry? No need for auto repairs?”


Dedra looks down with anxiety.


“But you know what Dedra? A few things I can’t quite figure out! And I’m so intrigued that I’d be willing to trade a really good detective something to fill in the blanks. But all I can offer is the reality that everything stay confidential, on both sides, forever. And I’m willing to do that. Do you think anyone take would that deal, Dedra?”

“Yeah,” Dedra assures and head nods in agreement. “I know one detective who certainly would. I would like to help you solve the puzzles in this case.”

“Alright,” Dr. Johnson head nods back. “What is your uhm… theory?”

“Well,” Dedra begins, “It was discovered that Kayleen is really good at hide-and-seek. And during this professional version of hide-and-seek, maybe ‘the system’ was ‘it’ without knowing it was. And just maybe Kayleen’s hiding place was underneath a blanket… in the back seat of my open police car.”

“And the ‘ready or not’ countdown was that secret phone ring.”

“Yeah,” Dedra confirms, “It was that and the time it took for me to explain to every officer Corey gathered inside what the secret telephone call meant. When I walked back in, I made sure to keep my car doors unlocked.”

“Okay. Go on detective.”

“And I’m only guessing that maybe we drove with sirens right through Kayleen’s unofficial search. You mentioned Shyrel’s Amber Alert that was mysteriously canceled. This did two things. First, it motivated Wendal to return home on a platter. Second, it eliminated the attention on Michael and Shyrel… until we found them. When that happened, let’s just suppose Michael found himself in my driver’s seat with instructions to drive both his girls across the border, where we have no jurisdiction before I reported it stolen… in two days!”

“You knew before… you knew.”


“And why, in this moment of hide-and-seek, was it necessary for your own precinct to be ‘It?’”

“Because this was more than just a game,” Dedra assures. “Wendal is the governor’s son. And the politics around all of this were too unfairly powerful against these innocent children. From Wendal’s connections, to family courts, to the gullible eyes of public opinion, sometimes the best reply to a narcissistic trap is ‘game over.’”

“So... you tricked everyone into thinking that you were tricked by an 8-year-old girl?”

“It was the only way,” Dedra confirms while starring at the newspaper headlines.


The doctor stares again at the newspaper headlines.


“Are you planning on ever clearing your name?”

“Right now, I only care about clearing two innocent girls, during their childhood.”

“Well,” the satisfied doctor replies, “a deal’s a deal Detective. Thank you for your… theory. Everything discussed in here will remain confidential. Everything.”

“I really appreciate it Doctor,” Dedra responds through a slow exhale.

“But there is one thing I can’t let you get away with Dedra, or I wouldn’t be doing my job. You accidently referred to Kayleen as Janine. And I don’t even need my session notes to remember that Janine is your little sister’s name. Did you find out what happened?”

“No. I just believe her,” Dedra responds. “A whole lot of bad things happened… to her… to us. And I wasn’t there. I’m still not!”

“Well… once again, you and Janine agreed on that. Remember?”

“Yeah,” Dedra replies. “But that doesn’t make it right! Sometimes I feel so dismissive.”

“Janine is aware of everything except your dilemma around this agreement! I really think you should reach out to her. And of course you could always change the terms of this promise.”

“I hear you; I promise.”

“Okay. So… I’ll recommend a few days off for you, Detective. Take care of yourself.”


As Dedra arrives back home, she notices a package at her door. She opens it up to realize a teddy bear with a note attached:


She wanted you to have hers, Detective Kare.

She named it Kare Bear.

Thanks for everything, Detective.


The End


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