Right On Time by Faith Ijiga - HTML preview

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The armed robbers started their operation in nearby buildings, and by the time they were done, it was almost 1:00 a.m.

An hour and a half later they had succeeded in invading and ravaging over twenty buildings.

The armed robbers counted themselves lucky because none of the houses they entered had an alarm system.

Although none of the houses were left unlocked, this wasn't a problem for them as Savior was able to easily pick the entrance locks.

It wasn't part of their plans to shoot their victims, but they shot six family men in the foot that night who weren't complying with their demands and watched as their trembling wives and kids shrieked and begged for their lives to be spared. Still, they didn't let go until the desperate wives complied on behalf of their injured husbands.

As the women scurried around quickly with tears streaming down their faces to gather up what they demanded for, one of the boys was designated to follow the women to get the loot, brandishing their AR-15s to put more fear into the already traumatized women just to make them to hurry up and do their bidding, while the rest of the team monitored the whole family to avoid things going sour.

Occasionally, one or two of the armed robbers would drop comments like, "You see, it wasn't our fault that your husband was shot. He was proving stubborn."



The women would either remain mute or reply with something along the lines of, "We are very sorry, sir. Don't mind my husband o. That is how he is, sir. He won't do that again, sir. Please, let me hurry up and give you everything you want, sir," their voices shrill and quivering and tears falling down their cheeks.

And at the end, out of fear and trauma, the women would give them more than they asked for. The armed robbers dutifully collected everything, and left the family husk dry.

That was part of what Savior desperately hated about Alpha Shadows and other crime syndicates in the country.

And that was why he vowed to meet out justice and vengeance on behalf of these innocent victims.

By the time the armed robbers were done with their operation, they had stolen a lot of valuable things: bundles of cash, Androids and iPhones, laptops, tablets, several boxes of jewelry and other gold, silver and diamond accessories. The gang members would later calculate everything and discover that they had stolen properties that were worth millions of Naira.

Two hours later and the armed robbers were done. They had gotten more than what they came for. It was time to leave.


Just as he had decided, The Rivers State Commissioner of Police had complied with the instruction given to him by the unknown caller and sent his men to not just just lay an ambush at the eastern gate, but also at the western gate of Destiny Estate. To the best of their knowledge, they had effectively surrounded the estate and backed the armed robbers to a corner.



Dressed in their black uniforms, black boots and armed with submachine guns, and batons, the policeman crouched in strategic positions and maintained perfect silence in order not to alert the armed robbers of their presence.

Just as instructed by The Rivers State commissioner of police, radio silence was maintained. No one spoke apart from the occasional instructions and updates that was passed to and fro the phone by the leader of the covert squad, one Inspector Joseph Alabi.

However, after almost an hour of waiting in silence, the policemen began to relax and mumble among themselves.

They began wondering aloud if they had replied to a prank call or if they were being set up. This whole mission was starting to seem like a wild goose’s chase.

Inspector Joseph announced that they would wait for ten more minutes, and if nothing happened, they'd go inside the estate for a round of inspection before heading back.

Nine minutes later, just as the team was about to give up and leave, out of the corner of his eyes, Inspector Joseph saw six boys, the exact number they had been anticipating thanks to the intel from the anonymous caller, all armed with assault rifles, running away with stolen property. Instantly alert and filled with adrenaline, he stood up and commanded the other officers to do the same and give chase as he led the way.

The officers complied, firing at the running armed robbers as they did while asking them to stop and surrender.



Savior nodded his head in satisfaction as the policemen were unknowingly playing things out the way he wanted it. Good, everything was working out just fine, and this meant that it would all go as planned.

Also, as expected, his gang members began firing back at their pursuers as they noticed that they were getting too close for comfort.

Just like that, a gun battle ensued. The hour had come. Savior seized the opportunity and sprung into action.

One of the armed robber’s eyes widened into saucers as he saw Savior reach beneath his jacket and swiftly pull out a Glock 9 mm equipped with a silencer.

He was unfortunately one of those Savior planned to kill that night.

Smirking at the expression on the boy's face, before he could get the chance to compose himself and react, Savior immediately clicked off the safety on his handgun, pulled the trigger and double tapped him on his forehead. The boy died with that shocked expression on his face.

The other gang members saw one of their comrades going down and thought that the police had just killed one of their own. He was obviously dead but this was not time to mourn.

The police were fast gaining on the armed robbers. Savior chambered around his Glock 9 mm pistol as he continued running. It was time to finish his job and escape for good.



All around him, bullets ricocheted and whizzed past. One of the bullets from the police AK-47 brushed his left shoulder, leaving him with a bloody graze. Savior bit his lip hard from crying out in pain One of the armed robbers wasn't as lucky as him, though. Savior watched as the bullet that brushed his shoulder hit one of the boys that was to be his second victim for the night. Unfortunately for the boy, his knees buckled, crying out in pain, he landed with a thud to the ground.

Savior couldn't believe his fortune as he ran in front of his injured colleague/to-be victim. Immediately the boy saw his leader, he cried out for help.

"Help me," the boy pleaded, his eyes ridden with pain.

"Of course I'll help you. I'll help you and you can thank me when we meet each other on the other side. I will help you by saving you from the police interrogation. I will help you by relieving you from your pain and making your death a quick one," Tiger replied without emotion.

"What are you sayin-?"

But the boy never finished his question. Savior unleashed several bursts, instantly eliminating him. The boy took the knowledge of his killer to his early grave.

As soon as his second victim for the night gave up the ghost, he looked ahead and saw that the other gang members had not seen what happened behind them. They were too busy cynically trying to save their own skin.



Angry that they had not even bothered to check on each other, he wanted to kill all of them but decided against it. Even though it was what they deserved, he wouldn't do it but would find another way to mercilessly deal with them. He mustn't allow his emotions to control him because it would go contrary to the word he had given to the police commissioner.

Savior had done his job, and it was time to step out for good. With the rush of adrenaline, he and the remaining survivors took flight for all they were worth.

On getting to where they parked their vehicle, Savior took over from the previous driver as he fired the car engine to life and drove off wildly.

The police, having left their squad car back at the estate Gate while pursuing the robbers on foot, and clearly not prepared for this turn of event, pursued the car on foot for a while and finally gave up when the armed robbers drove out of sight.

Because of the commissioner's instruction, they couldn't call for backup... and even if they did, none was close.

They couldn't put out an all-points bulletin, thus the four wanted armed robbers successfully escaped that night.

The night was a huge success for Savior. To the police, it was a total disaster that exposed a level of incompetence on their part.