Right On Time by Faith Ijiga - HTML preview

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Three spiritual entities beaming with radiant light watched, with interest, what was unfolding in the cosmos.

The parents of Munachimso Savior Onuoha, standing on both sides of Jesus Christ, had seen the whole event of how their son went to church just for the charade of relocating a girl he wanted back in his life.

They could see Munachimso talking and laughing with Ayanate and Preye, but Jesus wasn't smiling.

Consequently, both father and mother weren't smiling either as they kept watching the scene below.

There was something solemn about this moment that Jesus and the parents were observing with an unreadable expression.


On the dark side of the spiritual realm, one of the demons of destruction that was assigned to Africa also stood, with smaller demons that had been designated to help him carry out his evil and destructive works, observing the reunion.

These demons were the ones who tried as much as they could to corrupt and influence human beings that would allow them with sins of corruption, hatred, malice, anger, fornication, bestiality, rituals, witchcraft, kidnapping, idolatry, blasphemy and all manner of evils. Their sole purpose was destroying and wasting the souls of mankind and ultimately making them spend eternity in hellfire.



Unlike the spiritual entities of light, the demons watched with the look of confusion and contempt for the reunion of these human beings.

"This is no stupid coincidence. This was the orchestration of the enemy!" The lead demon fumed with clenched fists.

As the grotesque-looking creature verbally poured out its rage, its mouth odor was even more putrid than its body odor. Black plumes of smoke poured out from its wicked belly through its oral orifice. Its fellow hideous creatures didn't mind the bad breath and the wicked fume that radiated from their leader because their case wasn't different.

The demons could see the angels of light that shielded the three human beings with their white wings. Just like Jesus and the parents, the angels that built a protective hedge over the trio did so with solemn expressions on their faces, not giving the demons any hint of what was afoot. And it ended up confusing and enraging the demons the more.

Unable to contain its disdain for the enemy and his shining angels, the demon of destruction walked towards the angels, speaking vile and hateful words and wagging its hideous, gnarled fingers at the angels.

"Tell your master that whatever he is up to, he shall not succeed. You hear me?"

The angel closest to him did not reply. He just stared at the demon intently with a silent warning for him not to come any closer than he already had.



But just like the defeated fool that he was, the demon kept blabbering, spittle flying here and there.

"Tell your master that he didn't conquer, especially not my own Africa, regardless of what he thinks he has done.

This is my territory. I'm the king of the jungle, and I shall do as I please. I shall not relinquish my hold on this territory."

"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof," the angel replied.

"I shall continue to cause more destruction and waste more lives, and I will use him to carry out my missions,"

the demon said, pointing towards Munachimso. "He is my instrument. I shall use him to waste and destroy human souls, including hers."

It pointed towards Ayanate.

"Just watch what I will do. You just watch!"

The demon finally stopped threatening when it ran out of breath. It expected a confrontation from any of the angels but was disappointed when none was forthcoming.

A completely sane person did not exchange words with a madman.

"Curse be upon your master. I curse him with all my breath and vehemence!"



The demon went closer than was required to one of the angels and tried to spit on him as one last act of defiance but halfway through, it collided with the light that was coming out of the angel and the saliva returned and splashed on the demon. The putrid saliva burned like a deadly, concentrated acid on that demon’s skin. A searing pain akin to the torture of hell's flames cut through his nerves.

The evil creature fell on the ground, screeching in pain and whimpering like a scared baby rat. The other small demons saw how their leader was utterly defeated with his own weapon and were more than terrified. They couldn't wait to get out of that environment. But to avoid being severely punished, the small demons couldn't leave their boss all by himself. They were saddled with the responsibility of leaving that environment with him.

At this, they were filled with disgust and disdain at their general for stupidly making them have the responsibility of dragging his sorry butt out of that place. They called him all sorts of foul and unholy names that could make even the devil cringe, but the head demon couldn't hear them because its loud screeching and whimpering drowned out their curses.

They almost spat on his face if not that they were afraid of the repercussions of such action.

They quickly surrounded him but no matter how they tried, they couldn't lift him because of his size. He was enormous—an enormous empty shell. Just one touch and he was deflating like a balloon, this elicited more expletives and diatribe from the small demons.

They finally resolved to drag him.

And so it happened that the small demons roughly dragged their leader by the tail and retreated out of the line of sight of the angels to their dark corners.




Jesus and both parents watched the exchange between the angels of light and the pathetic demons. They could see how the small demons dragged their master by the tail, out of the sight of the angels but not out of the sight of the Master of Light. After all, who could hide from him? Who could do anything in secret that he wouldn't have knowledge of?

The parents watched as their son broke away from the siblings and began moving towards his car with some of the angels following him.

Then, they turned their eyes away from their son to look at Jesus and asked him the important question on their minds.

"So, what will happen now?" Savior's mother, Mrs Osinachi Onuoha, asked hopefully.

"They met each other right on time."

"This means that their reunion is good news, right?" his father asked, smiling.

But Jesus wasn't smiling, and for this, the parents looked at him with concern written all over their faces.

"Yes, it's good news," Jesus replied in a tone that told the parents that there was more.



"But?" the father asked.

"Saviour's reunion with Ayanate is good. Very good, in fact. But, events will not quite go as you expect."

"Oh, no!" the father exclaimed as both parents dropped their gazes, their faces stretched taut with concern for the soul of their son.

Jesus placed his hands on their shoulders as he spoke the next words.

"From here on, everything would be quite dramatic. I will tell you how the enemy has planned this. She will make a mistake that would lead to his own, so that at the end, they will both be destroyed.

"But do not be afraid because I have conquered, my strength shall be made known in their weaknesses.

"Like I prayed for Peter when the devil was after his soul, I have likewise advocated for them. And when they are strong, they will strengthen others," Jesus concluded with a smile for the first time since the conversation started.

His parents returned their gazes to Jesus, reciprocating his triumphant smile.

No matter what happened in the future, they knew with certainty that with God, nothing would be impossible.

Absolutely nothing.




Jesus is never too late. The advocate is always right on time. Let the drama unfold.




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While my name is written as the author of this book, the true fact is that it is the result of combined efforts.

Let me start by appreciating my editor, Praise Chidimma Abraham, for working with me from the beginning to the end of this book. You took this project like it was your very own, and for that, I am immensely grateful.

You and I have done my first and second book, and I pray we will do many more as Jesus tarries. Thank you for being such a friend, sister in Christ and such a fine business partner, Igbo woman.

To my lovely sister, Clementina Ijiga. Nobody knows someone like their family members and this is true for you and I, but despite knowing all my weaknesses, you still choose to think and to believe the best about me.

And you give me such encouraging words and pray for me. All those times when I feel like I couldn't continue, I only have to pick up my phone and dial your number to hear you changing those perceptions in a couple of minutes. You are a good sister and I wouldn't have asked for another.

To another friend and sister in Christ, Ifeanyi Ukwueze. You never fail to astonish me with your great wisdom and insight on life. You are the big sister most people desire to have but do not have the privilege. Thank you for proofreading the manuscript.

To Aquila Kyeng, you and I are from different countries and reside in different countries but we have been like biological sisters. God bless you for sharing the same Passion of soul winning and the advancement of



God's Kingdom here on Earth. I pray that just as the apostle Paul, we will run our race, fight the good fight of faith and at the end, there will be a crown of life for us.

To my friend, Udochi Samuel Ndu. Oh, how I loved it each time we spoke. You never failed to shower me with those treasured words, reminding me of how far I've come and where you believe I'm going to. Please keep 'em coming, friend for life.

To Michael Ogunsoya. Over the years, you and I have cried with each other in sad times and rejoiced with each other in our happy days. You are what the Bible describes as a friend that is closer than a brother. Thanks for being such a treasured friend and a brother. The sky is just our starting point.

To Felix Ikpeamaeze. This my writing career and journey all began with you. I don't know what you saw in me when you chose not to give up on me while I was struggling with my education. Thank you, thank you and thank you again for teaching this girl. She will forever be indebted to you.

Thank you so much Isaac Achin aka Day Three for taking out time from your busy schedule to proofread the book and give me your opinions... I value them a lot.

Thank you barrister Sunday Sabeh for the interest that you have taken on this young prodigy. God bless you sir for your constant encouragement and always asking how far I've gone with the manuscript, those questions were part of what motivated me to write faster, and shake off the laziness and sometimes unwillingness to write.

Thank you Susan Achin. Since I've known you, you've been nothing short of good to me. You are such a talented on-air personality, and you have such great qualities that one could emulate.



To Barrister Onwanyi Ulegede, director of Radio Benue. Thank you for loving me and showing it in every possible way. You are not just a woman of a high-class society but you are also a mother figure to me.

To Dr. Ifionu Azubuike. Knowing you, sir, has been a blessing. Thank you so much for the fatherly prayers and blessings you showered on me and all your children on children's day.

Thank you Veronica, Buki, Blessed, Blessing, Gloria for being such wonderful friends. I love you gals.

A big shout out to the wonderful sports crew at Today FM Port Harcourt. The dexterity with which you use to give your listeners sports updates is high class. Well done, my good friend, Ezinne, Reliance, Victor, Eval, and the rest of the sports crew... Please tell Queen and Henry that they are nothing like their namesakes in this book. You guys are so good at what you do.

A big thank you to my parents, Samson and Felicia Ijiga for being not just the vessel that God used to bring me into this world but also being my number one cheerleaders. I love you both with all my heart.

The Glory Dome I used in this book is actually located in Abuja, but for the purpose of this novel, I intentionally changed the location to Port Harcourt. Shout out to Dr. Paul Enenche, the presiding pastor.

To my pastor and spiritual father, David Ibiyeomie of Salvation Ministries. Thank you for all those words of life from that altar and thanks for teaching us the importance of Matthew 6:33.



To my mentor, Joel C. Rosenberg. I have learned and keep learning a lot from you. God bless you, sir, and keep writing. I can't read enough of your books.

To all my readers on Wattpad, Facebook, Amazon and wherever you're reading from, a big standing and clapping ovation for you. There would be no need to write if you're not there to read. Thank you for making it all worth it. Thank you for taking this journey with me. Let's take many more.

Finally, I would like to declare that I am nothing without the Trinity. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit for being my all in all.

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Faith Ijiga is a Nigerian who currently resides in Port Harcourt which is located in the Southern part of the country. She is a bachelor’s degree holder of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution from the National Open University of Nigeria. She is a daughter to a retired police officer and a sister to a police officer.

When she is not writing or googling new authors to obsess over, Faith enjoys learning new things, spending time with her family and friends, and ultimately, her quiet time with the Holy Spirit who is her best friend and helper.

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