Rivulets of Blood by Christa - HTML preview

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Jason felt a shiver going down his spine. What was going on? Why is a Highway trooper pointing a gun at him? He needed some time to process the situation.

His foot lifted from the gas pedal and the car slowed to a crawl.

“Didn’t I tell you to keep going” the man next to him barked, “it’s the same to me to kill you right now and take over the driving”.

Jason’s hands on the wheel started to shake, his palms getting sweaty. ‘I am not equipped to deal with this’ he thought, but he obediently increased the speed as much as the rain and the now unpaved mountain road allowed him to.

“So tell me about your cabin” Chase Cotter said in a conversational tone like he had a chat with an old acquaintance.

“Where is it, what is close by and who else is there?”

Jason swallowed and said in a quivering voice “it’s just a little holiday cabin on the mountain, very basic and secluded. There is no one else up there” and ‘what the hell’ he resolved ‘I must pull myself together and not let this guy, whoever he is, get the better of me’.

“You lie, you die. That’s how it’s going to be, short and sweet”.

Jason swallowed again and nodded submissively “it’s the truth, that’s all there is to it”.

With cold sweat pouring down his back he concentrated on his driving until he found the opening between the trees on his right that led steeply up to the cabin.

His brain was working overtime to find a way to get out of this frightening situation.

‘I have to go along with everything he asks for now and get him to relax before I can think of making a move’. What this move could be he had no idea.

“That’s it” he said when they finally arrived at the log-cabin. “There is no one here as you can see”.

“Get out of the car slowly and you better pray that you have not lied to me”.

Jason reached out to open the glove compartment and heard the sound of the gun being cocked and felt the pressure against his temple.

“I need a torch” he said meekly “it’s pitch dark out there”.

“Hand me the torch slowly and point the car with the headlights towards the cabin”.

He did as he was told, got out of the car slowly, searched for the key under the flowerpot next to the front door and unlocked it.

He walked in and felt the gun poking into his back. The interior was dark and clammy.

“I need to light some candles”, he pointed out “there is no power up here”.

“What about a telephone?”

“No, no lines”.

“Ok, light the candles, very carefully, I want to see your hands at all times”.

The torch gave enough light for Chase to see Jason’s movements.

“Give me your mobile”.

“It’s in the car, there is no reception on the mountain”.

Chase grunted, went out the door and locked it from the outside.

Jason felt as if his bones had turned to water, he had to sit down and collapsed onto the couch.

The noise outside indicated the car being driven and parked next to the cabin, then the engine was switched off.

‘Who is this man’ Jason thought ‘obviously a criminal on the run, but will they find him here and what’s going to happen if they do? This man is armed and dangerous.’

He turned his head when he heard the door opening again. “I am Jason” he said “what do I call you?” trying to put the man at ease.

“Nothing” was the curt reply “you only open your mouth to answer when I ask you a question. Get that?”

Jason nodded.

“And here is what I want to know. Are there any supplies?”

“Yes there is a stocked pantry and a gas-operated ice-box”.

“Who stocks it and who does the chores when you are not here?”

“A local woman comes up once a month to clean and stock-up”.

“When does she come again?”

“She does whatever needs doing every first weekend of the month, so she was here only a few days ago”.

“Good” Chase grunted “we don’t want anyone to disturb us now, do we?” He grinned, prodded Jason with his gun and said “get up and sit on that chair over there. I need some rest, can’t watch you all the time”.

Jason did as he was told and Chase tied him expertly to the chair with a rope he had found in the Jeep.

“Sweet dreams” he chuckled before he crashed on the couch, the gun firmly tucked at his side.

Chase closed his eyes and relived the events of the last day. ‘Man, what a ride’. He thought about the couple he had surprised in their home ‘The bitch wanted it, I could see it in her eyes. What a kick to do her there right in front of her husband. I did need it desperately, was too long without a woman’ he chuckled to himself. Fucking that whore in front of her man, having her squirm, pretending she wanted to get away from under him, what a turn-on. Well he stopped that fast enough with a few punches to her face. Still she kept on screaming and begging him to stop, while that excuse of a man she had married was tied up safely and had to watch his wife giving it up to him, a real man with an enormous cock, driving it into her so hard and deep that he could feel her almost tearing  apart. What an experience, different, exhilarating – and then chocking her slowly with his hands around her neck, watching the terror in her eyes until the life went out of her, all that with her husband looking on, nearly going out of his mind. He licked his lips and touched his crotch while thinking about it.

And after that, the heady rush of shooting the husband execution style and killing the Law. He giggled softly to himself remembering. No, life was too much fun to waste it away in prison, waiting for it to pass slowly until the end comes.

Thinking about the bitch again made him go all hard. ‘What a shame it was not a woman driving the car instead of that guy Jason’ he thought, freeing his aroused cock from the restraint of his pants, stroking it and jerking himself off before sleep took over.

“How the blazes do I get out of this situation alive’ Jason brooded, watching in disbelief his captor working his penis and listening to him moaning and grunting. ‘Maybe if I offer him money and the car he’ll leave’.

Looking around the cabin, searching for something to free himself with and escape, he started to remember all the wonderful times Shelby and he had spent up here in the mountains, in this very cabin.

Long walks in the clear mountain air, the romantic evenings by candle light in front of a blazing fire in the big stone fireplace, nights filled with exploring and loving each other.

He shook his head, how could he think about that now when his life was on the line. How could he picture his wife being right here with him when he better thank God on his knees that Shelby was far away and safe. He felt violent shivers running through his body at the thought of this snoring brute over there laying his hands on her.

How much time had passed he did not know, but exhaustion must have taken over and he slept despite his uncomfortable position.

He was jolted awake by a kick to his legs “Rise and shine sleeping beauty, I want to know more about of what’s going on around this place”.

Chase untied Jason who stretched his legs from his cramped position.

“Now don’t get to comfy” his captor barked “we have to talk but first I need food. Can you cook?”

When Jason nodded, he hobbled his feet together with just enough room to move around with small shuffling steps.

Outside the rain was still pelting down and any chance of a rescue seemed more remote than ever.