Rivulets of Blood by Christa - HTML preview

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Chase Cotter belched and pushed his plate aside.

 “What a way to live, that was some food you threw together, beats the prison grub any time”.

Jason’s heart missed a beat ‘so that was it is’ he thought ‘the Hulk (the name he had given to his captor in the absence of another one) is an escaped prisoner, but surely the Marshalls are looking for him. Are they going to find him here? And what will he do if he gets cornered?’ Jason was counting less and less on having a chance to survive the ordeal he was in. ‘Maybe I can negotiate with the Hulk’ was his thought when Chase said

“You and me have a serious talk now if you want to live. For starters I believe I am safe here for a day or two, but you listen good. Here are some ground rules. If anyone comes close to the cabin you get rid of them pronto with whatever story you can come up with, as long as it’s believable. My gun will be pointed at your head all the time. Understand?”

Jason’s gut knotted but he nodded.

“You try anything you’re a dead man, get it? To kill you or anyone who tries to stop me means nothing to me. I have killed others and will do it again before I go back to prison” he grinned a Jason.

“Now let’s get serious. I need money. How much have you got on you?”

Jason stared at him ‘that might be my ticket to survival’ he thought ‘money’.

Chase slammed his balled fist on the table, making the dishes and Jason jump.

“Hey, pay attention here. I ask and you answer pronto, get it?”

Jason swallowed “Y-yes” he stuttered.

“Back to the money, how much”.

“I’ve got a couple of thousand in a bag in the car” he stammered “but I can get you more”.

 “A couple of grand is ok for now, don’t you move while I look for the greenbacks and you better had not lied to me” Chase gave him a menacing look, unlocked the door and went outside.

Jason looked around frantically for something, anything he could use to defend himself.  A knife, there must be a knife somewhere. He could not look earlier, while preparing food, the Hulk was always behind him, watching and not allowing him to use a knife. He hobbled to the kitchen cabinet that held the drawers, where? His brain felt numb, he could not concentrate. As he opened one of the drawers the door was flung open and Chase came in with the cash in one hand and the gun in the other.

He took one look and with three long strides was next to Jason.

“Did I not tell you to stay put” he barked and pistol whipped him across the side of his head. Jason collapsed and for good measure Chase kicked him in his ribs, breaking some.

“The next time I won’t be so gentle” he growled at Jason who was rolling on the floor moaning with pain.

“Now git up and sit back on that chair and stop whimpering like a dog”.