Rivulets of Blood by Christa - HTML preview

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The little town of Arrowhead buried its Sheriff with full honors. His widow Annie followed the procedure with a stony expression on her face. She had no tears left anymore, she had cried from the moment Jake called her on the radio to give her the tragic news, until the emergency service had brought his body down from the mountain and she had said good-bye to her husband of thirty years.

Annie had locked herself into the bedroom and eyed Bill’s service pistol more than once with the thought of ending it all and joining her beloved husband.

But no, Annie was a strong woman and this was not what Bill would have wanted. She resolved to spend the rest of her life involving herself with charity work to help victims of criminals like the “Savage Ghost”, help them to heal their wounds, heal their hearts, even if she herself will never be able to heal.

With her mind made up she unlocked the door on the day of the burial and looked straight into Jake’s troubled face. He had not left the bungalow since the return of the Sheriff’s body, he had kept watch over her in a silent vigil.

“Bill and I thank you” she said softly “but your job here is done. You still have a whole life to live”.

The town council had offered Jake the position of Sheriff in the little town of Arrowhead, but Jake declined, citing too many bad memories to be able to stay on.

He however wanted to honor the memory of Sheriff Bill Logan by taking up a position in law enforcement somewhere where he will be needed and vowed to be relentless in hunting down anyone who set a foot outside the law.