Rusty: An Original Screenplay by Scott Donnelly - HTML preview

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We OPEN TO a shot of a student, RUSTY LAKE, sitting at his desk drawing a picture of a dragon on a piece of paper.  He is not one of the popular kids for sure - its obvious by the way he is dressed and keeps his distance from other students.


Students begin filing into the classroom.  Rusty looks up, then behind him, and stares at a cute young girl - SARAH FALLON.  Sarah is sitting near the back of the classroom, close to the science lab.  Sarah appears to be popular in the seventh grade.


Rusty shoots Sarah a smile, only for her to ignore it.  Discouraged, Rusty continues his drawing.  Two male students, ADAM CARVER and JUSTIN WILSON walk into the classroom - books and binders in hand.  They are goofing off and laughing, as boys do.  They pinpoint their seats right behind Rusty.



Hey Rusty.  What are drawing? More crap?



(quiet) No.


Adam steals the image.



Funny, cause it looks like crap to me. (shows Justin) Crap?





Adam and Justin laugh, and toss the paper onto the floor.  Rusty stays quiet and shuts his eyes tight.  He is obviously bothered by the two boys.  Feeling alone and embarrassed, Rusty glances back at Sarah, who is feeling bad for him.  Then another young girl enters the frame and sits by Sarah.  This is BRITNEY TIMS, and friend of Sarah.  They begin to chat.


Rusty’s admiring of Sarah is quickly interrupted by Adam flicking his ear.  Rusty flinches, and turns back around, facing forward.



What were you looking at, the girls?



That's weird; I didn't know you were attracted to girls.


The boys laugh again, and Adam continues flicking Rusty's ear.  The bell rings to start class.  The TEACHER enters the room with her books, and shuts the door behind her.



Okay guys, we have labs today. (sees Adam messing with Rusty) Adam Carver, how many times do I have to tell you to keep your hands to yourself?


Adam and Justin sit back in their seats.






I need everyone to pair up. The solutions have been pre-measured; so don't touch them until I get back there.


The Teacher goes to her desk to gather her things.  The students all stand up and grab a partner before heading back to the lab.  Rusty is the last to stand up.  When he arrives he glances around but can't find a partner.


The Teacher walks to the back with everyone, and notices Rusty standing alone.



Rusty, who are you pairing up with?




(quiet) There's no one.



Then join a group.  Go pair up with Sarah and Britney.


Rusty nervously heads toward the two girls.  Sarah gives him a smile, and he returns it.  Britney however, is on a different page.



I guess we're stuck with you, huh?


Rusty's smile disappears, as he stares at Britney.



Come on Britney, leave him alone.



Well, I guess we'll be fine.  You're a nerd, right Rusty?  You could probably get us an A or something.



(defensive) I'm not a nerd.  I get C's and D's.






I don't lie.



That's a lie right there. Everyone lies.



(frustrated) Not me.



(changing the subject) Let's just get to work, guys.


The three pick up their protective goggles, which were laid out on the table.  They strap them on, just as Adam and Justin are sneaking up behind Rusty in a comedic stealth walk. Sarah doesn't pay attention, but Britney notices the two boys and holds back a smile.  Adam grabs the back of Rusty's goggles strap, pulls it back and lets it slap hard against his head.  Rusty grabs the back of his head and turns around quickly, ripping the goggles off and throwing them across the room.  Rusty, red with anger, stands up to his bullies.  Adam, Justin and Britney are all laughing.



What are you going to do about it?


Rusty begins to breathe heavily through his nose.



Probably going to slap us.


Rusty breathes even heavier.



Guys, leave him alone.



Oh, what Sarah.  Is Rusty your boyfriend now?





Rusty continues to steam.




Ladies, did you know Rusty's dad was killed? (keeps eye contact with Rusty)


Rusty's eyes open wider with rage.



That would make him a bastard. (to Rusty) You're a dumb BASTARD.


Rusty loses it.  He screams and forcefully shoves Adam in the chest.  Adam stumbles backwards, but keeps his balance.  Jumping to his buddies aid, Justin pushes Rusty right back.  Adam then charges Rusty, tackling him to the floor.





Justin falls onto Rusty, and pushes his knee down hard on Rusty's neck.  Rusty can't breathe.  He begins to choke, and grab onto Justin's knee, trying to shove it off.  Adam then slams Rusty in the stomach a few times, before punching him square in the face.


The classroom is now is a state of panic.  Students swarm the brawl, and the teacher rushes in.





Adam continues punching Rusty in the gut and the face as Justin leans harder on his neck.  Rusty glances up at Sarah and Britney while getting pummeled.  They are both in shock, yet do nothing.  Britney still snickers slightly.




(to Sarah)


Sarah stands in shock.  Rusty's hope is gone. Justin puts more pressure on his throat, as we hear a CRUNCHING sound.  Blood then pours from Rusty mouth, as he coughs and panics.


Justin, realizing what happened, stands up fast.  Adam sees the blood, and stands up too.  The Teacher breaks through the crowd.



Everyone BACK AWAY NOW!!


Adam is in shock, and moves to the side bumping the science equipment on the lab table. A beaker full of a clear liquid knocks over and spills off the table, and splashes Rusty's face.  Students begin screaming in terror and running away as the liquid begins to burn right through Rusty's face. He does all he can to scream, but can't.  Rusty begins to violently thrash around on the floor, as the teacher tries to help him.  Panic plagues the classroom.












A woman, SANDRA LAKE, sits in the hallway with her son, RANDY.  Sandra - Rusty's mother - is horrified, and her face is wet from crying.  Randy - two years younger than Rusty - sits in silence, close to his mother.


Down the hall, a door opens, and a doctor comes out.  He walks down the hall, and stands before the Lake family.  Sandra stands up and wipes the tears from her face.



Ms. Lake, Rusty has suffered severe facial and throat damage.  His vocal chords have been almost completely crushed.  His face can be repaired with extensive plastic surgery. (check his notes)  Your current insurance plan does not cover such an operation, but if you talk to my secretary, we can see if there is something that can be worked out.



He'll live then?



He will live.  But he will need 24/7 care.  No more public school.  His life is going to be a lot different now.


Sandra begins to cry.  Randy stands up and holds on tightly to his mother.



You may see him now.  He wont be able to see or hear you though.  We have him under heavy medication, and his face is completely wrapped right now.


The Doctor motions with his hands where to go.  Sandra grabs Randy by the hand, and they walk to the door.




A horrific sight blinds Sandra and Randy.  Rusty is laying on the hospital bed, under the covers.  His face is completely wrapped in gauze.  A couple bloodstains are visible on his facial area.  Sandra begins to cry more and Randy sheds a tear.  Randy walks up to the bed and kneels down beside his brother.  Sandra walks up behind him and looks down at her son.



What the heck is wrong with people?


The continuous beeping sounds form the machines echo.










We OPEN TO a CLOSE UP on a woman's eye.  It opens. We PULL OUT to reveal a woman in her late twenties laying in the middle of the floor of a very dark and cold room.  The only light comes from the moonlight shining through a window with bars across it, high on the back wall.


The woman takes a deep breath, then glances around with her eyes only.  Knowing something is not right, she sits up fast, and pushes herself to her knees.  She looks around the dark room, not able to see much.  This is BRITNEY TIMS - now 27 years old.  Another woman's voice slices through the darkness.



It's about time you woke up.



Who is that? (pause) Where am I?



I don't know where we are, and why would I tell you who I am?



Because, obviously, you know something I don't.  Where are you, I can't see.


Through the dull moonlight, Britney can see another woman around the same age walking closer to her. Defensive, Britney stands up and back away.



Stay back.


The other woman stops and throws her arms up.



Tell me how I got here.



I don't know how WE got here. I woke up here, just like you, about an hour ago.



An hour ago?  Why didn't you wake me up?



I tried.  You were out cold.  I tried waking all of you up.


Confused, Britney turns around and is able to make out two other people laying face down on the ground.



Who are they?



How many times do I have to tell you? I have no idea what is going on, where we are, or who you all are.  I want answers too.



(giving in) My name is Britney.  The last thing I remember was....(pause)..opening my front door.  Someone was knocking on it.  Then, nothing.



Yeah.  I was locking up my office.  I was the last one there.  Then I felt a prick in my neck.  I woke up here.



What's your name?





Come on, I told you mine.



(hesitant) Sarah.



Well then, Sarah, what are we going to do?  Are there any lights in here?



I don't know.  I couldn't find a switch.  It's too dark.


Britney looks up at the window.  The moonlight is blanketed by snowfall.



Is it snowing?






It's freezing in here. (looks at the floor)  The floor is made out of stone.



The walls too.  Almost like a cellar.


One of the other people on the floor begins to moan.  Britney and Sarah stand by each other cautiously and look down.  It's a man.  He slowly comes to, and gets to his knees.  He looks over and can see the two woman in the dark.  He holds his head.



What the heck is going on here?  Who the heck are you?



We were going to ask you the same thing.



Seriously, what's going on?



We both woke up here, just like you.


The man stands up and faces the women.



Where is 'here'?



That question is getting very old.



(getting mad) We'll, I'm sorry, ladies, for joining this program already in progress.  Tell me what's going on!




She just did you jerk.  We don't know why we're here, or where here is.


The man looks down at the other person on the floor.



Who's this guy?


Neither of the girls says anything.



Jesus, somebody's got to know something!


The man bends down and begins to shake the other body.



Wake up buddy! (pause) It's time to wake up!


The person slowly comes too.


 MAN 2

Stop it.


The man backs away and the second man stands to his feet.




What's going on here?



Don't ask any questions because none of us have answers.


Man 2 rubs his head.



Man, my head freaking hurts.



I bet it would.



What's your name?



Don't tell her.  I don't trust them.


    MAN 2

(ignoring Man 1) Justin.


The man gets pissed that Justin didn't listen to him.






(to the man) Well, you are the only one who hasn't told us your name.  Want to join the crowd?



No I don't, but thanks for asking.



His name is Adam.


The man, Adam, stares at her, confused and pissed.



How the hell do you know my name?



(chuckles in realization) It's simple math.  My name is Sarah.  This is Britney. (points) Justin. That only leaves Adam.


Adam, Justin and Britney all ponder Sarah’s statement.



(realizes) Oh crap…



What the heck are you talking about?



Let those four names sink into your skull for a second, Adam.


Adam looks around at everyone else.



Seventh grade.






(to Sarah) Crap! Sarah?  Sarah Fallon?



In the flesh.



This is not happening.



(still remembering) That boy Rusty.  Rusty...



Rusty Lake.





Bull.  It was an accident.  You don't really think were all here because of that, do you?



Yeah, I didn't even do anything. (to Sarah) Neither did you.



Okay, we get it.  Justin and I beat the crap out of the kid, you two are innocent.  Boo-hoo.



(to Adam) No, YOU beat the crap out him.



Well, YOU crushed his throat.  Drop it, or I'll beat the crap out of YOU!



Still a jerk I see.


Adam looks towards Sarah, angered.



This is twisted.


He turns and walks away.  Justin stands there and ponders the situation.  Britney stands still, frightened. Sarah glances around.



So what do we do?


No one answers.  Then, out of nowhere, lights pop on in the room.  All four of them look around frantically.  The room illuminates, revealing a large room - almost like a lobby.  The floors and walls are all made of stone.  There are three doors.  A large metal one sits under the window on the wall.  This appears to be a front door.  The other two doors are wooden.  They are on either side of the room.  Everyone’s attention is drawn to the large metal door though.  Written on the door in red paint are the words: I WILL NOT FORGIVE.



Are you kidding me??



(looking around) Looks like a castle.


Adam pounds on the metal door, and frantically looks for a latch, or something to open it.  There is nothing.



We're sealed in here.  It's locked from the outside.





Everyone turns to Britney, who is standing at one of the wooden doors.  There are four envelopes nailed to it.  Britney grabs one, and opens it.  She pulls out a picture of a little boy.



It's some kid.


The three others flock to Britney and look at the picture.



That's my son! (grabs the picture) Give me that.



Why is there a picture of your son in here?


Adam stares at the picture, and then flips it over.  In black marker, it reads: Tonight, YOUR son becomes a Bastard.



This isn’t right.  This has to be a joke.


He shows the rest of them the note.  Sarah tears another envelope off the door.  She opens it and pulls out a folded piece of paper that reads: Justin.  Sarah hands the paper to Justin.  He opens it and reads it out loud.



You took my voice.  I take yours.


Sarah and Britney look at each other, then back to the door.  Sarah rips another one down and opens it.  It is her seventh grade photo, with a red heart drawn around it.  She flips it over and reads it.



You were my only hope.  My only love.  Yet you did nothing.



This guy is sick.  I thought he died anyway.



He didn't die.  He was messed up real bad.  I think his family moved to California or some shit.



Montana actually.


They all look at Sarah.



I kept in touch with the family because I felt so bad.  They moved and I never heard from them again.  Any of them.



I think it’s your turn Britney.


Britney looks nervous and her hand shakes as she rips down the last envelope.   She opens it and pulls out two pieces of a torn picture.  She flips them over and together they form her seventh grade picture - torn in half at her neck.  On the backs of one of the pieces it reads: WHORE.



Oh my God.



This is just great. This guy is getting his revenge on us.  I already did my time in Juvie.  I've moved on.  I've got a family.



(holds up the picture of his son) So do I! I intend to see them again, so lets find a way out of here.


Adam breaks through the women and grabs the doorknob.  He shakes it, but it’s locked.  He kicks it really hard, but it doesn’t budge.



Dang it.


He turns to the other door, and head towards it.  Britney puts her torn picture in her pocket and he eyes widen.



Oh my God! I have my cell phone!


She pulls out her cell phone which makes everyone else check their pockets.  Sarah also pulls out hers.  As does Justin.  Adam stops on his way to the other door, and searches his pockets. They all have them.   Britney opens hers and sees the screen is dead.  She tries to turn it on, but it wont.



It's not working.



Mine either.





Adam flips his over and opens the back of it.  The battery is gone.



No batteries, that's why.


They all check.  No batteries.



We were stupid to think he'd let us keep our phones in tact.


Adam throws his phone to the corner of the room, and continues towards the door.  He reaches for the doorknob, and turns it. To his surprise, it opens.  He turns to everyone else.



Anyone coming?


Justin jogs over to Adam and walks through the door and into a dark hallway.



Anyone else?


Britney shakes her head.



I think we're going to stay here.  Let us know if you find a way out.


Adam doesn't hesitate to ignore her, then follows Justin down the hallway, closing the door behind him.  Britney collapses, crying.  Sarah bends down to comfort her.



(crying) I didn't do anything! It was those guys!  We're innocent, Sarah!



Obviously, Rusty thinks we all played a part in it.



(crying) What are we going to do?



I don't know.






Justin and Adam are walking through the hall cautiously, side by side.



What's your sons name?


Adam doesn't answer.  He is committed to finding a way out.




Are you married?


Adam stops and turns to Justin, grabbing him by the shoulder.



Listen.  When we find a way out of here, I don't want anything to do with you, or the other two, ever again. Mind your own business.


Adam lets go of Justin, who is startled by Adams actions.  Adam turns and continues walking.  Justin shrugs it off, and follows.  Up ahead, they spot a door on the wall with light shining from underneath it.





Adam darts towards the door and Justin quickly follows.  Adam reaches for the knob, turns it and pushes it open to reveal a brightly lit room.




The room is very large.  It has fancy red carpet and a dance floor.  Old tables are set up around the dance floor.  A few more windows sit high on the walls - also secured with metal bars.  Adam trucks it through the ballroom.



Do you even know where you are going?



I'm trying to find a way out of here.  I suggest you follow me, because by the sound of those notes I bet we don't have much time.


Justin follows Adam, looking in all directions.



Do you think he's here?  In this place?



I don't really care where the heck that little psycho is.  If he comes near me, I'll beat the living crap out of him again.



You haven't changed.




(stops) What?






I followed you in middle school to share the popularity.  That doesn't mean I agreed with everything you said or did to people.  You were a total jerk.  You still are.



Look, man, you're just as guilty as I am.  We both mangled that kid.



I did my time.  I started a life.  I moved on.  Did you?



I have a life too.  I have a son.  A son who I intend to see again.





Adam hesitates.



Look.  I want out of here too.  But were going to have to work together and be honest here.



(hesitant) My wife left me. My son is all I have.


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