Skin by A. J. Malone - HTML preview

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Samuel Sharkey was on the balcony of his top floor office at home in the Wickford hills. It was a nice day.

"About fucking time we saw the bleeding sun, init?"

He spoke into the air as much as into the back of the girl's head that was sprawled over the patio table in front of him. Her hands gripped opposite edges of the round table top.

"You talking to me?" Her Eastern European accent was strong. She didn't bother turning her head around as she spoke and Sammy seemed only to notice her for the first time.

"You wot? Nah, just noticed the bleeding sun is all. First time in ages. This fucking country. Sometimes I wish I was back home, init."

"Has been sunny all day. You only notice now."

He continued thrusting into her.

"Don't squeeze so fucking tight Vagina. For fuck's sake, I'm not some bleeding merchandise, init. Don't bite the fucking thing off me."

"Sorry, just habit, you know?"

"Whatever, just ease off."

"It's just you are so big, you know? Inside me. It feel so good I want to squeeze harder."

He grinned. He knew she didn't mean it. VD had experienced virtually no sensations in her sexual organs at all for at least five years. She did however, know how to say all the right things.

Sammy's phone buzzed in the dark silk robe he wore that flapped gently in the Irish summer breeze.

"Shut up a minute please sweetheart. Got some business here."

He put the phone to his ear and continued thrusting. Vagina turned her head back to look over the rolling hills of the Wickford Way.


"Have some info for you boss."

"Get to the bleeding point Reilly, I'm busy here."

"He's got a daughter. Name is Megan."

"Lovely, good work. I love it when they have kids. How old is she then?"


"Pity. Where is she anyway?"

"Lives with her mother in Avoca."

"Is that so? Mummy and daughter together. Very sweet. What's the address then?"

"Working on that."

"For fuck's sake."

"Sorry boss."

"Don't apologize Paddy, just get the bleedin' address."

"Of course, yeah."

"Oh yeah and Reilly? How old is your daughter then?"

The line went dead.

"Ha, ha. Paddies." He slipped his phone back into his pocket. "Jesus, Vagina, how many times I told you, don't bite the  thing off, init!"

"Sorry boss, force of habit, you know? And you so big."
