The flight landed safely at Mumbai Airport. Everyone was unhappy and angry, except Amaya.
Amaya has studied the 90/10 principle of management by Stephen Covey. She always practiced that principle in crucial situation.
According to the 90/10 principle, whatever happens to us has two parts. First part is an event part which is external part, on which we have no control. It has only 10 percentage impact on our life.
The second part of the event is very vital. That forms 90 % and would decide the impact of such event on our life. That part is our reaction to that event. This is purely internal part. We have full control over this 90 %, i.e. reaction to the event. It is our choice how to react on such events. If we take some pause before reacting, we can control our reaction.
If we keep our mind cool and accept the things as it is, we could react normally and would lead to positive outcome of the event.
Amaya recalled the said principle and kept cool and calm. She accepted the fact that the flight was landed at Mumbai airport and she has to wait till the things go in right directions. She has no control over it. She had to react on such a situation very cool so the result of the situation would not be worst. She smiled.
Unlike other passengers, she started to indulge herself on the new place, people and moments. Very soon she was in comfort. She observed the Mumbai Airport, visited various shops and gathered many new things. She was delighted. She thanked God for giving her an opportunity to step on the land of India.
She always dreamed to see India as the land of Budhdha. The fault in aircraft gave her a chance to touch the land of Budhdha. She closed her eyes and bow to that land. A positive vibration touched her body and she felt divine. She took deep breath and sat in Padmasana. She remained in meditation for a long.
The time was running out and after four hours, still there was no news from the airlines. The passengers were loosing their patience. But, Amaya was undisturbed. She was stable and happy.
After 5 hours, it was announced that the flight was not in a condition to fly and the passengers had to wait until it get repaired or alternative arrangements made.
The airlines transferred all the passengers to the Hotel and made all arrangements for their transit visa and comfortable stay.
All were settled at the Hotel Sea Mount. They took their dinner, enjoyed the hospitality of the Indian Hotel and rested in their respective rooms.
Until that moment, Amaya was calm and cool and was following the 90/10 principle and hence reacted very gently to the new situation.
Suddenly, she lost all wisdom she gained through the said principle.
She was not disturbed. She tried to do something but couldn’t decide as she was not sure what she wanted to do. She gave a rough glance to the room. She turned off the A/C of the room. She moved to the window, slid the curtain and opened the window.
A fresh air filled the room as well as her breathe. She liked it. The air was cool. It was naturally cool and hence sweeter than the air of A/C.
She looked outside window. The window was approaching the road. The road was silent. The road was lonely. A solitude was prevailing there. The silence and solitude attracted her.
Her ears caught some voice. She concentrated on that voice. She tried to identify that voice. She did it. It was a voice of sea. It was the voice of the waves of the sea. Amaya gathered that her hotel is on the sea shore. The sea was around. She always like to be on sea shore. It was her favorite place to hang out.
Her cell’s screen lighted up. She received a message on her cell phone. She gazed at it with no interest. She just opened it. It was from one of her friend greeted her on her 23rd birthday. She, at once, realized that she has to enjoy her birthday. She checked the time, it was 2.11 am.
I must celebrate my birthday. It is a strange but pleasure to celebrate the birthday at totally unknown place. This is the first birthday out of Japan. So it’s beautiful to make it most memorable birthday. Let the new experience knock the door.
She was born on this day 22 years back. As always told by her dad, she was born in the night at 2.43 am and it was a rainy night. So they named her Amaya- which has meaning night rain. When she was 3 years old, she asked her mummy about the meaning of her name and at that time, dad explained her.
Mom and Dad, she missed both. It was her first birthday out of Japan, without her mom, dad and friends. She was totally alone, was in total solitude. Some tears encroached her eyes and reached and rested on her cheeks. She saw her face in the mirror, rubbed her fingers on the cheeks and cleared the tears. Still the cheeks were wet.
Amaya looked outside window, again. She looked at the sky to thank the God for her birthday.
"Let me celebrate my birthday." She talked herself, looking at the sky.
She found full moon in the sky. It was bright. The moonbeam was so strong that the whole sky was glittering. She liked it.
Her mind ordered her to move out of the hotel and rush to the sea. She followed it. She changed her dress. She was in thin transparent orange colored top and pink skirt. She grabbed her mobile and flute.
While she was passing through reception counter, Varsha caught her. She followed Amaya, ”Amaya, do you want to move out of the hotel?”
“I caught some voice of sea waves. I guess, the sea is very near. I want to walk on the sea shore.”
“Sure, it’s great idea. Our hotel is on marine drive. You can enjoy the company of sea. The most beautiful part of this area is Golden Necklace. This part is naturally shaped as necklace and the yellow lights on that is giving a beautiful look of golden necklace.”
“Oh, it’s interesting. I think I am on right place.”
“One more interesting part of tonight is a full moon night. The white sand with the moonbeam would give you pleasant experience. It would give you a silver look on the beach.
“So the great combination of Gold and Silver look at one place at the same time. I am lucky that I am on right place at right time.“
Yes, exactly. But…”
“What but…?”
“It’s too late and the roads are empty, sea shore too. It is …”
“Night is still young, were your words, right?”
“But, if you want to walk on sea shore, I suggest to take a cab. Let me call one cab for you. Our cab service is the best amongst all, and is complementary for all our guest within the city. You..”
“Thanks, Varsha. But I want to walk on the empty road. I want to meet the roads who is wearing the solitude. I would prefer to move alone.” Amaya replied and moved hurryly outside the hotel.