The Author by T. J. Blake - HTML preview

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Killing For Your Love

Chapter 20

 I walk into the morgue to see the tall ebony man I found out his name is Don.

 Don is helping me out, every time a woman of Lizzie’s description comes in here, he tells me and I see if it’s her.

I know what Don is doing is wrong, I shouldn’t be allowed to look at these bodies, but for the mean time he’s letting me. He knows if he stops I’ll make the authorities aware of this operation, and the additional felony’s he commits outside of work.

 Don is a dodgy man; he helps criminals cover up the wrongs they’ve committed. He’s the man to call if a body needs to be hidden, and stay hidden.  He can dispose of all the evidence involved in a murder.

 I know this because he told me and I saw him do it once. He has saved many people by doing it, preventing them being from being found out…

“So you have someone for me?” I ask Don.

 “Yes.” Don says looking to my feet.

 “What’s wrong?” I ask

 “We need to stop this. I can’t do this anymore, it’s too risky.”

 “Stop? No we aren’t stopping.” I tell him. “Let’s go.”

 “I can’t do it anymore, sorry.” Don says as he turns around to walk away.

 “What the fuck are you going on about? We are doing this right here right now, let me see her.”

 “No.” Don says as he walks away.

 “Don, I’m warning you. Get back here right now. Show me the body or I’ll reveal all your little secrets.”

 “Do it then.” He replies to me.

 “Oh I will. I’ll kill your wife and seven year old boy whilst I’m at it. Mariah and little Dwayne.”

 Don paused and turned back to me. He clenches his fists and walks towards me.

 “Don’t even think about it Don.” I tell him. “Show me the girl.”

 Don unclenches his fist.

 “This way.” He says.

 I walk through the green double doors and enter a cold-room. The walls are white, as is the ceiling; the floor is a light blue. I see my breath in the cold atmosphere and the heat of Don’s head steams up into the freezing air.

 I look around me. The layout is similar to a hospital ward with eight beds: four beds against the wall on either side.

They all have green covers over the bed, covering the bodies.

 Don walks to the last one against the right wall and looks to the folder attached to the end of the bed.

 “Here she is.” he whispers.

 Don lifts off the cover to reveal a blonde woman.

 I look to the eyelids of this woman. Her cheek is swollen and purple. Her neck still has finger marks across it. Her breasts and skin on her chest are nonexistent. It’s as if they’ve been ripped off.

 I look further down to see her stomach that has been pierced multiple times.

 “This isn’t Lizzie.” I say.

 “Are you sure?”

 “Yes. That isn’t her.” I say staring in disbelief at this woman’s body.

 Don covers her over and walks past me.

 “So do you know who’s doing this to these women?” I ask.

 “It isn’t anyone I know, they would have called me if it was. But they must be angry. They obviously want revenge, I reckon they’ve lost something, someone and don’t know how to get it back. Their anger has built up and they are now taking it out on a specific target and type and anyone who stands in their way will be killed. These murders are pure evil.”

 Don sounds a little too confident about the reasons behind the murders.

 “Does it scare you that you don’t know who it is?”

 “I’m not scared of a lone killer. If I had the chance of facing this person, I would kill him myself to stop the misery. Which makes me ask, this isn’t you is it?” Don stares at me and folds his thick arms.

 “Me? Why would I want to see these people if I committed the murders?” I say.

 “I don’t know, you tell me?”

 “Let me out Don.”

 Don grabs me by my jacket and pushes me against the wall.

 “If I find out it is you, I will kill you. Do you get me?”

 “Get the fuck off me.” I say whilst trying to prise his grip off of me.

 Don slowly lets go and stays standing in front of me looking down to me. He walks away and walks through the double doors. I follow.

 “What the hell was that about?” I ask him.

 “It was a warning to you.” He says.

 “Well it isn’t me, I’m just looking for my…”

 “Shush!” Don interrupts me.

 I look to the front door of the morgue to see flash lights shining onto the door. A figure looks inside shining his torch.

 “Hide.” Don whispers.

 “Where?” I ask.

 “Go into the morgue area with the bodies.”

 “I’m not g…”

 “Now!” He whispers.

 I walk back through the double doors and kneel down behind a bed.

 I listen intently as Don goes to the door and unlocks it.

 “Can I help you?” I hear Don ask.

 “Yes you can. Whose car is this parked outside?” The voice has an Irish accent.

 “Mine. Why?” Don replies.

 “We were wondering who was in here and why. What are you doing here?” the same man says.

 “This is my job, I work here. I come here occasionally at night when a body is transferred here.” Don replies.

 “What does your job consist of here?” an American accent replies.

 “It’s a morgue what do you think we do, host children’s parties?”

 I hear a moment’s silence.

 “We examine bodies that come in and hold them until they are identified.” Don sighs.

 “Right. So why are you here now?”

 “I’ve told you, I come here some nights to do some work and wait for any calls if there are any. I’m busy at the moment so would you mind leaving? Thank you and bye.” I hear Don slam the door and walk towards the morgue area I’m in.

 “Jesus Christ” I say, “Who was that.”

 “Police sniffing around. You need to leave but you can’t go yet.”

 “Why not?” I ask.

 “Because they’ll be watching. You can’t take the car, I have to. Trust me.” Don says.

 Well what else can I do? I have to trust him…

My dreams for once, were good. I dreamt of Sammy and Alex in our old house, our old garden; their old toys. Tanya and I were out in the garden with them. I was cooking up a barbecue whilst Tanya sat by me with a glass of ice cold Pimms in her hand.

 Currently in a doze, I continue to remember the old times.

 Looking around the garden, the oak tree at the end is full of life, its leaves are bright green and the sun shines through the branches. The hedges and lawn are cut to exact length, and the smell of freshly cut grass wafts through the air. The pond’s clear water boasts two coy carp that swim elegantly around the smooth, charcoal rocks. Their bright scales catch the light from the beaming sun.

 As I proudly look at my surroundings, I feel a slight nudge against my knee. I look down to see Sammy and Alex smiling up at me, revealing their little white stubs for teeth.

 I look into their eyes and tell them I love them. They giggle and run off. 

As they disappear into the house, I turn to Tanya.

 “Hello darling.” I say.

 “Heya.” Tanya replies, smiling.

 I look at the twin shining planets of her eyes. I look to her smooth fair skin and stroke her cheek with the back of my fingers. As I do, her skin begins to peel away.

 “Tan, are you okay?”

 She stares back at me. Her eyes darken. Her skin peels to reveal the tender redness of her flesh. She barges past me, knocking me off balance and I fall onto the grass.

 The grass has changed from lush green to brown straw with patches of mud. I look around, the oak tree is burnt, the leaves are singed and the top of the tree is on fire.

 I look in the pond. The rocks are covered in blood and dead fish float on the surface. The once shining carp are brown and decaying.

 I look to the house which isn’t my old house anymore, but my new house. The windows are smashed and there is blood smeared over the bricks and windows.

 I run to the house and it explodes in flames, launching me back a few metres. I land on the mud awkwardly and sit up, staring at flaming ruin.

 The wind begins to howl around me. Rain hammers down onto the dead grass, splattering me with mud.

 The shed door opens and slams shut repeatedly.

 I push myself up off the ground and walk over to the shed warily. I reach out to the door; the heat from the house burns the side of my face. The shed door swings open, wafting a stench into my face, forcing me to gag. Sammy lies on the shed floor, her throat has been slit and blood covers her entire body.

 A low droning sound rings in my head. I can’t block it out. I put my hands over my ears to no effect. Inside the shed, I shout to Sammy. “Darling let’s go.” She doesn’t respond. “Sammy?”

 I feel her neck. No pulse.

 “Sammy, no!” I shout, my voice is muted. 

 I pick her up and lay her down on the dead grass. I stand up and look down to her body. Tears flooding down my face, I look to the house to see Alex standing at a window, crying and screaming, although I can’t hear him. The fire is uncontrollable as it flares up, the tiles on the roof collapse and fall into the house.

 I look back to Sammy whose eyes are now open. I look at her but I back away.

 I hear a voice fading in and out of my mind, saying my name repeatedly.

 “Ryan, Ryan, Ryan.”

 I look back at the house to see Tanya standing behind Alex, screaming.

 Someone is behind me, I can’t see them but I can feel their hair tickle my face, their chin rests on my shoulder and I hear them whisper: “Ryan.”

 I wake up and sit bolt upright. I jump out of bed and go to the window to look at my house over the road. It’s fine.

 Breathing heavily, I look back to the empty bed. Sandra must be downstairs.

 I open the door and walk out to the spiral staircase, to hear where she is. I hear faint music playing from the kitchen.

 I walk back into the bedroom and put on my trousers and shirt.

As I walk down the spiral stairs, Sandra appears wearing jeans and a tight fitted t-shirt.

 “Morning gorgeous.” I say to her.

 “Morning you.” Sandra says as she saunters towards me and kisses me. 

 “Good sleep?” I ask.

 “Oh yeah, you wore me out.” She says as she bites her bottom lip. “You didn’t have such a good sleep though, did you?”

 I look at her confused, “Y-y-yeah I did.”

 “Oh well you were really unsettled throughout the night.”

 “Oh sorry, did I keep you awake?”

 “No but I woke up a few times and you were talking in your sleep; I came back after going to the loo and you were really hot. It was odd.”

 “Yeah, I do keep having nightmares.”

 “Oh baby, what about?”

 “About my kids and the old house and that, that’s all.”

 “Oh right, well if you ever need someone talk to, I’m here for you.” Sandra says as she pulls me in for a hug.

 “Thanks.” I say.

 As we hug, the front door is knocked on. We both freeze.

 “I bet that’s Sam.” Sandra says.

 “What should we do?”

 “Could you just hide? Sorry baby.”

 “Yeah sure, I’ll hide out the back.”

 “Thanks.” Sandra leans in and kisses me on the lips.

  I go into the kitchen and try the back door, but it’s locked. Shit.

 I hear Sandra open the door and greet whoever it is with a kiss. “Hello darling.” It must be Sam.

 I look around the kitchen for a back door key, but there isn’t one.

 “What are you doing here so early?”

 “Mum, I told you I’d be coming round early to check up on you.”

 “Of course, sorry sweetheart. Do you want to come in for a quick coffee?”

 My heart sinks as I duck behind the sink. I can’t hide anywhere else; I can’t get out of the house. Hiding has made this look really bad. If he sees me, we’re in trouble.

 “Errrm. I could stay for a quick one.” Sam says.

 The answer I didn’t want. I stay hiding behind the sink, twiddling my sweaty thumbs.

 Sandra comes over to the sink and looks down to me. She looks over to Sam and back to me. She mouths out wide mouthed, ‘what are you doing?’ I look at her and mouth back pointing at the back door, ‘locked’.

 She stands above me pressing against me, filling the kettle up at the sink.

 “Coffee with two sugars?” She asks.

 “God no, just one sugar please.” Sam replies. His voice is muffled and distant, he must be sitting on the sofa facing away from the kitchen.

 Sandra puts the kettle on its stand, opens the drawer and pulls out a key. She looks down to me and rolls her eyes. She walks over to the door, unlocks it and opens it.

 “Bloody flies.” She says. “All the places to fly and they fly into my bloody house.”

 “They’re annoying aren’t they?” Sam half-heartedly replies.

 Sandra looks down to me and tilts her head back and forth towards the door. I return the head bang movement and grin. She looks down and keeps a straight face and walks away into the sitting room. I rise and look over the worktop and sink and see Sandra sitting opposite Sam facing my direction whilst Sam faces away from me. I stand up fully but as I do, Sam stands up.

 “What are you doing?” Sandra nervously asks.

 “Gonna wash my hands.”

 “Do it in the toilet, I have no soap in the kitchen.”

 “Oh right, okay,” he says. 

 I hear him creak up the spiral stairs.

 I hear small strides towards me. I stand up and see Sandra.

 “Leave now.” Sandra whispers.

 “That’s not very nice.” I say, smiling.

 I hear the tap upstairs turn on.

 “Seriously Ryan, go now,” she says.

 “Okay, see you later darling.” I say.


 “Where’s my kiss?” I ask.

 The tap upstairs turns off and I hear footsteps.

 Sandra leans across the sink and kisses me on the lips.

 “Bye, Ryan.” Sandra whispers.

 I walk calmly to the back door and around the side of the house.

 I hear the back door slam and I watch in through the windows. Sandra goes back to the sitting room and I see Sam coming down the stairs.

 I walk up to the front door and knock on the door.

 I hear voices and then Sandra opens the door, wide-eyed.

 “Oh… Ryan, Hi. Can I help you?” She says, frowning.

 “I saw Sam was here so I was wondering if I could ask him about something?”

 “Yeah I guess so. Sam?”

 “Hi Ryan” I hear Sam shout. “You going to come in?”

 “Yeah sure, if that’s okay with you Sandra?”

 “Yes you’re more than welcome.” 

I walk in and sit on the sofa next to Sam.

 “Alright?” Sam says as we shake hands.

 “I’m good thank you, yourself?”

 “Could be better. Work is shit at the moment. I just wanted to apologise to you for yesterday. Sometimes I just don’t know when to switch off from work, I assume everyone is a lunatic” He laughs. “So yeah, I’m really sorry.”

 “Seriously Sam don’t worry about it. I completely understand; I know what it’s like to lose someone you love and let me tell you, it’s the worst pain you can ever go through. Pain to yourself doesn’t compare to losing someone you love.  It’s nice that you care so much for your mum, so seriously, don’t worry about it. But just to reiterate, I’m just here to look out for your mum whilst your dad’s away. You’ve got nothing to worry about”

 “Thanks Ryan, you’re absolutely right, thank you.”

 “No problem.”

 I look over to Sandra who smiles at me.

 “Would you like a drink?”

 “Oh no it’s a bit early for a drink.” I laugh.

 “I meant a tea or coffee.”

 “No thanks Sandy, I’ve just had one.” I smile at her as she rolls her eyes.

 “Sam, can I ask you something?” 

 “Sure, what’s wrong?” Sam says.

 “This may sound odd, but, what do you know about the man who lives in that wreck of a house at the end of the road here?”

 “He likes to keep himself to himself, but he’s always friendly towards me.”

 “You’ve spoken to him?”

 “Yeah. He’s actually a very intelligent man.”

 “Wow. Okay. I wasn’t expecting that.”

 “He’s experienced a lot throughout his life.  Why do you ask?”

 “Well, it’s just.” I pause for a moment, wording what I’m about to say in my mind. “He really creeps me out.  I don’t know what his problem is, but it feels like he’s always watching me, keeping an eye on what I’m doing or where I’m going.   He never talks to me and he seems scared of me.”

 “Have you seen him follow you?”

 “I don’t see him but I feel eyes on me constantly. You know that feeling you get when you can sense someone staring at you? I have that all the time and it makes me feel so uncomfortable.”

 “Yeah, I know that feeling. The weird thing is he’s actually a very shy guy.”

 “What’s his name?” I ask.

 “He calls himself Shola.” Sandra says.

 “Shola?” I ask.

 “Yeah.” Sam says. “Shola Mcmorran.”

 “Is that his real name?” I ask.

 “I don’t think so, think he legally changed it. But I don’t know what his birth name is.”

 “Right so what’s the deal with him then? Why is he so weird?” I ask.

 “Shola doesn’t speak to anyone anymore, especially the police. We’ve pulled him in so many times, suspected him of crimes but he was always innocent.   Weird thing is he always knew exactly who had committed them. He’s a busybody, he knows how people act around others, and he can judge people really well. He would love to be a detective but because of his age, he can’t be.”

 “So did he help you with investigations?”

 “He didn’t just help, we would bring him in and then he would tell us who committed the crime, he was right every time.”

 “So what about these recent murders, does he know who it is?”

 “He wouldn’t say and we can’t accuse him of it.”

 “Why not?” I ask.

 “Because the last time we called him in was for paedophilia. He was accused by an unnamed witness. He knew who the witness was, he told us; it was his ex-wife. She moved back into this area and saw his house. She decided to falsely report him, saying he was at the park and he touched a child.”

 “Jesus.” I say in disbelief.

 “Yeah, she wasn’t ‘all there’. But ever since, he decided not to speak to the police, he doesn’t want to be questioned about anything else. So we can’t ask him. Shola however, is a clever man who had intelligent parents supposedly. A shocking story I heard, is that during World War 2, Shola and his family moved here and camped out in the only empty building in the area, the water closet.

The houses that are here now were about two or three homes per house on this road. There were people sleeping out on the ground and dying out in the cold overnight.  Conditions were poor, people were starving and homeless. It was Shola’s family’s only way to stay alive.  He’s lived there ever since he was a little boy. Anyway, Shola went on to become a scientist. I’m not sure what field he specialised in, but I know that he’s a very well educated man. Once he did that for a while, he became a specialised vet. He had all sorts of careers. He remarried and started a mini family with his lovely wife. She had a child but she didn’t know who the father was, so paternity tests were done. Turned out Shola was the father. I’ve never seen him that happy before, he became so friendly, he’d say hello to neighbours, walk around the area and everything. She even moved into the shack with him, he was granted permission from the council to extend it.”

 “So what happened to his wife?” I ask.

 “She was murdered.” Sandra said.

 “Yeah she was killed. That was the one time that Shola didn’t know who did it. We asked him and he didn’t know. This of course raised suspicion but we all knew it wasn’t him. That is what fucked him up. His wife and her child were killed in his home right under his nose. He was in the garden at the time, supposedly.”

 “How long ago was this?”

 “Well must be a good five to six years ago. It was tragic. I’ve never seen a man go from feeling like the luckiest man alive to being so depressed.”

 “I had no idea.” I say.

 “No one ever does. He is constantly watching on Mulberry Lane. Why? I don’t know, maybe he wants to stop violence, maybe he wants to find the man who killed his wife and child. But that day will never come.”

 All three of us sit in silence, we must surely all be feeling sorry for Shola, I had no idea. I can really sympathise with him.

 “So he probably isn’t following me then? He’s probably just looking out because he’s paranoid.”

 Sam drinks coffee and nods. He eventually says: “Exactly, don’t take it personally.”

 Sam’s phone rings.

 “Work?” Sandra asks.

 “Well who else would it be Mum?” Sam asks.

 He pauses as he looks at his phone.

 “I’ve got to go.”

 “What’s up?” Sandra asks.

 “I’ve been called to the office to do some work; some of the officers have got suspects and witnesses for the recent murders. I’ll see you soon Mum.” Sam says as he gives her a quick hug. “See you soon, Ryan.” Sam then looks to me and nods.

 I return the nod. “See you soon mate.”

 Sam walks out and slams the door behind him.

 Sandra looks at me and sighs.

 “That was a close one,” she says.

 “Was a bit wasn’t it?” I laugh and go over to her.

 “Ryan, I need to ask you a favour.”

 “Okay, what’s wrong?”

 “All this talk about death...a couple of my friends were killed in their home a while ago.  I haven’t had time to go over to the house and properly say my goodbyes.” Sandra wells up.

“It was their wedding anniversary; someone broke in through the back door and they were murdered. I just want to go and see the house. I need to sit outside and say goodbye to two of my dearest friends. Would you please come with me?”

 “Of course I will darling.” I reply.

 “We can walk there; well obviously we have to because Simon has the car.”

 “Sure, we’ll go there now.”

 Sandra smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

 “Thank you,” she whispers then she goes to gather her things together.